now there was a similar idea like this a while ago... however since this forum section is SO F'ING UNORGANIZED... i was unable to find it and give proper credit to those who needed it. i did however find a few other posts that are similar or have a point... so here are my influnces:
New Ideas for Minions
Ideas about improving minions
The basic idea is to expand the current 6 types of grunts into something with a little more strategy and depth. currently 90% of the games i play turn into a race for giants followed quickly by a stale mate, and its getting kind of borning. so this is what i came up with.
Current Stats
currently there are 6 types of units: Minotaurs, Archers, Priests, Angles, Catapultasaurus, and Giants. and there are 5,2,3,2,2,2 of each representatively bring the total number of units up to 16 per wave. waves come every 35-40 secs (?). and currently i've only played on game where my computer crashed from too many units overloading my RAM (it was an impressive game until it crashed).
New Unit Tab

as you can see i've added a new tab to the Citadel Upgrade window, one for upgrades and one for units. like any other tab... diffrent upgrades and info can be found on each window.
Upgrade Tab

in the new Upgrade Tab there will be a few changes:
- No Unit Upgrades (marked by X's)
- Armour and Weapon upgrades are global effecting Demigod and units (Might take some balancing)(circled)
Unit Tab

this is where the depth come in. instead of only having 5 upgrades i've expanded it into 20 upgrades (with 12 diffrent units) the basic skill tree is this:
- A) Minotaurs I -> II -> III -> [G) Minotaur King]
- B ) Archers I -> II -> III -> H) [Seige Archers]
- C) Priests I -> II -> [I) Sorcerer]
- D) Angles I -> II -> [J) Gargoyles]
- E) Kamikazes I -> II -> [K) Catapultasaurus]
- F) Trolls I -> II -> [L) Giants]
New Units
so who and what are these new units? basicly this:
Minotaur King
(same as the idols)
Seige Archers
(same as the idols)
similar looking to the Priests however they throw fire balls which do more damage. also instead of healing units around them they have a passive aura which buffs armour and damage
flying units like the Angles however they drop splash damamge bombs onto units below.
small fat units who ignore units and run straight for any structure and blow up. if they get killed they do splash damage to every unit around them (but reduced compared to their actual attack)
- Trolls
similar to giants but smaller. attack slow with low damage however high armour and HP make trolls natural tanks.
i'm not sure if it would be better for the high level upgrades to replace the previous ones (so Minotaurs turn into Minotaur Kings) or to have them simply add to the wave (so 3 priests and 1 Sorcerer) i'd like to hear some feedback on that.
since there was some debate about the units i added the support info here:
- Minotaur/Minotaur King
- Cannon-Fodder/Anti-Grunt ... so basicly early game they don't do anything by fodder however after upgrades they do serious damge and can quickly overwelm non babysat enemy grunts
- Archers
- Support DPS ... assist other grunts in taking out other grunts/DG's
- Priest/Sorcerrer
- Support/DPS ... supports DG's and do lots of damamge
- Angles
- Chase/Harasment ... basicly stop you from using attack interupt items and sometime kill you as you go back for crystal.
- Gargoyle
- AoE Splash ... does damamge to lots of units close together
- Kamikazes/Catapultasaurus/Seige Archers
- Seige/High Damage ... good for taking out towers and building...
- Troll/Giants
- Tank/High Damage ... trolls specificly can take a lot of damage, and when upgraded to giants can deal lots too.
on top of that here is the table for who is good against who:

Selling Unit Upgrades
This idea was actualy suggested by wraid so full credit goes to him/her:
I would love to see this implemented. It would add more strategy. Also, I think that minion upgrades should also be able to "sell" (for less than the original price, of course) so that you can dinamically change your creep wave. If they could not be selled, then a team that has invested in one combination will get their asses handed to them by the opposing team who got the counter parts to the creep wave. This way the ballance of power will constantly shift and victory won't be certain untill the last 5 - 10 minutes I think...
Other Unit Upgrades
there were a few other upgrades that i thought might help out unit depth...
- Increased Spawn Rate
- so units come more quickly
- Increased Unit per Wave
- more units come each wave
- One time Unit increase
- re-buyable upgrade that increases units for one wave only
however i wanted to hear feedback before think about these more.
so by increasing the units and variaty of their upgrades as well as allow custom talored armies to the needs of the game players would be able to think much more deeply about unit upgrading... as well as when to get specific units or specific upgrades. this could also allow for another end game favor acheivement (Citadel Unit Upgrades). so please post you feedback... always wanting to hear and adapt to the wrongs and rights of my ideas.