Last night we released an update to Demigod and marked it as beta. The results have been very encouraging with a massive improvement in connectivity plus a fixes to a wide range of issues that users had reported. We’re getting a great deal of very good feedback that we can use to update for a Monday release.
Here’s a summary of what beta testers have found along with what the solutions are:
1) You have been disconnected because the NAT has failed. There appears to be a logic error in the new connectivity system. If you fail to connect to someone who enters the lobby, you won’t connect to anyone subsequently. This is basically a case of a very late night if/then logic needing to be tweaked.
2) Some people are getting massive favor points values. Obviously way better than not working at so those of you who are getting it enjoy it while you can and I hope I don’t get into any games with you.
Should be relatively easy to fix on Monday.
3) Sound settings not saving. (;2195602). This will have to be looked at.
4) Scattered reports of people getting into the lobby fine but not able to connect to some of the other players. This is not going to get fixed by Monday (except for those affected by problem #1). If you can run ImpulseReactorOptions in the bin directory, mark the ports say 6000 to 6200 as ones to use and then on your router port forward to those. See for more on how to do that. Now, we don’t expect people to know how to do that, this is simply a quick way to solve it for most people.
So what’s the plan?
Well, based on feedback, I think the 108 hour week we put in last week won’t need to be repeated (and yes, I mean literally we clocked in 108 hours in the past 7 days at the office). Everything else from here on out is relatively easy comparatively. I am going to ask our architect to write a paper when things calm down explaining the rather impressive new technology of proxy sockets that we designed that allowed us to let Demigod to see all players with 1 socket without GPG needing to modify 1 line of code in Demigod. It’s pretty amazing stuff.
So here’s the basic outline of what I see happening:
On Monday, we’re going to take care of item #1 above and item #2 above and then release this new build as a public version and eliminate betas. This will recombine the communities back together.
Late next week we will likely release an update (probably less than 1 megabyte) that adds in support for the Proxy servers and improves NAT. The developer of Raknet is visiting us this next week.
Is it safe?
So is Demigod safe to play online for normal people? In my opinion, the Monday release will probably put it there. The beta we have works pretty well other than issue #1 above which, admittedly, throws a big monkey wrench into custom games right now.
After Monday, it’ll be diminishing returns as we add in proxy servers for people who just can’t connect and lots of other things. Then we’re going to start focusing on Demigod: Clan Wars (free expansion) and lots of in game tools to let people filter who they play with.