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[Mod] Favormod - Revision - V2.3.3

By on December 23, 2009 7:54:59 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums



Favormod offers over 60 new items (including 15 new summon-ables - Towers and Units), both achievement and standard shop items. All achievement( favor) items are each only 1 point to make it accessible to all. And all new units have been re-skinned. Several set items with unique effects have also been added. All items have their own unique icon and several new casting, buff and spell effects have been added.

Favormod also offers a wide range of abilities that are not available in vanilla Demigod. For more information pls watch the video at the bottom of this Post. 

For instructions on how to install mods see here:


[Mod] Favormod - Revision - V2.3.3 - Yet More Bugfixes


NOTE: it it highly RECOMMENDED that you use FAVORMOD with both Uberfix AND Enhanced AI -- these are all packaged in the auto installer below.

Or you can install Pacovs Community Mod Pack (includes this version of favormod) here - Self Installer:

RECOMMENDED DOWNLOAD - UPDATED daily, pls make sure version numbers match though.






EDIT: This video does not accurately reflect the current version of favormod, it is missing most of the skins, new effects and spells as well as about 15 items.


WATCH in 720p


FavorMod 2.0D Video:

+47 Karma | 632 Replies
December 15, 2010 7:43:56 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I cannot reproduce megashamblers error. Do they continue to ground spike? (this is likely the cause of the problem -- will add a make sure unit found to ground spike is not Dead check). Also note that i could have been a corrupt file. Will also increase their AA damage to meet that of yetis. Also might look at damage/ armor debuff scaling.


After talks with Zex on vent it was established that a couple of the sets could be reduced in price: 

Despair Set:


This cannot be reduced in price as currently their is only 1 new item in this set : Ring of despair. IMO this is one of the most powerful of the new items and i think that the cost of 2800 is a bargain basement price for its effects. Even if your not going for a set this item is VERY useful. Note that all mana drain effects caused by this item will give you back the SAME amount of mana, mana drain will also proc on ANYTHING you auto attack so you can regain mana back by attacking creep waves etc.


Ancients set:

Note the design around this item was for favoritem to be Mards Hammer (40 weapon damage and 5% attack speed) or lifesource katana (8% lifesteal 350 health, 350 armor).

Girdle of Ancients will be reduced in cost to 1900 (from 3200). This should make this set more early game focused.


Assassin Set:

Assassin Grips:

This cost of these will be reduced to 800 to reflect its low level buffs.

Assassin s Embodiment: price reduction to 1800 to make it competitive with hauberk of life.


Vengence Set: 

I cant reduce the price of these items much further, they both are already Sub 1000. If you want i can buff these items a bit more? If so what buffs would you like?


Also note:


I am getting alot of feedback on how my items seem not to have health on them.  I would just like to make a statement on this:


Health stacking still remains the most effective method of playing demigod. The concept of my mod is to diversify item selection away from this central strong point to give individuals more say over their builds, yet remain competitive. Also by taking the focus away from health stacking, it should provide a more unique experience from match to match, and remove some of the grind of facing the same 3-4  demigods each match (there are very powerful item combinations that make each demigod more significantly more powerful/diversified/useful)





December 15, 2010 8:16:19 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

you make a new release?  Just checking.

December 15, 2010 8:22:26 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

yere very soon, just making the changes now, i like to throw up what i am about to do so if anyone is quick enough and dont like my changes they can save me some time


Also changed mega ent groundspike animation to better reflect the range of its ability (was WAY too big before). now the size of the ring will also be the size of the damage range etc.

Also adding another ability to mega ent: they are now SPIKEY: 30 damage return on hit.

Also decreased their footprint (they will now make it through smaller gaps and they can ignore mobile units). Increased base damage by 18 and attack speed by 0.05


MegaEnt Groundspike Aura timer also decreased from 10 --> 8 

MegaEnt Groundpike Damage now  scales at a rate of 

DamageAmt = hero:GetLevel() * 40 + 17

December 15, 2010 9:12:55 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

UPDATE 2.1.5

December 15, 2010 9:40:40 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Some new ideas for items:

PLS PLS give feedback


1. Ignorance:


Next time target uses a spell/consumable/ability etc, they are silenced for 3-->5 seconds FOLLOWING the casting of that spell.


2. Iron Mask:

Shop Helm: Cost 3200

While wearing Iron Mask, 2% of armor will be converted to damage 

ie if you had 3000 armor you would deal an extra 60 damage per hit.

Armor 500

Attack Speed 12%


3. Panic Stricken Gauntlet's

Item: gloves. Cost 2600

For each 3% health missing, attack speed in increased by 1% (would give you a total of 32% if you were at 3% health).

Item proc chance: 12% -- slow (12%) unit for 5 seconds


4. Oozing Armor: cost 3200

12% chance of striking all nearby units for 400 damage on weapon proc

Leaves an ooze trail behind the demigod which will slow (15%, duration 3) and drain mana (3%) for each second  enemy unit is on the ooze trail.


