Ok, so I got my brother to buy demigod (with the coupon), problem is he cant connect to anybody in multiplayer (either a vista problem, or routing in his student housing). So I figure, lets install Demigod on my vista laptop here to see if it works, as I have full control over everything, now this is where the problems start.
First I run demigod on my own PC to check if its up to date, appereantly its not as I get the 'you need an update' popup. So I start Impulse, wait for it to detect the patch and click apply. For some magical reason my Demigod cannot be update according to impulse (I had just moved the installed dir to another disk, but the application was detected and verified by impulse np), so in the end I decide to just reinstall (as instructed by impulse) and start downloading 2gb of data (the joys of digital purchases). Anyways, 45 minutes later and Demigod works fine again (on my PC).
So then I figure, I'll just copy it down to the laptop and give it a whirl. First off Demigod refuses to start without validation credentials, so I enter all the information and away we go. But as soon as I hit multiplayer the shit starts hitting the fan. Appereantly there is a new update, which seems a bit unlikely as the title screen neatly reports my version as being 1.10.0164, the very same version that runs np at the same time on another PC. So then I figure, lets just install impulse and see wth is going on. According to impulse my Demigod version was 0.0 (uh what) but it verifies that Demigod is installed correctly. I then get the exact same error as I had before about not being able to update, the FUCK.
The real question is how the hell Demigod keeps thinking there is an update, when its completly up to date. Unless its 'secretly' storing logs somewhere that arent in the Demigod folders (as I simply copied the game directory).
In the end I just gave up as I can't be arsed to download another 2 GB.