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Really sick of waiting on pantheon games

By on November 24, 2009 11:47:06 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

If anyone else out there has been wathcing opengames.asp, they will most likely have seen something like this over and over and over again:

Pantheon Queue

Rest of the World Forces of Darkness MAIN.1.20.0211 4

The problem is that this is actually one of the better moments. I've routinely seen 8-0, 9-1, etc.

What really worries me about this is that the system used to resolve this by adding AIs to the matches. Some people might quit when they encountered AIs, but a fair amount seemed to play them out, which would thin out the side with too many queueing. That worries me becuase I'm afraid SD will see the trend and go back to it rather than just allowing dark players (and light) to fight each other.


Can we please get some real games going? With the Demon Assassin out it's gotten worse, but it's been ridiculously difficult to get a game going as dark since Friday for some reason.

+37 Karma | 27 Replies
November 24, 2009 10:45:41 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

How about.

You pick a charachter. And all the favour points you earn in a match go towards that character.

And whichever of the characters accrue a certain amount of favour points (with a much larger favour bonus solely for winning) first wins.

And whichever repeatedly don't get enough favour points/wins, can be buffed/altered/fixed.


So it uses the skimish matchmaking, but the pantheon-based scoring?

November 24, 2009 11:09:01 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

And whichever repeatedly don't get enough favour points/wins, can be buffed/altered/fixed.
I think those kinds of figures should be a tool to help balance but certainly not the primary justification for changes.

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