From Split-Shadow: Favoritem

5. Gravity Well

Speeds up the passage of time in the area where it is placed. Lasts for 30 seconds, has a 55 second cooldown.
All regeneration, move speed, damage over time abilities, attack speed, and cooldowns are increased for all nearby Demigods.


6.General Diversion:

Favoritem: Cost 550 mana

For 7 seconds, all damage to demigod is reduced to 0. This damage is reduced by 50% and dealt to each minion the general owns instead. Effect is cancelled when general has no 0more minions remaining.


7. Time Rift:

Favoritem: Cost 550 mana

Places a protective buff on friendly unit for 7 seconds. If that unit takes lethal damage then they take no damage and are transported back in time, healed for 20% of their maximum health instead.


8. Shadow Walk: 

FavorItem: Cost 400 Mana.

Demigod Passes through all units in flight path (will use code from batswarm), and will be healed 3% Health and Mana, for each unit it passes through. After Casting demigod will immediately return to their original position.


9. Time Bomb:

Wand: cost 2200

Range - 75 Same as snipe.

Cooldown 30

ManaCost: 300

On Use: Places a timebomb at given location (snipe animation, places a ward on the ground at given location that can be destroyed). This will detonate 4 seconds after being placed dealing 550 damage to all units in radius 14.


10. Alchemist:


Enemies in radius 13 cannot use consumables.

7% Movement Speed

20% bonus health whenever you receive a heal (ie potion/sedna's heals/monks etc) 


11. Vampiric Mits


Activate-able (similar to ooze): Each time demigod attacks they lose 1% health, however, each time the successfully land a hit, they will have their maximum health increased by 3.


12. Illusion Field

Boots: Cost 950

For every 1% movement speed you have (above 0) you gain 0.5% evasion.


13.  Fail Safe:

Consumable: Cost 400

ALL demigods in range 25 are teleported to their nearest friendly structure, (not flags) and interrupted


14. Eviction:

Consumable: Cost 450 

Range 15.

Cast time 1.2

Enemy demigod is teleported to their health crystal.


15. Broth of Battle:

Consumable: Cost 380

All cooldowns are reset


16. Spotlight


After being hit (weapon Proc 100%), demigods will no longer be able to hide in the fog of war.


17. Team Player


For every demigod allied demigod in Range 12 you will gain +35% health regen and +35% Mana Regen. Enemy Demigods in range will provide double this bonus.


18. Gargantuan Greaves

Boots: Cost 4800

Enemy demigods that strike demigod with Gargantuan Greaves (armor proc 100%) will have their damage reduced by 5%, movement speed reduced by 2% and armor reduced by 3% for 5 seconds. This will stack.

600 Max Health

800 Mana


19. Starlight


Enemies that strike demigod with starlight will have all cooldowns increased by 5% for 5 seconds (stacks). Additionally, ranged units that strike demigod with starlight will have their range reduced by 50% for 4 seconds (buff replaces itself).

300 Health

300 Armor

December 15, 2010 10:28:56 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

cool... will add 2.1.5 n post when uploaded


December 15, 2010 10:54:43 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Ok Item ideas thread has been created here:


December 15, 2010 11:05:23 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Updated 12/15/2010 - Added favormod 2.1.5 to pacov's combined install package (all mods current as of 11:05PM EST).

December 15, 2010 11:06:02 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums


December 15, 2010 11:08:41 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

side note... noticed that anyone that doesn't have program files (x86) folder cannot use my combined exe without copying data.  Works fine for most users, but not all... I'll look into creating a better exe later. 

December 17, 2010 5:31:42 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

1. Ignorance:


Next time target uses a spell/consumable/ability etc, they are silenced for 3-->5 seconds FOLLOWING the casting of that spell.

i like

12% chance of striking all nearby units for 400 damage on weapon proc

Leaves an ooze trail behind the demigod which will slow (15%, duration 3) and drain mana (3%) for each second enemy unit is on the ooze trail.

waaayyy too op.

Favoritem: Cost 550 mana

Places a protective buff on friendly unit for 7 seconds. If that unit takes lethal damage then they take no damage and are transported back in time, healed for 20% of their maximum health instead.

I like the concept of the time rift.  I'm thinking of something a little different.  How about an item that warps you back to the closest controlled crystal.  It would be a somewhat expensive consumable and say, only work for 20 seconds (eg someone casts, then if the dg's hp goes under 10% he's more of less shielded and automatically ports to the cystal). 

Another idea - noob saver - same concept - probably tweaked a bit.  friendly dg casts to warp a dg out of harms way. 

December 17, 2010 5:35:28 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

give the item that is more or less counter healing some other sort of buff.  Not sure what would be best... maybe something related to healing.  As it stands, its somewhat useless.

edit - tooltip is off on the blood soaked wand... mana is at like 500 or so now and the tip shows 1k.

December 19, 2010 4:57:52 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

hey guys,


Just letting you know i have burnt out a bit (like mithy lol). I am still following this (and all my threads) every day, so any posts will be noted but i prbly wont get around to doing much until i can get some enthusiasm back lol. -- > maybe a week or 2



Cheers .



