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Experience and Rankings reset

The good, bad and ugly.

By on September 22, 2009 3:41:05 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums


Join Date 03/2001

Hello Demigod Fans,

I have some news to deliver.  And depending on your point of view it could be either good or bad.

We have just uncovered a major flaw in our calculation of experience points.  And if you were not aware, it is the experience point system that drives Demigod's player rankings.  So it's good news that we unconvered the bug. But it's bad news that this means the current ranking stats are pretty much useless.

So because the current experience points are incorrect we have decided to reset everyones exererience points back to the starting value of 1000.  This will completely wipe out the current rankings.  And depending on where you were in the rankings, this could be good or bad.

We did explore the possibility of recalculating everyone's experience points but it would be a major undertaking in order to accomplish that and felt it would be just too ugly to do that.  But dont worry, your current Wins/Losses/FavorPoints, FavorItems and Achievements are still intact.  We are not resetting those. So that is Good.

Now everyone can race again to get to the top of the ladder, good luck and have fun playing.


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September 22, 2009 3:50:54 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I think this is good, if they are broken they are broken. Therefore they can't be counted "correctly".

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September 22, 2009 4:23:45 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

It was evident that there was an issue, thanks for taking the time to track it down and correct it!!


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September 22, 2009 7:57:15 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

What was the bug?

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September 22, 2009 7:57:28 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Nice, the experience rating was totally confusing, glad you found the bug!

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September 23, 2009 3:03:45 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Good to hear

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September 23, 2009 6:58:57 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Wonderful news!! Thanks!!!!

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September 23, 2009 7:07:32 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

so my rank increase from 23000 to 854. yay!

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September 23, 2009 11:59:47 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting StAcK3D_ActR,
so my rank increase from 23000 to 854. yay!



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September 23, 2009 12:04:10 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

well i've gone from 25,000 something or other to 101 so what ever you've done don't change it again

i'm guessing you're just counting exp from the 22 though as i had 3 win 0 losses last night. it's a bit confusing as i'm otherwise 50/50 win/loss.

isn't there a system to have stats recorded per epoch, isn't this epoch 3 and so couldn't we have a stats reset to be in tune with our new rankings? older stats being accessible under epoch 2...

keep favour though!!! bloody annoying losing all my beta then everything up until the last reset.

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September 23, 2009 12:59:37 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Oh, awesome, now my rank has dropped from ~400 to 32,400. Great, and people who are 20-21 are at rank 101, and I'm 226-54 @ 32K. EXCELLLLEEENNNNTTTTT.

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September 23, 2009 1:15:54 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

damn looks like msnt got REALLY shafted by the reset

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September 23, 2009 5:58:38 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting msnt,
Oh, awesome, now my rank has dropped from ~400 to 32,400. Great, and people who are 20-21 are at rank 101, and I'm 226-54 @ 32K. EXCELLLLEEENNNNTTTTT.

Good to see you're excited by the change and taking it well.


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September 23, 2009 6:59:24 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

does the ranking system now work as expected?

will there be future changes to the system? i really think that it is not a good idea to keep everyone - even if inactive or without a game - in the stats.

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September 23, 2009 8:05:47 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Can I make a request?


Periodic ladder resets, say every 3 months. Create "ladder seasons" At the end of each "season" (3 months) crown a DG ladder champion, reset ladder xp points, then do it all over again. Keeps the game fresh and encourages new players to keep trying.

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September 23, 2009 9:57:33 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I was stuck at 32,000. Now I'm in the top 1000. w00t! Experience was broken for me to begin with.

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September 24, 2009 5:46:16 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

for the record. no games played last night and i'm now dropped to 207.

little confused by msnt's score though as (assuming reset applies to the whole of the 22nd) he's played 7 lost 2 and 1 na. current rank 34,605.

that really doesn't seem to make sense.... early days i guess i'm sure it'll settle out.

any SD illumination?

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September 24, 2009 6:38:22 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

i was ranked 854 this morning. now tonite after 5 games, 3 losses (1 of them was pantheon connection screen bug) and 2 wins (1 was also pantheon connection screen bug) i am ranked 34416.

i changed in ranking that much because people who havent played at all since reset have the base 1000 experience, when i lost 6 experience.

so people who have not played at all since reset are now better than me in ranking.

imo the ELO system does not work, please find an accumulative ranking system so people who have not played at all(since reset) cannot be a higher ranking than a person who has actually played the game afew times.

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September 24, 2009 6:44:17 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

the easiest answer to that would be to not rank people who haven't play the game... sounds pretty obvious put like that.

maybe also not ranking people till they've played x games?

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September 24, 2009 8:03:47 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

maybe also not ranking people till they've played x games?


Yes.  This would solve the "problem" of people with records of 3 wins 0 losses being ranked higher than people with 250 wins, 50 losses.  I suggest a minimum of 20 games before ranking kicks in.

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September 24, 2009 8:24:09 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

as how i understood the system thsi cannot happen. the reason is that it is experience based what means that you gain exp with a win where the amount gained depends on the ratio between your team and the opponents team member avg.

so by playing more games you will gain more exp than one playing only a few. if you win 200 games and lose 100 you can only get lower ranked than one with 3:0 if you lose against very bad players.


so in practice this will not happen. don't confuse it with an ordinary win/loss ratio!


edit: so this odd rankings are only an issue as long nearly all players did'nt played many games.

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September 24, 2009 9:29:18 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

@ - Nucleaus Accumbens -

point of order.

that's a person 3W/0L ranked higher that a person with 4W/2L/1NA

given CelMare's point about points being weighted depending on the strength of opposing teams i think the stats are working fine.

the reason good players are being ranked so low is because they've fallen below the default 1000 and there's tons of players with that score at the moment. personally i don't think they should be counted.

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September 24, 2009 10:59:30 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

The system makes decent sense to me.  Its unfortunate that experienced playesrs can go below people who are inactive, etc, though... but it does makes sense based on the logic.  I'd love it if we had more understanding on how the system worked, though. 

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September 24, 2009 4:02:52 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Yes, it would be nice if there were a way to remove all inactive players from the list.  I think it would mean that someone who jumps back into the game would start at 1k..  so the first game would bring them either just over or just under 1000xp.

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September 24, 2009 4:13:32 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Looks like right now there are 633 active players above the mass of inactives and 952 after the mass.

Total of 1585 active players.

1 - 633
34,394 - 35,346

So instead of 34,632 I am realistically #871

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September 24, 2009 4:49:35 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

good decting skills Mauxe!

well that certainly says something, though i'll wait till after the weekend to see what.

hopefully people are just waiting for some time.

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