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Demigod v1.1 update for this week

By on June 29, 2009 10:55:47 PM from JoeUser Forums JoeUser Forums

Gas Powered Games has a new update brewing. While v1.1 has been a success feature wise, there is a subset of players who are experiencing crashes and random disconnects along with some funky behavior with the statistics and favor items.

As old as “works on my machine” gets, the good news is that we have identified the causes of each of the issues involved and GPG has already internally fixed most of them.

To recap the issues:

  1. Random disconnects in MP. Cause: LUA crash when someone tries to upgrade their Demigod while dead under certain circumstances.
  2. Random crashes in MP. Cause: Same as above either from doing it or being on the receiving end of it.
  3. Favor items not saving. A fix to a fix to a fix from earlier. Should be resolved by this next update.
  4. MP Stats not storing right.  This one we’re still working on.  You’d think that this would be straight forward (as a non network guy, that was my view anyway) but it’s actually remarkably complex to get the data to the server in a secure way at the end of the game but before people quit because the game is over.


No ETA yet, but hopefully this week or early next week.

+897 Karma | 54 Replies
July 6, 2009 6:28:27 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting Khade,
Good fixes here.  My only suggestion (which would be in the 1.2 thread if it wasn't locked) would be to increase the visibility of Demigods.  Rook typically blocks my view of smaller Demigods when in a large melee.  If there was a way that Demigods were more highlighted or perhaps had an overhead nametag that could be toggled, I think this would be very helpful in those large melees when it's easy to "miss" the smaller Demigods.

Yes, this has bitten me more than once where a smaller demigod like erebus or regulus teleports in and is easily lost among minions and large demigods.

July 7, 2009 3:29:51 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting Jennero,
Just crashed to desktop with new patch.

same in 3v3 custom game @ cataract in 25-th minute of the game. Unhandled error

July 8, 2009 11:54:55 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting bhassink,

Quoting Khade,
reply 25
Good fixes here.  My only suggestion (which would be in the 1.2 thread if it wasn't locked) would be to increase the visibility of Demigods.  Rook typically blocks my view of smaller Demigods when in a large melee.  If there was a way that Demigods were more highlighted or perhaps had an overhead nametag that could be toggled, I think this would be very helpful in those large melees when it's easy to "miss" the smaller Demigods.

Yes, this has bitten me more than once where a smaller demigod like erebus or regulus teleports in and is easily lost among minions and large demigods.

 I think that is kind of the point to it all. The rook's strenght is that it can last for a very long time, but it's a target with a massive red bullseye on it. Somehow they had to give an advantage to the smaller demigods with less defense such as the torchbearer for them not to be picked on easily. That is just my opinion though

July 20, 2009 2:15:05 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting Istari,

Is there anyway to make the steam overlay work in demigod? Currently if i alt-tab out of game there is a chance of it crashing which ruins my game.
We are looking into this. We are not intentionally disabling the Steam overlay.

Thank you, this would help me get into games with friends as the impulse chat is fairly poor - no warning (eg pop-up or sound) for new message and also you can only talk to friends in game.

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