well i said if i got some good feed back form Pit that i would post up another few of these 1v1 duel maps, so here is the first for now (next 2 or 3 can come later). this map works more with a simple grunts charging into grunts rather than pit with them missing so those opposed to the previous one should like this one. however since having one bridge going straight between the two is kind of boring (even though 2 of my other maps do just this
) so i've mixed it up abit.... anyway here it is:
Map Idea: Castle Top
Game Type: Everything
# of Players: 2 Players (1v1)
Basic Out Line:

as you can see the Citadels are actually very close to each other. this disctance would probably be half of Prision, so maybe 30 yards? idk. either way oits support to be close. the idea is that there would be a long line of towers protecting the Citadels and dueling DG's would have to between these line with grunts flanking them from bottom/top.
like the name suggests this map is actually on top of a castle. you can see the round parts on the corners would be Guardhouses and keeps with grunts running along the ramparts between battlements and into the centre which would be the courtyard. each Citadel sides at either end of the courtyard maybe raised higher to resemble a large keep or castle.
the background would be that of a battlefield with fire and destruction going on in the distance. perhaps for more aesthetics purposes there could be random trebuchet fire into the the map (not for damage but more for the feel of the battle field). also maybe smoke could rise from the walls occationaly to block view while on the ramparts... but that sup for discussion.
Grunt Pathing:
like you can see in the pic above the grunts (one wave) exit from the bases o the side and advance around , crossing into the middle to do battle. if unoppossed the grunts would continue back up the ramparts and into the enemy grunt portal/citadel. here is gif version:

(EDITED to replies)
We now have an extra wave of grunts going straight across for a bit more of a pinch effect.
the idea for this to really push the battlefield idea with the DG's walking right out of the citadel into the battlefield and having the grunts advance form the side (like they are in crossfire). obviously with map is made for much more DG v DG action rather than pushing so game modes like Slaughter would work very well on this map.
in this next pic you can see the flags are positioned off to the side with one main flag in the centre. the flags on the side will have the same effect (maybe increase gold income) with the flag in the middle being of a stat/exp bonus type. this way there is much more competition for the middle flag and the side ones are more for crippling your opponent.

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Also note that the towers might not actually be where they are placed. i wanted to hear some feedback on how many / how close the towers should be or if there should even be any towers? so please add you IMO.
So this is a much more DG killing based Duel map. with everything focused on getting a "battle field" =feel to it. always looking for feed back and ways to improve so feel free to comment on thing you like and dislike. specificly i'd liek to hear about the flags and towers, however i'm also interested in the whole battlefield idea.
thanx for reading...