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How can you mess up stats?

Top Demigod you say?

By on June 25, 2009 12:58:27 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Seriosly, I thought stats tracking is the easiest job a programmer could have.

Now everyone please go to Pantheon>Top Demigod


Let's see now...

1. Unclean Beast with an incredible 66% win chance! Super imba or what?

2.  Lord Erebus with a good 61% win chance. Mr. Imba!

3. Sedna with a good 61% win chance. Mrs. Imba?

4. Regulus with a mighty 60% win chance! Nerf?

5. Oak with a 56% win chance. I would say that's above average.

6. Rook with a 51% win chance. Pretty balanced.

7. Torch Bearer with a 49% win chance. Pretty balanced.


Now why did I post all of this? Well, let's review our math, shall we?

If we all look on all the win percentages and look who's missing we'll see just what win chance that remaining demigod has.


So, who did we forget? Oh yeah! Queen of Thorns!

I've got the highest grade in math so I'll calculate her win chance:

*Calculations, calculations, calculations*


Well... I'm done! And it turns out that Queen of Thorns should have a


-4% win chance !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(and yeah, that's a negative win chance)

Lol. a -4% chance to win? How's that? A certain loss? Or a 4% chance to lose?


Man... Wtf... I thought I was good at this...


Hmmm... Okay I give up! let's see her win chance in the Top Demigod ranking!



And it's:





How the... 47%? How, but I though... Omg...




It's ARMAGEDDON people! Save yourselves! A 100% chance is no longer a guarantee! It's 120% now or something!



+2 Karma | 25 Replies
June 25, 2009 1:09:33 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Yeah, stats are still pretty bad.  And yes, its rather surprising that stats can be messed up this badly as it really shouldnt be hard.

June 25, 2009 1:11:46 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

If you've got the highest grade in mathematics, you'd know you need to actually provide your lines of reasoning to support your statement.

I do not see any 'math'.  


It isn't a win chance, the stats clearly state win percentage. As in, the percentage of games the Demigod has won. 

June 25, 2009 1:14:54 PM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

I think the stats are still definitely messed up. But your math doesn't work right. Those win percentages for the 8 Demigods would only add up to 100% if all games were 4v4 and there was only 1 of each Demigod in the game. Because that's not the case then those numbers are not in the least bit questionable.

For instance, let's say UB plays 10 games and wins 6. His win percentage is 60%.

Sedna plays one game and wins. Her win percentage is 100%

Your discounting the number of games each demigod is being played in.

June 25, 2009 1:15:04 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

My guess is that the stats don't include AI players.  So people are playing against the AI and a win is recorded for the human player.  Stats for some AI players are recorded while other AI players are not.   They mentioned about some AI players having weird names that messed up the stats.


June 25, 2009 1:29:02 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Yeah, the stats are fine.  There is a little discrepancy regarding total games vs games lost/won whic, as Blitz said, probably is due to AIs.  IE, a person starts a game, they get recorded as that demigod playing a game.  And then they disconnect, and so while there is a stat for having played the game, no loss or win is recorded for that because it became an AI.


Of course, it would make sense that total games is just losses + win.  It might be and that there is some missing overlap due to only midnight updates.  Who knows.


Other than that, the stats are good.  Maybe you should learn some math before getting to hyper about thinking you found a problem.

June 25, 2009 2:29:06 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

This may be proof that 3v2 Pantheon games are always won by the 3 people.

Or the AI stat monkey wrench as other people have described.

Regardless they need to fix their formulas because it's all wrong.  Especially given the multitude of games in which only one person gets a win and everyone gets losses.  The win percentages should average below 50%, right?

June 25, 2009 2:57:55 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

My math is right.


It's either:

1. AI is not counted.

2. A lot of games are not equal (3v2, 1v4)


Edit: And ideally all win %'s must be 50.


Edit 2: OKAY! I have changed my calculation logic. My calculations were right, but I didn't fully understand what I REALLY had to calculate. This will be harder. I'll recount it and post my new results!


Edit 3: Okay... My math was right. It's just that stats are REALLY messed up.

Look at this shit:

  Unclean Beast

Wins: 548

Losses: 440

Total Games: 832
Win Percentage: 66%


Okay, so wtf Total games played 832? Isn't Wins + Losses = 548 + 440 = 988? Why is it 832? Random numbers ftw?




Okay for the formula they used "Total Games" which is 832 and so they got the  increased Win Percentage (which turns out to be 66%).

If  only they used the right number of Total Games which is in reality 988 then we'll see that the win percentage is actually 55%.


I  will count the rest later and post the results.

June 25, 2009 3:08:31 PM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

Explain your math then. Exactly how did you come up with your idea that QoT should be at -4%?

June 25, 2009 3:17:48 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

that doesn't even make any sense.

Winning is a boolean operation.  You either win, or you don't.  Disconnects/losses/etc are all not wins.

Because winning is either true or false, it must be between 0%-100%

To be -4%, your math is completely bunk.

Edit: I see, the actual number of game recorded is screwed, so yeah the stats themselves are bunk.

