this idea is actualy inspired by someone a few days ago (can't remember their name or which thread it was in
so you'r the one who posted a similar idea few days ago let me know and i'll give u the inspiration credit) basicly they suggested a map that was floating on bodies of land similar to the 2nd age in Crono Trigger.
i tried a similar idea long time ago but it tunred into out really bad (those interested cna see it HERE but i warn u its not very good) so this time i took all my new skills and experiance and put them to good use:
New Map Idea: Sky
# of Players
6-8 players (3v3 or 4v4)
All Modes (particularly Dominations since there are a lot of flags)

(Note: this might be the first map to be balanced but not 100% semetrical, dispit the shape neither light nor darkhave the advantage)
Larger than Cataract, maybe as big as Exile or Laviathan

Like mentioned this map if floating in the sky on large bodies of land. for those who haven't played Crono Trigger this is what it would look like (--->) the background would be a big blue sky with SFX'd clouds swirling around the map and between the islands. it help visualization and help me practise my modeling here is the 3Ds Max model i did up: (\/)

on top of that here is a video i did of the model so u can see the volume of it:
Pathing actualy involves the use of the TelePortals however those are explained further down... for now here is the picture of the pathing:

(there are actualy only two portals that spawn one wave each that move together down the map, similar to Crucible)
Here are the towers.. the green neutral building in the middle are explained below in the flag section:

Special Flags
Notice in the Tower picture that there are 2 green neutral Trebuches in the middle with a flag next to them. this flag controlls these structures which will then start attacking the enemy and their towers.
TelePortal Layout
before explaingin what the TelePortals are or what they do here is the layout of the portals on the map:

What are TelePortals?
TelePortals would look something like this (-->). their basic function are to teleport Demigods/Grunts and Minons to a sibling portal. the portal is a 2 way open door and can be owned (if attached to a flag) or neutral.
Details on the TelePortal:
- If owned only that team can use the TelPortal but if neutral then it is open to anyone.
- Works by standing still the swirling water of the TelePortal for 3 secs (think Engineers Teleporter in TF2) at which point you (and everything else within 3 unts of the Portal) are telelported to the other portal.
- To prevent abuse the TelePortals have a cooldown (around 15 secs) which means that after teleporting a group the portal remains in active for 15 secs before being able to teleport another group.
- Orb at the top of the TelePortal indicateds (with red or green) if the portal is ready to be used or not.
- Teleportation (or the activation time) can be broken by moving, using spells, or getting stunned.
below is the portal paths for the map:

Special Rules
- Portal H is controlled by a flag meaning only when the portal on the top H is controlled can the controlling team move through the TelePortal
Thats it for the map... feedback is always welcome and appreciated. looking for sume suggestions on ideas for the flags so if u have an idea post it up. thanx for reading