It seems many people have trouble countering minion builds (ala LE). These are ways to kill minions, and not just ignore them. I have found a few ways (some of which are very obious) to try to counter minion builds. Basically anything that is good on grunts will work well with minions. In no particular order, and these are not nessisarily solo strats, but rather make it easier to kill them off.
1: UB: Ooze. Slows attack speeds, and does AOE damage, this with post mortum/ plauge seems to work well.
2: TB.. yes?
3: Reg: AF for aoe. Works good on minions but AA sucks VS competent demis. High level mine work great, as does tagging the general with MoB.
4: Rook: Hammer works wonders later, but personally Im a tower guy. I find that putting some points into god strengh and stats can really mow down minions with your stong aa that does splash.
5: LE: Minions to counter minions. (RoDM favor makes em throw smaller units). Batswarm and Mass Charm help also.
6: QOT: Her AOE damage is impressive. Ground spike deal dmg, and lower armor, and spike wave can be a good AOE also. As well her open from AA does splash. Theoretically Shamblers should also be a good counter, as they do damage to all in the path, but QOT minion build tends to not be the best overall.
7: OAK: I really dont play oak, but Surge of Faith and his own minions seem to be viable.
8: SED: I got nothing. Heal at late levels does AOE, but hardly any.
By no means a good stategy guide, but I hope it gives some people ideas on how to try and fight off minions/mass grunts.