June 25, 2009 3:21:14 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Look at my above post. They are using wrong numbers (don't know where they come from) and all win %'s end up beeing higher than they are in reality. I'll post some real win %'s soon as well as check their legitness.

June 25, 2009 3:28:28 PM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

Ok, now you're making more sense. Their numbers really are screwy.

EDIT: Wait. I think I may see their number reasoning. What if you have 1 game that has 2 UB's in it ON THE SAME TEAM. Or you have 1 game with 3 Regs in it on the same team. That would offset the number of wins to total games (assuming those teams won).

However, they are still taking the win percentage based off of the total games when in reality they should probably be taking the win percentage off of the total of wins and losses (which won't equal total games).

Take QoT for instance: Right now she has 166 wins and 165 losses. That's practically a 50/50 split. But they are showing 47% win percentage because they are dividing 166 by 353 (total games). They should be dividing 166 by 331 (total of wins and losses). That gives her a win percentage of 50% and of course a loss percentage of 50%.

Now take UB and do the same: He has 548 wins and 440 losses. His win percentage should be 548/988 which equals 55% as you mentioned.

So, for all of them:

UB 55% win

Erebus 58% win

Sedna 57% win

Reg 48% win

Oak 50% win

Rook 50% win

TB 45% win

QoT 50% win

This is based off of 6/25/09 numbers on the website.

June 25, 2009 3:31:11 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

See ya tommorow (for me it's in ~10 hours).


I'll think more about how to calculate the stuff for it to be true.

June 25, 2009 4:21:32 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

EDIT: Wait. I think I may see their number reasoning. What if you have 1 game that has 2 UB's in it ON THE SAME TEAM. Or you have 1 game with 3 Regs in it on the same team. That would offset the number of wins to total games (assuming those teams won).

UB + Reg + Reg

wins vs

UB + Reg + Oak



Games played: 2
Wins: 1
Losses: 1
Win %: 50



Games played: 3
Wins: 2
Losses: 1
Win %: 66



Games played: 1
Wins: 0
Losses: 1
Win %: 0


This isn't hard, but apparently it is.

June 25, 2009 4:24:43 PM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

Actually, only one game has been played in your example so:


Games played: 1
Wins: 1
Losses: 1
Win %: 50



Games played: 1
Wins: 2
Losses: 1
Win %: 66



Games played: 1
Wins: 0
Losses: 1
Win %: 0

June 25, 2009 4:31:02 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

You're missing one major point. All demigods are not played equally. percentage wise this shouldn't matter but with large enough numbers of players playing one demigod over another its easy to see how a few loses will effect the smaller QoT players more than the larger UB players.

June 25, 2009 4:44:00 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Actually, only one game has been played in your example so:

That is completely the wrong way to tally statistics.  Each person is a seperate entity and gets their game added to the pool of played games.


The "total" games played may be significantly less than adding up the number of games played by each hero, but that's as it should be.  The percentages will be right.

June 25, 2009 4:53:38 PM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

That is completely the wrong way to tally statistics. Each person is a seperate entity and gets their game added to the pool of played games.

The "total" games played may be significantly less than adding up the number of games played by each hero, but that's as it should be. The percentages will be right.

Your last statement is precisely what I'm saying that Stardock is doing on their website. Their Total Games count is based on the distinct number of games that have been played. Their Wins count is based on each separate entity/demigod getting a win.

So, Stardock, on their website is not doing what you are saying in your first statement and what you portrayed in your example. They are doing exactly what I showed in my version of your example. They are only counting 1 distinct game for each game played.

June 25, 2009 4:59:06 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

So, Stardock, on their website is not doing what you are saying in your first statement and what you portrayed in your example. They are doing exactly what I showed in my version of your example. They are only counting 1 distinct game for each game played.

I know, but I am saying that is not what they should be doing.

If your team is UB + UB, then Unclean Beast has played 2 games.  He may have played "in" 1 game, but that's not how you do statistics.

June 25, 2009 5:00:55 PM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

I know, but I am saying that is not what they should be doing.

If your team is UB + UB, then Unclean Beast has played 2 games. He may have played "in" 1 game, but that's not how you do statistics.

Totally agree.

They either need to up the total games to be a sum of wins and losses OR leave it as is with the understanding that Total Games means distinct games played.

Either way the win percentage needs to be corrected for all the Demigods.

June 25, 2009 7:56:36 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Well there are lots of unknowns.  Is it possible that UB games with an AI UB are counted as games, but for the purpose of win/loss % the AI UB is not counted?

June 26, 2009 3:49:36 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Sorry guys, but you are both wrong. The answer is really simple actually.

Their "Total Games Played" is just broken and isn't accumulating right. That's all there is to it.

You may have the illusion that several demigods in one game can count as a 1 "Total Game", but QoT gives it all away (that the system is broken).

Let's see QoT today:

Wins: 528

Loses: 493

Total Games: 1116

528 + 493 = 1021 and it's less than Total Games played. For other demigods it's the other way around. So forget about what you were thinking.


