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Win percentage seems to be messed up on the website

By on June 25, 2009 4:13:54 PM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

The following thread started this whole discussion and Somaz is the one that got the ball rolling.

I'm posting a new thread to catch Stardock's attention to see if this really needs to be fixed. It's not a huge thing; just thought they may be interested to know to see if changes need to be made.

Here is what I see happening:

Go to

You'll see each Demigod listed with wins and losses, total games, win percentage and others.

It appears that the win percentage is not right. What is happening is that the wins and losses do not add up to total games. This is most likely due to some custom games having multiples of the same demigod on the same team (2 UB's or 3 Reg's all on the same team for instance). So, if a 3 Reg team wins the match then Regulus gets 3 wins but only 1 total game. Nothing wrong there until you look at win percentage:

They are taking the win percentage based off of the total games when in reality they should probably be taking the win percentage off of the total of wins and losses (which won't equal total games).

Take QoT for instance: Right now she has 166 wins and 165 losses. That's practically a 50/50 split. But they are showing 47% win percentage because they are dividing 166 by 353 (total games). They should be dividing 166 by 331 (total of wins and losses). That gives her a win percentage of 50% and of course a loss percentage of 50%.

Now take UB and do the same: He has 548 wins and 440 losses. His win percentage should be 548/988 which equals 55%.

So, for all of them:

UB 55% win

Erebus 58% win

Sedna 57% win

Reg 48% win

Oak 50% win

Rook 50% win

TB 45% win

QoT 50% win

This is based off of 6/25/09 numbers on the website.

So, not sure if this is intended and you WANT to take win percentage based off of total games but I'm guessing that you wouldn't. You should take win percentage based off of the total of wins plus the total of losses and divide your wins by that number.

+26 Karma | 3 Replies
June 26, 2009 5:00:21 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

For me today it's the 26th and the stats have changed a lot.

The Win Percentage is definitely screwed and the right numbers for the today are:

1. Unclean Beast: 57%

2. Lord Erebrus: 58%

3. Regulust: 49%

4. Sedna: 55%

5. Oak: 50%

6. Rook: 49%

7: Torch Bearer: 47%

8: Queen of Thorns: 52%


I also calculated the win % chance that is slightly different, but shows your chances of winning with a certain demigod (and good to compare balance to):

1. Lord Erebrus - 55.6%

2. Unclean Beast - 55.1%

3. Sedna - 52.5%

4. Queen of Thorns - 49.4%

5. Oak - 47.5%

6. Regulus - 47.2%

7. Rook - 47.2%

8. Torch Bearer - 44.6%

June 26, 2009 5:27:13 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

math is for dorks

June 26, 2009 5:35:46 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Go play CS. Strategy games are not for you.

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