impulse purchase or
impulse buy is an unplanned or otherwise spontaneous purchase.
One who tends to make such purchases is referred to as an impulse purchaser or impulse buyer.
Marketers and retailers tend to exploit these impulses which are tied to the basic want for instant gratification. For example, a shopper in a supermarket might not specifically be shopping for confectionary. However, candy, gum, mints and chocolate are prominently displayed at the checkout aisles to trigger impulse buyers to buy what they might not have otherwise considered.
[1] Alternatively, impulse buying can occur when a potential consumer spots something related to a product that stirs a particular passion in them, such as seeing a certain country's flag on the cover of a certain DVD. Sale items are displayed in much the same fashion.
Impulse buying can also extend to so-called "big ticket" items such as automobiles and home appliances. Automobiles in particular are as much an emotional purchase as a rational one. This in turn leads auto dealers all over the world to market their products in a rapid-fire, almost carnival-like manner designed to appeal to emotion over reason.
Impulse buying disrupts the normal decision making models in consumers' brains. The logical sequence of the consumers' actions is replaced with an irrational moment of self gratification.
Impulse items appeal to the emotional side of consumers.
Some items bought on impulse are not considered functional or necessary in the consumers' lives.
Preventing impulse buying involves techniques such as setting budgets before shopping and taking time out before the purchase is made
The platform is apropriately named. Nothing deseptive or ironic about it. Having been a retail sales manager, I had to fend off vendors who would pay ridiculous amounts of money to get their products placed closest to the register or their 'sales' signs placed in the most prominent places. It's business. It's how they make money, it's how the retailer makes money. And it works. Because of that, it will probably continue in most areas of retail sales. I used to laugh and say I could put paper bags full of dog-doo next to the register and they would sell. It's the consumer who is either shrewd or intelligent enough to resist the 'impulse' or just give into it.
I don't think I have ever heard someone complain about a sale item in such a way as I am seeing here. It's still a sale.
3.73% is actually higher than what is considered a cost of living increase. SO, psuedo technically, you'd be getting it at last year's prices!