in no particular order, and of course, these are simply my opinions.
1. Restorative Scroll
- why doesn't it also cleanse Demigods? removing debuffs from your minions is not particularly useful.
- would like to see this cost 500, but remove debuffs from DG and have a minor passive bonus while holding it.
2. Hex Scroll
- i've never used or seen of these used in any game. there's something off about it. costs too much or does too little.
1. Armor of Vengeance
- needs another bonus, maybe some health regen.
2. Groffling Warplate and Platemail of the Crusader
- the stats on both of these are fine but the costs are not. i've never seen a player buy one of these in preference to buying another cheaper health item. these only get used when you're already at full equipment slots and are selling a lower level piece and replacing it with one of these. as such they tend to compete more with artifacts than other normal armor pieces.
- 1% proc chance is very low. it makes these items somewhat useful against minion armies and creeps but not particularly good against enemy Demigods. it also makes them feel very luck based.
1. Plate Visor
- totally unusable. should be thrown out and replaced by a totally different item.
2. Theurgist's Cap
- this is a good idea for an item but it hardly ever used because it costs too much.
3. Vinling Helmet
- why would you ever take this? Vlemish and Plenor are both far superior in terms of stats. this is not differentiated enough from other more efficient items. it also costs way too much.
1. Ironwalkers
- overpriced and underpowered.
2. Desperate Boots
- the effect is fine, its interesting in fact. the price is not fine. this costs twice as much as it should.
1. Gauntlets of Despair
- i like the concept for the item but the stats are a bit off. i've never seen these used in a game.
2. Doomspite Grips
- way overpriced. otherwise fine, but again, costs close to artifact price level but isnt nearly as strong as a Mageslayer.
1. Ring of Ancients
- overpriced. comparable glove items cost less and provide bigger bonuses.
2. Twig of Life
- limited utility. its pretty easy to re-summon minions. the health recovery effect for them seems like its pretty poor for this reason.
- this needs a bigger passive bonus to justify its price.
3. Parasite Egg
- the cost is slightly high but thats not the biggest issue.
- the effect doesn't last long enough. 10 seconds is too small a window to adequately use this item. especially considering how generally easy it is to re-summon minions this item doesn't perform as well as it ought to. effect duration increase would be a good thing.
1. Unmaker
- too weak for cost. doesn't compare very well to Bracelet of Rage which is much powerful for a similar price.
- should either have cost reduced (alot, to around 10,000 or 11,000) or should have effect increased (for example, make it affect nearby allies similar to the way Bracelet of Rage works).
2. Stormbringer
- this item is fine its own right but suffers from scaling issues related to the disparity in late-game between auto-attack damage and spell damage.
- this item should cost less and have reduced bonuses so it could come into play at a point in the game where it would be more relevant.
- recommended changes: +1400 mana (down from 2100), +15 mana regen (changed from +70%), -20% ability cooldowns (up from -15%), mana draining ability removed entirely, price 9500 (down from 17500).
Favor Items
note: it seems as though the favor point cost of these items was supposed to balance the in a similar way to gold cost but in practice we know that it doesn't work like that. if you've got enough favor you've got your selection of any item in the game as if they all had a cost of zero. therefore, the items should be balanced as if they were all available from the first second of every game.
1. Bejeweled Goggles
- doesn't do enough, needs more bonuses
2. Charm of Life
- embarassingly bad when compared to Blood of the Fallen
3. Brilliant Bauble
- bad concept in general. i dislike this idea, its too hard to balance. a small bonus is consequential and a large bonus is incredibly overpowered. i have trouble imagining a middle ground for this kind of thing. i'd scrap it.
4. Amulet of Teleportation
- this is in most ways just a money-saving device, it doesn't provide any benefit that you couldn't get (with a lower cooldown in fact) from regular teleport scrolls.
- this ought to have at least a small passive benefit to make it clearly better than just buying scrolls.
5. Cape of Plentiful Mana
- seems strong but in fact it struggles to outperform even combat mana potions.
- to restore 1000 mana (a combat mana pot) you would have to already have 25 mana/sec regen, which is already a fairly large amount (you'd have to have at least a Vlemish Faceguard and be around level 10). at all points in the game the scale of benefit on this item lags greatly behind your real mana needs.
- suggestion: this item should also provide a small passive regen bonus, like +4 mana/sec.
6. Saam-El's Cloak
- slow stacking is supposed to be capped anyway. this item is supposed to be obsolete by design if the game mechanics were working as intended.
7. Totem of War (General Only)
- outright inferior to Ring of Divine Might.
8. Tome of Endurance
- the minion bonus is quaint. this item is in most ways outright inferior to Blood of the Fallen.
9. Horn of Battle
- ive said it before about items that Heal minions only. thats not an important ability. minions are too easy to replace to care about healing them. therefore, this item sucks.