There is also the old standby Add and Remove function that comes with Windows. Yeah everyone will say don't use that, find something else. I also have CCleaner.
Now a qustion for you, why would you have one partition of your HD with things you don't really want? Just delete them. I know, I had to ask.
My experience is if the software comes with an uninstaller, use it. I could be wrong but usually they are pretty good at getting every piece that is associated with the software.
I stll run a registry clean just to make sure that nothing is left over.
Can there still be things left, sure.
My experience is if the software comes with an uninstaller, use it. I could be wrong but usually they are pretty good at getting every piece that is associated with the software.
Revo uses the programs own uninstaller,then scans for leftovers.Some leave a little behind,some leave hundreds if not thousands of bits and peices behind. Add/Remove does no better.
Mumbles way is the best method, maybe something to look into after you get your rig cleaned out.
My advice,next time you want to try out software,use a friends computer.
Well it actually ended up this way because of my family
When I built the computer, I knew people would be rushing away from the old Pentium 4 with 1 gig of ram to use the 'new' computer, so I set a partition that -I- use, which I keep clean, and a partition that everyone else uses, which is maxed out with junk files that I'm going through deleting. Thanks for the advice everyone, I'll clean it out with REVO this time, then next time I'll probably just reformat the whole damned thing.