December 19, 2010 11:33:06 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

No worries... life seems to speed up around Christmas time for the vast majority of us with way too much going on.  Pretty easy to get burnt out.  Anyway, thanks for all the hard work and hope you have a relaxing/restful Christmas, etc. 

December 19, 2010 4:45:38 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting OMG_pacov,
No worries... life seems to speed up around Christmas time for the vast majority of us with way too much going on.  Pretty easy to get burnt out.  Anyway, thanks for all the hard work and hope you have a relaxing/restful Christmas, etc. 

I have had less time to look at favor mod as well but I will be digging into it again once the christmas season is past.

January 2, 2011 9:24:28 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

any thing need changing guys?


Hit another 100 downloads over christmas (just my zip) file -- not including pacovs combined mod, so ty all!


Will look at doing some more work on this some time in the next week.



January 3, 2011 12:57:14 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Hit another 100 downloads over christmas (just my zip) file -- not including pacovs combined mod, so ty all!

combined mod gets downloaded like crazy, btw.  >100.

January 12, 2011 8:12:31 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Wow, now at 143 downloads for this version, so thats 250+ total lol. 


There must have been quite a few games going on over christmas . Any feedback? Everything/Anything is helpful and as i dont get to play online much anymore; read never; i only have ai to balance against (but i dont even get many of those in lately).


Havent had time to do much on this, but as the area is flooded out atm (i live in brisbane, AU), looks like i have a couple of nights to work on it.





January 12, 2011 9:47:37 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Changelog for 2.2.1 (not yet released -- may be released at end of week/next week


Ok added ignorance: Next time target uses a spell/consumable/ability etc, all demigods in radius 3 will be silenced for 4 seconds following the casting of that spell. also does 100 damage to all units in that radius


Arcane Mastery reduced from 2x damage to 1.5x



Counter Heal (ie cant be healed by smaller units in this radius (or shielded by Crystal Monks).

25 minion weapon damage


Fixed: Bloodsoaked wand tooltip


Added Vampiric Mits: -1%  Max Health on weapon strike

+5 Max Health on Weapon Strike

+7% attack speed


Teamplayer Added (favoritem)

For every enemy demigod in range 12 you will gain 25% health and mana regen. You will gain double this bonus for each allied demigod in range

January 13, 2011 4:47:31 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

wb, ex!  I've been somewhat swamped with work lately, so I'm a wee bit less active.  I'm fresh out of useful ideas atm, but will be happy to test and update the mod thread, etc whenever you put out a new release.  Thanks!

January 13, 2011 8:40:14 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

cheers pacov,


I have been trying to add an item each day, so that we have some more content to play with.


TBH i cant actually believe how popular this has become (i had assumed that the fanbase for demigod was <100 strong) however, the mod is now up past 150 downloads and is now getting about 5 per day (IMO thats amazing).


The next version will be released when i get round to it, but i am looking at making it a rather large update over the current version (not incremental) so that the next couple of versions can be fixes etc.


Hope all goes well with you at work and i really appreciate you help/feedback/input.


January 21, 2011 5:43:49 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Ill see if I can get a bunch of people on vent to play this sometime in the near future.

January 21, 2011 5:48:17 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

So just to check, you want some additional testing on this version, correct?

January 22, 2011 5:54:18 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Hi all,


I am still around, and still writing this ( i have some new stuff i havent posted up yet). Mostly been keeping quiet tho due to other stuff (start of the year is always busy, and since being unemployed for the last 5 months - finished my uni degree only to find there was no work in the industry -- i spend alot of my time applying for jobs ,  and with the floods that have been going on here in brisbane, it has been a bit hard to get much done)


So just to check, you want some additional testing on this version, correct?


Any feedback would be great, although i think that the current version cant be too bad as i have nearly hit 250 downloads and am yet to have any negative feedback. Every bit helps though and it is all appreciated.


I might get stuck into this today and see if i can get a new version out for everyone for mid next week.


Also i have been spending a bit of time playing League of Legends of late and have found a number of items/skills that i think would be interesting imports into demigod (with a few adaptive changes of course).


Also all ideas are welcome -- i tend to put these changes/ideas ahead of my own as community requests are always interesting




January 22, 2011 9:54:58 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Ok i have completely finished off the following items (including tooltips and icons) so they are now ready to go. (pls comment if you feel they need changing).

I have not done much balance work on these as of yet (however i doubt they will be too OP)


Vampiric Mits: -1%  Max Health on weapon strike

+5 Max Health on Weapon Strike

+7% attack speed


Teamplayer Added (favoritem)

For every enemy demigod in range 12 you will gain 25% health and mana regen. You will gain double this bonus for each allied demigod in range


Ignorance: Next time target uses a spell/consumable/ability etc, all demigods in radius 3 will be silenced for 4 seconds following the casting of that spell. also does 100 damage to all units in that radius



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