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DG People > LoL People

JaY_BuDi's mass friend request

By on December 28, 2009 8:37:36 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Hello Demigods!

Recently, I have started to play league of legends to fill my time during the terribly frustrating wait for DA and Occulus. Speaking as an old veteran of Demigod, fondly looking back to the days when erebus' bite did 900 damage and Heart of Life only cost 4000 gold, I've begun to notice a few things. Demigod players are of a far better quality than those of League of Legends. It's not to say that LoL players are rude and nasty, that's not the case; they are quite fun and polite for the most part. The difference, in fact, lies within the games themselves. Demigod players have depth of character and a sense of kinship with eachother; something that could only be built out of having to wait 25 minutes in a lobby chatting before you start a game. In League of Legends, there is for the most part only matchmaking. You get 1 minute 30 seconds to talk with your team, who most often say nothing, then its off into a battle too fast paced to hold any real conversations. As my friend NinkiCZ would put it, "Where's all the bonding time?"

Carrying on with the intention of my post, I'd like to invite any of my fellow DG players, who also play LoL, to add me (JaYBuDi) to their friends list. I've met some truely awesome people playing this game, but they dont seem to exist anywhere else. There's something about suffering through the adversity of invalid game-states and Unhandled Exeptions that brings people closer together. And hopefully there are enough of you to set up some sweet premade 5v5sies!!!

Thanks for your time!


+5 Karma | 16 Replies
December 28, 2009 9:14:08 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Well said Jay

December 28, 2009 9:26:27 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

quite poetic. That said, I think that's the first time I've heard the community called "good".

December 28, 2009 9:31:20 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting abuggeredhedgie,
quite poetic. That said, I think that's the first time I've heard the community called "good".
Which community demigod or LoL?

December 28, 2009 9:32:39 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums


Edit: he didn't exactly protray LoL community as particularly awesome, and in fact implied it was inferior to Demigod's, so I thought my post could be assumed to referring to Demigod's.

December 28, 2009 9:42:48 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I have been in way worst communities than demigod. Well no one in demigod has wished for my death, and or failure of my greatest ambition.

December 28, 2009 9:44:48 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Dude, you should spend a day on the Aion forums, lol.

December 28, 2009 10:15:48 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Basicly LoL is ok. Matchmaking however is total fail. I usually learn basics of games very fast, and learn from mistakes very fast. In LoL going Solo Queue is like playing the lottery... you get matched with noobs vs premades or both. It's horrible and very frustrating. Don't bother unless you have a team. My W/L seems to even out around 50/50 which suggest that matchmaking effectivly is random... and in my opinion most loses are not primarily my fault but that of one or more totally incompetent players. This starts already at champion selection, where it is important to choose champions the work well together in laning. This mostly already fails because it firstly is non-trivial and secondly each player only has un-locked a certain group of champions or is capable of playing well only with a few. This screws LOL totally over in everything but top-premade ELO and thats very sad.

my nick is ntr0py (with a zero). im level 17 atm and play Ashe mostly. some twitch, yi and cho'gath and i'm saving for blitzcrank, because he is very potent in team engagements.

December 28, 2009 11:41:04 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

ntropy i disagree that their matchmaking is shiza.  the fact that you win around 50% is intentional and to me signals a great system by definition. 

tried to add you as friend in LoL and it said your nick , with a 0 isnt found. 


also jay check your thread quick, i posted this exact same post yesterday and today its been deleted.

December 29, 2009 2:01:00 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Thanks for the heads up thinkin thats u who added me earlier?...and ill add u too ntropy, that why i wanted to find some sensible guys to play avoid getting paired with some kid who wants to "test out"

December 29, 2009 3:35:17 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

You can always come back and bond some more 

There's always a spot warmed up for you. I will be waiting for your return.

December 29, 2009 4:48:46 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

We will be waiting.

December 29, 2009 10:18:04 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting lethstang,
ntropy i disagree that their matchmaking is shiza.  the fact that you win around 50% is intentional and to me signals a great system by definition.

it's kind of pointless to play a game wherem you have little influence on the outcome. the same thing applies to demigod. players i don't know are often a liability and my permormance won't matter if they just feed the enemy or are incapable of teamplay (things such as teleganks and understanding of game concepts such as map control). i have my bad games too, everybody does... but generaly i do very well with a team of smart players.

December 29, 2009 1:52:27 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

"ntropy i disagree that their matchmaking is shiza.  the fact that you win around 50% is intentional and to me signals a great system by definition."


no, statistically speaking that could just mean the matchmaking process is completely random.

December 30, 2009 3:16:08 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I've been playing LoL for almost a week now, and although I'm still not that great at it, I have noticed a few nice things:


I haven't had a single issue with any players lagging up the game.

I haven't had to wait forever to get a game started.

All of the games I've played have been 5v5s.

The quantity of champions and items is *awesome*.

I have not had a single unhandled exception error, desync, menu lock up, or lobby crash forcing me to bring up task manager and close the League of Legends process.


The kicker is that they were able to do all of this while making the game available to everyone free of charge.  I'll be happy to pay to unlock additional content ($20 got me Blitzcrank, Fiddlesticks, Shaco, and a couple others from some Riot points I earned) to support their efforts, because the game is everything I hoped Demigod would be.  I wish the graphics would be as awesome as DG's, but each game has its own strengths and weaknesses.


As far as the people go, yeah, I haven't met too many that I want to add to my friends list.  I have met a few that deserve a good cockpunching, though.  I think every game has those, too.


I think I might just play Demigod when the LoL servers come down for maintenance.

December 30, 2009 3:18:35 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

No shitler(really shitler?) that would imply that he is a perfectly average player.

December 30, 2009 7:16:22 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

If its basically the same as Dota and demigod than I won't be playing it because in the end I'll more than likely end up not playing either. Hell from what I hear about the community of Lol and dota; I'll probably be losing on purpose just to piss some assholes off.

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