I've played 1 or 2. Then again it doesn't really matter to me. Gamers, are gamers regardless of race, gender, etc. My GF plays Demigod quite often but she hasn't ventured online yet, although she should.
^^ His GF. 
I don't venture online yet cuz I still suck and I'm not bout to get my ass kicked and get pissed off at the game. Besides, I'm not sure which character I want to stick with yet since I still need to learn the pros and cons of each character, and that whole joining a dark or light side... sheesh, talk about pressure! lol
But to answer the question, obviously. duh. I game quite a lot and I do notice the different treatment I get from guys when I come out and say I'm a chic. lol It's suddenly, *swarm to protect the girl* lol. MMOS, I get sudden gifts and money from other males high levels, and I don't ask for it either, before ya'll say anything. In L4D, my male co-players don't get all pissed off and cuss me out when I suck and get everyone kill.. and they're quick to my aid when I get trapped by a swarm. Plus, I can shoot and run and they just laugh cuz I'm a girl. lol which can be quite annoying but it has its advantages.
The downside to admitting my gender online is I get the desperate and horny males sometimes harrassing me. The hitting on, the occassional cyber stalker and the pervs who whispers me for cybersex, those makes me just want to keep my gender to myself. Sometimes, it's better for the people I'm playing with to think I'm a dude becus then they play for real and don't take it easy on me simply cuz of my gender.