Thank you Frogboy.
Many players old, new and the hardcore are really anxious for this patch.
The points you describe above are really wise descissions.
They also show that it DOES matter what thecommunity thinks
and you (GPG/Startdock) do SUPPORT the community and the game.
Even looking more foreward to the patch now .
Wonderfull news!
Indeed. SD/GPG really listen to the community, and that is absolutely brilliant! 
I did some whining these past days, about HoB, the new favor items etc etc. But you guys probably have the best support!
Never have i seen such understanding, and listening to the gamers voice, from a publisher.
1. We have removed the new favor items based on player feedback. Going forward, the effort will be to make the existing favor items more equally powerful but in different ways.
2. Horn of Battle has been changed to provide 50 health per second to minions for 20 seconds.
Totally agree with all changes, awesome patch, hope you release it real soon, great support, and stats reset also good job!