Ok, so about the statistics. I had some time to think about it. First off you don't need 4v4 games with 1 of each demigod for the results to be precise. There are many other possible situations for precise stats and provided there are many games played (stats and graphs depend heavily on higher, not lower numbers) the stats will iron out and show pretty good results.

Ofcourse it's not 100% precise, but 99% precise is good too, no?


So what Charvel1 sayd before, that they were counting the wrong stuff just as I sayd before that, he calculated the % of Games Won.

Why can't Games Won be Win % Chance here? Because there is 1 thing that breaks the stats in a way so that Games Won is not the same as Win % Chance.

And that thing is - uneven teams. Usually the team with the highest number of players (in 3v2 it would be the team with 3 players) wins. Even if the team with less players consists of uber pros it all comes down to the fact that you can't be in 2 different places at the same time.

Even if Stardock make the chances in a 3v2 equal (50/50) as it should be, when a game is won by the 3 player team they get more wins than if the 2 player team won (3 opposed to 2).


Which leads to having an increased % of Games Won.

Now, further calculations in my post will ONLY be based on the # of games won and # of games lost.

Today the %'s of games won are:

1. Unclean Beast: 57%

2. Lord Erebrus: 58%

3. Regulust: 49%

4. Sedna: 55%

5. Oak: 50%

6. Rook: 49%

7: Torch Bearer: 47%

8: Queen of Thorns: 52%


Now as you see they are all increased because of the uneven team matches.

So you'll ask: but what about the Win % Chance?


Well... I applied a special formula that I will not reveal here (to avoid critisism on how bad my math is from certain people) that calculates the actual Win % Chances by not taking uneven games into account (or in other words - throwing out uneven team games from the stats).


And so I bring you something that you can compare balance to.

Today's Win % Chance that I have sorted in descending order to better see who's the strongest:

1. Lord Erebrus - 55.6%

2. Unclean Beast - 55.1%

3. Sedna - 52.5%

4. Queen of Thorns - 49.4%

5. Oak - 47.5%

6. Regulus - 47.2%

7.  Rook - 47.2%

8. Torch Bearer - 44.6%


These stats are 99.8% precise (strangely enough I thought it will be 99.9%) and are actual win % chances. Ofcourse the stats will change over time, but not by much.

This is what we get today.


Obvious Unclean Beast and Lord Erebrus need a nerf. Sedna was a surprise. Queen of Thorns is balanced. Others need a little buff. Torch Bearer is the weakest demigod and badly needs a buff.



I don't know if I will be counting this stuff in the future. Counting % of Games Won is pretty easy, but counting the actual Win % Chance takes me 15 minutes.

Hope you all like the stats. Enjoy and discuss ^^

June 26, 2009 4:10:51 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Ok with stats but is there any logical explanation of Pantheon experience gaining ? I've 3 win and 1 lose 2 days ago with 983 exp. Yesterday i've played another 2 games in Tournament against 2 human players and won em. So i've 5 wins and 1 lose but my exp fall down to 951. Look at the ladder top. The same win and lose (5:1) at Tourch Bearer with almoust the same gaind favor point and play time , and he is in top 10 with 1078 exp.

At the same time. I've played just 6 games in Patheon tournament. So why my Ladder experience is 1036 and Tournament Experience is 951 if i've played only tournament games ?

So jus can anyone explain this or it's random ?

June 26, 2009 4:45:43 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting Auro5on1c,
Ok with stats but is there any logical explanation of Pantheon experience gaining ? I've 3 win and 1 lose 2 days ago with 983 exp. Yesterday i've played another 2 games in Tournament against 2 human players and won em. So i've 5 wins and 1 lose but my exp fall down to 951. Look at the ladder top. The same win and lose (5:1) at Tourch Bearer with almoust the same gaind favor point and play time , and he is in top 10 with 1078 exp.

At the same time. I've played just 6 games in Patheon tournament. So why my Ladder experience is 1036 and Tournament Experience is 951 if i've played only tournament games ?

So jus can anyone explain this or it's random ?


Whoah. That's buggy. I guess it's random. I can understand not getting xp, but getting less xp for winning? That is seriosly messed up.


They didn't need to reset the stats as they are obviosly not working.

June 26, 2009 11:24:40 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Now as you see they are all increased because of the uneven team matches.

I don't think there are that many uneven matches though.  They may be uneven by the end of the game, but not at the start.


If there truly are that many uneven team matches being started so as they have significantly impacted the statistics I don't know what to say...wait yes I do - GPG/Stardock you have failed.

June 26, 2009 11:30:34 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Very interesting thread.  I like your last pack of numbers Somaz, but would like to add I'm not certain those are basis for nerf/buff crys yet.  I like to play TB the most and even tho maybe tons of players are not good with him I think he is pretty balanced and strong.  I'd like a buff no doubt, but I can't say for certain that he needs one just because many players pick him and lose with him more than others.  Also some demis are easier to play well (UB for sure) so he has higher marks because bad players can win with him, maybe that does deserve a nerf, but at this point I'm still not sure.

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