why not keep custom game rankings?
there is absolutely no reason to take them out. go ahead and do tests in custom, your custom rank doesnt ahve to matter to you, you want it removed so pretend it was
add team join. have ranks for premade and random, keep custom games rank
everyone is happy
I disagree for a couple reasons.
The main one is that they have a pretty complicated pantheon website and ranking system which feeds stats to it. Not counting custom games is likely a toggle somewhere which can be easily done. What you're asking for is a far more robust system which may more may not be feasible whereas a simple change like no longer counting custom matches is probably relatively simple (relatively being the key word).
The other reason is that the implementation of team matchmaking when it eventually comes isn't the end of the process, you need to get people to actually play it and I think letting players be the king of the custom game sand pile is a bad incentive to have in place. It's not a competitive game format and it doesn't make sense to me to have a competitive ranking system attached to it.
I don't think we should take for granted that the premade games would be popular. People may very well stick to custom games to avoid waits on premade opponents, especially considering that the vast majority of their current opponents are pubs who would effectively be out of that system (I think, or maybe the auto-matches will pit pubs vs. premades still?) which could result in tremendous wait times if everyone doesn't hop on board.
You know a fair amount of players will still hang around and pub stomp once the top end of the players take off to dominate the real ladder, not to mention the droves of players with 90% win rates are going to get frustrated when their win rates plummet and many may be tempted to head back to where the games were easy.
There is no reason to take them out especially with only 1 person (Obscenitor) thinks its a great idea.
That seems improbable. I doubt it's something that Frogboy just pulled off the top of his head as he sat down to make an unrelated post. I'm sure quite a number of people at SD/GPG thought it was a pretty decent idea if he's at the point of pitching it to the community for feedback.
I frankly don't care if you have a problem with me playing with friends. Its your problem, not mine.
I don't. I used to play exclusively with one of my friends until he got a job out in D.C. Once he gets settled in I'll play with him again and once my video card comes in on Monday (old one burnt out) I can stop using my brother's computer and he and I will play together. The notion that I would never play in a premade is absurd, I've been playing solo to get enough practice to be able to do well at exactly that. My perspective on rankings comes from having played online multiplayer games for years and having seen numerous approaches to ladder systems.
I want to play games with my friends and I want them to count. Period.
That's reasonable. I would like to see a system which does just that impelmented concurrently with the implementation of team matchmaking.
There is no reason to take that away from me.
There is, that's that it currently borks pantheon/skirmish games.
It leaves me with nothing.
Oh come on, that's ridiculous.