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New Map Idea: Lake Front (With Pics)

By on May 21, 2009 11:15:57 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums External Link


Join Date 04/2009

ok, so i drew up and planned three more maps in the last day or two and this is the first of them... when i get some more time i will post the other 2.

for this map i was trying to play for the ever popular Forest Setting.  quite a few posts have asked for something like this so i thought i would give it a shot.  the map is called Lake Front.


Map: Lake Front


like mentioned before this was suppost to appeal to those wanting a more foresty, nature type of map, rather than the cut and dry temples and mountains.  as you can see below the map is divided into two sides with the citadels in the half circles.  the blue outline is a Lake which will basicly seperate the two sides except for a bridge (most likely a fallen tree or tree root) that connects the two.



like mentioned bfore its about nature; and the most natural of all nature settign is the forest.  so the two half circles would be tree's which have been cut down to allow a flat surface for each side.  the line in the middle would be a root or branch.  now surrounding all of this is a lake, or more exact: water.  the water covers most of the map except for the tree and a small crop of grass above and bellow the lake.  for a more detailed colour picture see below:


the light blue area on the path means that the path actually goes through the water.  this is very important later when i talk about the seasons.


pathing for the grunts as well as the tower position can be seen in the next two picture:


Note: only one portal is in base, the other two are around back and can be captured by enemy.


Note: the green triangles are flags and these flags would give small buffs and reinforcment support for your team.



this is really the key to map itself.  like mentioned serveral times now its about nature... and forests are natural... and even more natural than forests are seasons.  so the idea is for the map to adjust its self ever 5-10 min by changing the season to either Spring, Summer, Fall or Winter.  each season effects the water on the map in a diffrent way as well as changes the colour of the trees surrounding the map to some variation of the season.

Season: Water

Like i said the water is effected by the seasons.  how exactly you ask?  well i'd like more input on that but for now here is my idea:

Spring: During the spring the map will rain causing flooding and muddy water.  with muddy water and rain comes rusty armor and rusty armor mean armour reduction.  when ever a grunt or DG is stanting in the water they will receive an armour reduction of say -500.

Summer:  Summer brings on the heat and with it goes the water.  droughts cause the lake to dry up creating a hot, dry river bank.  nothing grows on the river bank and so nothing can regenerate.  while the lake is dry all grunt and DG regen of HP and Mana is reduced by 25%.

Fall: Fall brings back the rain, but not so much to flood this time.  the lake refills and with it comes the nips of frost.  wordt than rusty armour is a cold, wet troop.  When grunts and DG are in the lake while its cold their damage is reduced by 25%.

Winter: unfortunately the cold of Fall is only the start.  quickly the the lake freezes over leaving a sheet of ice in its wake.  while on the ice no one can run away as fast as they like.  during Winter all grunts and DG's on the ice have their movement speed reduced by 25%, further more when the inicial freeze happened any grunt or DG is frozen to the ice for 6 and 2 sec representively.




so that it for my idea.  obviously someone with more poetic linguistic skills could better describe a natural setting but for now just imagine something the GPG could do with a forest setting.  like i said i'd really like some feed back on buffs the lake could give during the season (mine are all negative buffs so some possitive ones might be nice too).  anyway thanx for readin and love to hear what you think.



If you liked this mapp then you might also like some of my other maps:




(2 more coming soon)


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May 21, 2009 11:53:56 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Awesome and creative as always dude!

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May 22, 2009 12:19:25 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I'm not sure if the engine supports weather effects in the way you're talking - however, this is a fantastic idea and I think it would provide a very dynamic experience.

Creative and well thought out as always. I hope at least one of your ideas makes it into the game!

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May 22, 2009 12:19:30 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I think that's a bit too comlpex, considering the maps we have now... also, since you're mostly stuck in the channels, symmetracal bonuses aren't going to be that signifigant. A simpler thing would be cool though... like, in the 'underwater' portions (mm, underwater temples...) you'd start taking damage after, say, 30 seconds. Of course, you'd need a lot of aboveground so grunts don't kill themselves... the water sections could contain things that attract players, to make it interesting. Flags you have to be careful about taking too long to attack or defend, shortcuts flanked by towers you either have to run past or plan out an attack, creep bottlenecks you can farm, but not too long...

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May 22, 2009 6:14:59 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Fantastic! This map, even without the weather effeccts, would be a GREAT addition to the game! So far all the maps have been sorta "doom and gloom" we really need a foresty map to complete the circle!

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July 19, 2009 2:18:38 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

this is a good idea but the seasons  would make it hard to fight  earily and would mean a lot of code and SD and GPG  bitching about having to do it

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July 19, 2009 2:24:46 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting si1foo,
this is a good idea but the seasons  would make it hard to fight  earily and would mean a lot of code and SD and GPG  bitching about having to do it
Now when have you ever seen Stardock and GPG come onto the forums and say stop giving us hard work? they have never once whined about it or anything they are trying to make this game as good as it can be and people presuming that they don't care is going to drive them away...

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July 19, 2009 11:05:18 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I like the map idea itself, but the seasosn thing probably won't happen... but this map could definitely come in multiple seasons, but it's something that likely wouldn't affect gameplay.

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