at one point a few weeks ago i remmber reading some interesting post about possible new modes. modes like Assault, TD's, and more specificly King of the Hill. now King of the Hill is what cau=ght my eye because Demigod is already tailored to territory defending and pushing so having only one where everyone fights over would make matches much more interesting. like i said that a few weeks ago and my doodles in my notebook became less and less relivant.
next came posts about multipl team matches... so 2v2v2v2 or 3v3v3 or 2v2v2 etc. anyway i was drawing up a map for one of these when i ran into the problem of grunt pathing. obviously you need grunts going to each citadel but how do u make this interesting?
Long story short i made a map that would only work with Domination and would esensialy be a King of the Hill map.
New Map Idea: Crystalization
Game Type: Only works with Dominations.
# of Players: 8 players (recommended) for 2 vs 2 vs 2 vs 2
Basic Outline:

Basicly there are four citadels in wach arm of the map. build on Pentagon bases with several islands floating just off to the side. these islands would be too far to walk on but just in range so a teleport could reach it.

Like i mentioned the whole thing is built on pentagon bases so a simple Crystal Garden theme would be nice. lots of see through blue and pink crystals would make up the background with the floor being similar to that of Prision, being raises above the floor of the garden. in a perfect world it would be nice for these to be stars on the arms between the citadel and the main body so that grunts would have to run up crystal saits before getting to the "Hill".
here is an image of the crystal image around and on the map:
Grunt pathing:
Two waves of grunts will come out of the citadel, around the corningm down the arm and into the circle. while in the circle the grunts will simply continue going around and around untill they die of the team reaches their "grunt cap"
Grunt Cap - Since Grunts will never reach a final desination a limit to the number of grunts per side would be needed to be added. i think somehwere around 50 - 75 would be enough.... this way when you reach the cap you won't spawn a new wave of grunts until a certain number of grunts have dies.
Here is the line drawing:

and to help with visualization here is the animated version:

there is a slight amount of error in the movement of the grunts as well as the spawn times. this would obviously be perfected during testing. also note that the grunts you would actualy be fighting agains is the team direwctly across from you since the grunts should be times to miss each other.
King of the Hill:
so how does this translate into king of the hill you ask? well basicly for this map most of the maps will be in the circle meaning all four teams grunts will pass over it making holding all 5 flags very hard. here is the diagram:

so there are still four flags in each bases, however this is more so that each team could still build points durring domination, just not as much, as well as allow for crushing victories when enemy DG's push the creeps and take the flag from another team. as for the flag bonuses, i was thinking either having each something diffrent (like gold, experiance, mana, health, and regen) or have each middle one control a godl mine... and then have the flags in base give extra grunt armor or something like that. always open for suggestions so le tme know if you have an idea.
the idea of this map would be to push you grunts around and around, capping the flags and holding off 3 other forces of grunts and DG's before winning the domination match... basicly King of the Hill.
Other Game Types?
since the grunts never attack the citadel it makes other game time very hard. an idea for making this a universal map would be for the two grunt waves to split up and head up towards 2 of the 3 enemies. basic idea would be for half to go up the first citadel and the other half to the second... then when the citadel is destroyed and the portal captured that group would do the same but form their own relative posision (of course other waves would continue there normal path but when they get to a destroyed citadel they turnaround the follow the path of the grunts from that lane.
confusing enough? well here is visual:

so the only way to win is to take out the first two going clockwise before getting tyhe third last. amke sense?
so obviously strategy would be huge on this type of map. not only do u have to worry about pushing two enemy bases but there is also a third one nipping at your troops' heels. for something like 2 player teams this woudl take tons of communication (which is good)
having to balance between which enemie to attack and when to defend would really be a challance as well as for King of the Hill matches where you only have 2 Demigods trying to hold off 3 lanes of grunts and 6 other DG's
the other aspect i like is the island that would bring better use to teleportation devises allowing you to escape and ambush enemie DG's by teleporting onto an island. but that was more of a side thing than anything.
So thats it for the idea... basicly trying to utilize Domination to be a more King of the Hill bases game mode. would really liek to hear people opinions on this, maybe some suggestions. also let me know if anything isn't explained very well and i'll see what i can do. thanx