[quote who="Zechnophobe" reply="18" id="2266690"]
The 500 hit difference I quoted was representing a Hauberk of life (Though you are correct, it is 600 not 500). I corrected myself in the run down I did later on. You don't get a boost of 500 hit points simply by not running spit. If you mean to suggest 10 HPS is that much better, I think it is a bit of a reach. 12 HPS vs 2 is a pretty big change, but this is more like 25 vs 15 or somewhere abouts.
Well with stats and inner beast I'd have 1060 health, 100 armor, 15% attack speed, 7% move speed, 10.72 HPS, and 24 weapon damage over you.
We are not comparing Spit to Ooze, both builds have ooze at max ranks. We are comparing spit to the other skills you are taking instead of it.
Yeah, I'm starting to go a bit off on some of my points with the comparisons here. Sorry about that.
Well, that's 11 points, so I'll assume you mean stats 3? Stats 3 gives 345 hit points, and a little bit of extra damage (probably more than inner beast actually, so maybe a 4th point in stats is greater than a second in inner beast).
Either way you are still talking about a piddly amount of effect compared to 1650 damage.
No, I meant that I might swap out a point in stats for diseased claws, but usually I stick with stats and inner beast. Either way refer to the above. I wouldn't call the stat effects "piddly", especially since I still have two more.
600 hit points and 10 hps... and you can factor in your completely wasted points on enhanced attributes too, for another 345 hit points and .56 hps. You get less benefit from 3 points of your build, than a single 1750 gold item. Either way this is not 'so much more staying power'. Reserver that for an Oak w/ priest and shield vs one without either.
Refer to the above for the exact benefits. Yes the hauberk gives more, but the effects add up. I may have exagerrated by saying "so much", but I still have more staying power.
You cannot just 'avoid' mines any more than you can avoid hammerslam.
You can avoid hammerslam if you're fast enough, although the AoE will probably still get you. Depending on the map, you can walk around the mines. Besides, that doesn't change the fact that the mines will be hitting a hybrid harder.
Using teleport scrolls to gank opponents is pure theory craft. Not only does it not occur often in a real game, but it doens't address the issue of kiting. What do you do to a regulus on the other side of a lane from you? teleport behind him?
If there is a flag or tower near him that I own, then yes. And it might be theory craft, but it works. Your opponent is going to have to attack your towers or recap flags to win.
Once again you are attempting to compare OOZE to SPIT instead of SPIT to your piddly stat boosts. There are counters to spit, sure, but they are not perfect counters.
No, I'm not. If I can take spit away from a hybrid then he's just a less than average ooze UB.
First of all, sedna's heal (1 and 2) and Queens shield do NOT counter spit. They are damage healers or blockers. They blocked your spit damage, sure, but that means they are not blocking or healing your ooze or auto attack damage.
I'll agree they aren't the perfect counters, but what if you can't catch them in time? Sedna can use inner grace and boots of speed to outrun you, and QoT can use spike wave to slow you down. Your AA is weaker, so in this case an ooze UB would have the advantage.
Symbol of purity removes it, but at the cost of having an otherwise weaker favor item.
True, symbol of purity isn't a very good counter.
The only abilities that I would say 'counter' in the hard sense, are oaks shield at level 1, level 1 mist, and Sedna's rank 3 or greater heal. These both purify AND do other things (And in the case of mist, it is a cheap cheap ability that you can easily re-use, so it counts).
Except against an opposition of mostly these characters with those abilities, Spit is still better than random stats.
It's not better if they can completely remove it(talking about mist, rank III heal, and shield). Each stat skill on its own is mediocre, but adding them together gives you a pretty big bonus.
I'm not saying that a hybrid is a bad build, I'll probably add it to the list later on. From what I understand it has a great early and late game when compared to a pure ooze or spit build. But mid-game is what I'm worried about, and I don't think it's any better than an ooze build.