To answer the post above about 'premades' and how hard it is to find games. I think the real problem is the players. People assume that high familiarity means that team will win.
My 'premade' group is with 4 friends (usually only 3 of us are on at a given time) and we have a horrible win percentage. I would actually venture that we've won 1 out of 10-15 games. Bottom line is that together we suck, individually we're not bad, but togehter I think creeps could kill us; but if people just quit because they see numbers that they think are high, that's going to lead to wasted time for everyone.
At the end of the day, I wouldn't change the overlay; the information is useful and if there are 2 players that have a 85%< win and a 80%< familiarity with over 300 games, I'm assuming I'm going to get my butt kicked. That's information I want to know, but people should stop quitting in the lobby when they see familiarity in the double digits... look at all 3 stats (win%, games played AND familiarity). If you're not happy with the numbers, ask for a reshuffle of the teams (Now that we have stats built in, it would be nice to have a button for this). Quitting in lobby without taking a real look at the numbers is not helpful for anyone.
[spreading rumour, I have no proof]
As to your comment about waiting for a long time for the game, I've heard that after a while the games don't show up in the browser anymore... it is worth opening a slot and closing one... or starting a new game to be put back on the browser
[/spreading rumour]
So, in summary:
1- Try and look at all numbers BEFORE you quit from the lobby
2- Ask to shuffle teams if you're uncomfortable (don't quit as your first response)
3- If you see a game with ThanatosESC, Hydrophoenix, Volo78, YavenX; yes we're on vent, yes we're a premade, yes we will lose. (but we'll have fun doing it