Aw man, I'm going to break down some quotes tonight.
I were going to say that you shouldn't tell the creators to wait longer before balancing the game when you whine about the balance without giving it any time yourself.
Huh? Where am I whining? If anything, I'm whining about people who whine, because the developers obviously are using the whine as serious leverage for balancing. If you know anything about games, you should know that just because the majority wills something, it doesn't mean it's whats best for the game. ESPECIALLY in the case of balance.
There's no reason to respond to this post since I won't read any more posts from you, not until you grow up.
Good, stay out of my thread. I don't need people standing upon ignorant assumptions to ruin intellectual discussion.
What you have to realize is the reason Bite has all of these effects is because Erebus is a 'General' so that his minions will be able to dole out a large amount of damage to the enemy.
This is assuming the other team doesn't have crowd control like Rook/TB, or other generals like oak with minions to counter? Nope! Bite is OP because we tunnel vision and don't look at other possible factors.
if you throw in the fact that he can warp into and out of combat...
This is assuming he has infinite mana, and you say warp like it's a significant amount of distance, considering its no where near getting out of range for roll/snipe/sometimes fireball. You also neglect that moving OUT of combat, requires mana. If you go back to base to get more, or pot up, you lose several things: 1) Gold. If you arent killing creeps, you lose gold. If you're not judging battles properly and require mana pots, it's more gold. 2) EXP. Most importantly. If you're going back for mana to keep playing like this, or offsetting it by spending gold on pots, you're going to lose EXP and thus they will LEVEL FASTER. COMMON SENSE MUCH?
You obviously know exactly what the game needs and are the biggest pro ever?
I never claimed to be the biggest pro ever. Quote me please? Oh god, don't assume more either. Sick of that.
As far as my 'skills' go, I'm not the greatest player in the world and never claimed to be
Wait. Stop it right there. Okay, we have established that you don't know everything. So stop talking about balance like you KNOW, EVERYTHING. The developers ARE retarded, and take every word seriously that you say, and you dont know what you're talking about. The retardation of GPG correlates directly to you yourself, whining.
You want to debate they aren't retarded? This balance change. 100% based off of whining. Whining, that has no base other than PUGS playing in pantheon matches against random people and getting owned. They literally used nothing to base this nerf off of. Pretty fucking retarded if you ask me.
I am fully aware he has low HP and the like, so does Torchbearer...that doesn't stop him from stacking armor and being a tank.
That also doesn't stop the enemy from stacking the same amount of HP/Armor, and having better stats in the end. You also neglect the fact that a demigod isn't in front of a lane 24/7. We call this micro-management. Smart players out-level and out-farm others. Out-farming/Out-leveling leads to an even bigger stats gap. Erebus doesn't hold his own well against certain demigods, so you give him too much room to just BUY items like he is free to do so without the other team to shut him out. ASSUME ASSUME ASSUME
I'm suprised at how un-aware you seem to be.
Every bit of damage has to be considered when you're 'scratching' away at your enemy.
Low levels when staying in lanes is really important, I can shrug off 300-600 damage with 300 extra melee damage to regen it, because Erebus can't tank towers in combination with a demigod hitting you, let alone two, or three, or five. Trust me, the damage is pretty negligible.
So yes, yes it does and would 'scratch' her...and the fact that it would slow her and reduce her armor makes it child's play for a team to pick her off.
...Okay. I'm assuming your a pantheon pug and haven't fought a good QoT, let alone a QoT that fights with a team, and isn't 3v1. See, right there. You assumed skill wasn't a factor, and that the other team is made up of retarded children. 1350 a-LOT of damage mitigated. QoT has a LOT of nuke damage combined with minions. a-LOT more survivability than an erebus can dream of. How the fuck can you compare? Fuck you're dumb.
Why would I let Rook land a slam?
Tends to happen when you're stunned, and/or charging a stun too late. I'm sorry man, you aren't super man. Oh, don't neglect roll either. Word on the street is, smart team work using ventrilo can coordinate ANOTHER demigod's stun in conjunction with slam, before the stun even hits. BAM.
I'm done here, I'd rather not talk to someone who is a troll like yourself.
You just got thoroughly owned. Brand me what you want, it doesn't make you correct, nor does it make my arguments irrelevent. Idiot.
Oak or Sedna sure, but unless its a custom match or skirmish when exactly are you going to be fighting a UB or QoT?
ESL matches, clan matches, organized team matches. I'm sorry sir, pantheon is not an appropriate outlet to base balance off of. Even developers (before they went retarded) are implementing a clan pantheon that does not split demigods by side. By the way, why not Rook? He's the tankiest demigod, and out-melees erebus in every respect. Without a full blown minion build (which results in erebus being easier to kill), how does he compete with just a BITE, that got nerfed?
you should atleast back yourself up with proven facts and stop ridiculing others if you want them to give constructive posts in your thread.
Okay, define proven facts. What is a proven fact? It can't be an opinion, can it? No, of course not. Of COURSE im not allowed to argue opinions of what is OP, with another opinion. They have to be conclusive FACTS.
I've given many constructive posts, and they're neglected. I'm not sugar-coating this message anymore. What GPG did is straight up retarded, and the way whining newbies are fueling this is equally so. Can you describe it better, or do you differ in opinion? Prove your opinion is a fact for me, sir.