Quoting Wagnard, reply 19Sadly yes the netcode is horrible.... not good with high latency and or slow bandwith.
This type of game could have worked with those problematic bandwith and League of legend is the proof. I mostly never lag. Only happen if Riot server have a problem (mostly never happen compared to DG).
I'll be nice, and just remind you that Demigod uses a Peer 2 Peer connection system, while LoL and HoN use a Client/Server connection system. Demigod can only run as fast as the slowest computer and internet connection in the game, while LoL and HoN run as fast as the sever allows. Demigod's Netcode is fine and doesn't create any of the latency problems you're experiencing, it's the people in the game.
Quoting morpheas768, reply 8oh yeah.... so the game is perfect in every way right ZehDon?
Hardly; a Team orientated game that launched with no Team Features? A community focused game that launched with no Replays? Pathing that sends my Minions to my enemies via the neartest third world nation? The game has other issues and bugs/quirks, but all games do. None of them are close to being as bad as the morons on the forums like to pretend they are with perhaps the exception of the TB Fire AA one - but that's poor game design rather than a glitch - and frankly I'm sick of hearing "ZOMG HON LOL IS DA BETTAH GAME, ROFLCOPTER, DEMIGOD IS FAILZ, ACCOUNT CANCELLED" bullshit threads.
If you don't like Demigod, don't play it. Nothing mentioned so far in this thread is new, and all of it has been acknowledged.
You arent telling us anything new buddy.
Frankly if i started listing the game's problems and bugs now i would fill 2 pages alone.
But let me tell you about 2 of them (the most critical);
1. The infamous Invalid Gamestate Error exploit/desync
and 2. the never ending connectivity window where 2 ppl DC from each other and they need to drop in order for the game to resume.
i have seen many of your posts Zehdon in the forums and you almost make me think that you are somebody from Stardock/GPG telling us that everything is alright. What makes you the Demigod problems expert?
Your 49 online games?
If somebody doesnt play much online how can it be possible to see many connection problems? For example the invalid error, lets say it is a matter of luck, (assuming that it isnt somebody who simply hacks the game which most of the times that is the case) somebody might get it even 3 times in a row, while someone else might get it 1 time in 30 games.
And you are Australian. I assume (correct me if i am wrong) that Aus has the smallest and most decent community from what i hear at least. No offence to anybody. So Aus players might never use the invalid error hack/exploit.
Now is the part where u tell me that i am 100% wrong, dellutional and that the game doesnt have any major issues....