Lots of people on the forums have been suggesting new and excitng maps. many want to include map specific effects like rivers and blizzards etc however i feel something that has been overlooked is the concept of 3-Dimentional maps allowing for an added stratigic element of knowing where your minions are going.
my first idea is for simply a bridge/tunnel idea where one path crosses th other path but over a bridge. bellow i have some simple designes for this.

As you can see the Blue path overlaps the Red not allowing Demigods to interfer unless going down the other lane. things like Line of Sight could be given to those on the bridge over the bottem since they would technicly have more vission. and maybe allowing spell casters to cast off the bridge, maybe.
with that in mind i came up with a new idea for a map, which i have names Knot.
This map is an advanced form of the simple bridge map i have above. Basicly it incorperates many bridges with several crossing lanes. the plans are still rough but i feel that they are at least ready for public humiliation.
The image bellow if of the basic outline of the map:

Now for some pathing. the two circles would be where the citidels would be located so in order to understand where the grunts would be running i have this pic:

Again you can see that the gruntys will loop around in a classic knot shape while heading back towards the enemy citidel. an interesting aspect of the cross over would be that when trying to build a big push into the enemy base Demigods would have to cooperate with others so someone held off the enemy grunts while the other pushed the grunts into the towers before regrouping at the crossing.
as for the towers i've also got a simple placement of towers in this next pic:

Here you can see that the Towers would also overlap allowing for grunts to pass form friendly tower to enemy tower to friends tower back to enamy and finaly into citidel. i haven't really thought about flag placement or possibly more portals perhaps at the top and bottem of the loops however the possibility is always there.
I'd really appreciate some feed back from people on addition or edits to this. i personaly would lover to see some less liniar maps in later patches so i thought this might be a nice starting point.