Although I knew of the bug, I actually thought it had been fixed until a few weeks ago, when I started seeing it's use pop up pretty frequently. I think I can attribute that to this thread being raised from the abyss (thanks Zyvvrict <.<).
Lol, are you sad that he republished your secret bug? 
The bad side is, builds and itemization are starting to be focused around this bug with a lot of sedna players. I've toyed around with it, so I know how insane it can be. I'd wager that 3/4th of the Sednas I've fought in the last few weeks have gone blood, and health stack, just incase they do need to bug. Many players don't, unless they see it as a last resort. Some are less scrupulous altogether...and hey you can't blame a guy for buying High Priests as an upgrade to his monks, and reaping the benefit of the bug for a while until he replaces it with Bishops (because we all have a code of honor like mine, right?).
Any other strategy than health stacking doesn't make sense here. 30% heal just gets more powerful with every bit of health added.
Like I was saying though, its beginning to be a bit of a problem now that its on the front page of updated posts every other day. More and more people are picking up blood, and simply health stacking to exploit the hell out of this bug. You can easily reach 5k, which nets you really hefty heals, better than sednas own really, and with the high regen/speed itemization, those sednas are hard to deal with unless you can chain stun, or have a hell of a spike. Course I feel that chain stuns useing grasp are an exploit in and of theirself, still, its one of the best tactics to deal with em.
In duels you only have a chance if you outperformed Sedna in gaining XP and money (which is quite possible due to her lack of AoE). Better items make all the difference.
The exploiters arn't unkillable, far from it. But its a difinite unfair advantage, especially in 1v1 scenarios (in which case they can be unkillable), and they really can rock the early and mid game, which pretty much means their able to rock the endgame too...
I wonder if that's a problem with the exploit or a problem with Sedna generally. What this exploit does is give her a level 5 priest for the price of a level 3 priest, so it's basically a money advantage. And a health advantage because others don't get a level 5 priest equivalent.
Ok, it's a heavy health & money advantage and you get it as soon as you hit level 5.
- Heal I
- Pounce I
- Healing Wind I
- Heal II / Pounce II / Inner Grace
- Healing Wind II
That build is strong even without the exploit. But the bug and with some affordable items (BotF, Banded Armor, Unbreakable Boots) you get a free 1200 heal every 10 seconds. And your Heal I/II. And about 42 health/second.
In battle that adds up to a potential health regeneration of about 2000 health over 10 seconds, assuming you constantly cast heal I.
Big surprise Sedna seems immortal.