So..I know I have been guilty of rage quiting from time to I'm sure a few of know, typically If i know the game is a loss I will quit..and won't feel too bad about my decision...but I'm starting to see a crap load of people quiting when the games outcome is not a given...and that ...pisses me off...
My proposal is for fixing rage/quiting is lets be draconian about it.....
1) User Quits after first 3 minutes or before the last 3 minutes of the game: 60 Minute ban from any online game. (favor for that game obviously is not fact I would suggest all Favor items for this player is not usable for 48 hours...even if they join a game with favor items.)
2) Creation of Auto Ban List: 7 Day user X is banned from any game I create should they quit the game after 3 minutes or before the last 3 minutes of the game. However enable the 'host' to remove people from the auto-ban list after the game...for example: if the lag when to crap...the 2nd user from a team quit..i.e usually after the first rage quit..the game is over..the other not deserve to rage quit punishment..)
a) To be more precise on autoban: If a game has autoban enabled, the following should happen
i) A user that quits prematurely will be banned for 7 days from the user that created game.
ii) the user if they quit prematurely will be added to the autoban list. (reset after 7 days (per user)).
iii) At the end of the game the host can edit (remove) users from the autoban list as they feel fit. (i.e. if user quits after the game had a clear outcome or lag became un-acceptable..I will remove this is not a rage quit...)
I feel without these or similar changes made soon..this game will infact die...I know my play rate has dropped off dramicatly as 80% of games end with rage quits...(and yes sometimes it me.....AND I deserve to be punished in this way....naturally I won't rage quit if I know..this is the punishment..and i Lose tuff luck...)...but yes this autoban logic must not kick in until 3 minutes..or something like that...perhaps all users have hit level 3/4 or that rather then time (either solution is not perfect..but its way better then letting the game die).
AND WE NEED NEW MAPS (and some balancing)!!!!!! (ASAP)
Cheers (my 0.02)
Dano (igore my grammatical handy caps..I have quite a few..(I write code))
Yes if the user loses connection after the first 3 minutes, and before the last 3 minutes of the far I as I am concerned the game is loss for players such they same rules should apply....
IF YOU DONT HAVE A STABLE CONNECTION U SHOULD PAY (as we with stable connections are paying the penantly now..) ..if the game crashes on U, U will pay (even though stabilty is getting to point where this shoudl not be big ordeal) ..etc..etc.. (1 person
leaving game ruins the game). AGAIN STARDOC..u gotta do something soon..or this game is done...(not I'm not bashing the game..its a great game...)
Addendum 2: (team balancing (custom Games -- seeing as pantheon is dead))
One way to potentaily decrease rage quites..IMHO...Is to enable random team assignments..I.e. when I create a custom game I should be abe to flag the game:
(X) Random team assignment: meaning when a user joins they are locked to team (and it should be random not top to bottom)..this will insure no premades in that games with this option.
(X) Skill Assignment: meaning assign people based on skill..perhaps by: 'record' or games played (insuring the teams are more or less equal in skill level)...AGAIN they will have to be locked to team..(this enabled them to 'intellegently' decide which demigod to play based on what the other team fact we could enable 'blind' where u cant see the other teams demigods until the game starts)..options.....options...options...(glad I'm not u guys).
(X) Anything goes..