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The Ninja Rook

Madness? Gimmicky? Maybe. Awesome? Yes.

By on April 30, 2009 10:30:22 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums


Join Date 09/2007

Ninja Rook

Ninja Rook.  Yes, a ninja rook is possible.

1. Intro

2. Disclaimer

3. General Strategies

4. Play style over a game

5. Cost-Benefit

6. Skills

7. Equipment

8. Conclusion

1. Intro

I like to play "heavy" classes in multiplayer team based games in ways they're not set up for.  I like to play a ninja Heavy in TF2, because despite map design there are plenty of places to park a large angry Russian without anyone noticing.  It's great to jump out from a corner your gun spun up and mowing down several players, then running for your life.

What do I mean by playing a heavy class in a "ninja" style?  There are three words which define this play style for the Rook: Unpredictability, Speed, and Ambush


- Usually, everyone knows where the rook is on the map or where it's going most of the time.  It's kind of hard not to be noticed by the entire party when you're a walking castle.  This has to stop.  The rook should "blend in" with creeps and other demigods.  The rook should no longer be a mostly stationary defender, instead opting to fight in all areas of the map.  By staying stationary, you are giving your enemies the opportunity to come up with a plan to strike your defense.  This is very, very bad.  By moving around, your enemies will think twice about taking that flag.  This is very, very good.


- There is a large emphasis on speed, cooldown, and teleport items in this build.  At some point, your team (including Unclean Beast) will all be staring in awe muttering "That five hundred ton bag of bricks is hauling some serious arse."  Speed will be critical in the harassment and psychological warfare aspect of this build.  You should be able to escape or catch any demigod.


- The ninja rook almost never takes another demigod head-on.  I know this goes against your natural rook sense of "I AM BIG I CAN TAKE BEATING URRRNNFFF," but because you will not be focusing on traditional combat items, surprise will be essential.  Place a tower farm in their retreat path.  Lure them into areas that appear to be undefended, and let towers you place crumble to further give the impression that you are no longer watching that lane.

2. Disclaimer

- I have only played one multiplayer game with this build.  I haven't had the chance to give it a thorough test.  It's rather gimmicky and not really a "serious" build, I suppose, but I think it would still be fun to try.  This build will probably get laughed at by veterans.

3. General Strategies

- Look for blind spots on every map.  Even in small maps, there are areas behind enemy lines in which there is limited/no vision to creeps and towers.  Great places to set up traps or just sit down and rest your massive body for a while.

- Towers are your friends.  Place towers behind enemy lines out of sight radius of the creeps.  These allow you to teleport behind enemy demigods and give them a surprise face compression.

- Be where people are not, and leave towers and observation wards all over the map to scout for you.  This play style relies on three things: observation, observation, and obsvervation.  You should know what all enemy demigods are doing at all times.

- Always stay stocked with 3 teleport scrolls whenever possible.

- Don't teleport directly to a position that's getting attacked if you want to defend it.  Teleport to a structure nearby, preferably behind them. You want to always be strolling out of their fog of war with a wicked smile on your face and make them think that you break the sound barrier by being in nearly two places at the same time.  Done right, the enemy will never see a teleport spell circle with you showing up in it.  You'll always be tearing out of the shadows to assassinate them.

- Capture flags in enemy territory only if there is no activity there.  Go behind their base and capture (lock) their creep spawn a bit at a time.  Go stand on the flag between waves, and go off to the side before they spawn.  You can watch the lights on the portal - when they all light up, a wave spawns.  Run back and repeat until the flag's neutral.  Unless the creeps are very weak, you should not be sitting on the flag beating off wave after wave of creeps.

- Unless there is a weak demigod you can assassinate quickly, avoid ambushing more than one demigod at a time.

- Coordinate with your team.  Your ambushes are much deadlier and effective with support, either weakening them first or finishing them off for you if you have to run.

4. Play style over a game

Early game

- Keep careful watch and kill someone, anyone, in an epic ambush.  This needs to be done early, done viciously, and done without remorse.  Notice where enemy demigods are going and wait in an area out of the line of sight of creeps and towers.  Obviously, don't hesitate to hoof it out of there if things go south.  The reason why this is important isn't the humiliation of getting beaten down by a large pile of stones hiding in a corner no one was looking, it's the fear and paranoia.  You must introduce into their minds the possibility of getting backhanded by a ninja rook anywhere on the map.  The player will communicate to the team what you're up to, and this is good.   You want them to know that you can be anywhere at any time.  If you don't manage to kill anyone you won't be taken seriously and your team will be wondering what the heck you're doing.

Mid game

- The enemy team begins to figure out what you're doing.  It's time to implement the second phase of the plan.  Stay in one area and play a "normal" rook.  You should always be doing what they are not expecting you to be doing.  Take advantage of the fact that they will now be checking corners, nooks, crannies for your accursed towers or massive bulk.  Push the front, set up your tower farm, support your team mates, do whatever you need to do to give yourself a war score and resource advantage.  If they're not paranoid, continue to harass and move around.

Late game

- The enemy team is probably a little bit calmer now.  They're more survivable, they move faster, and they haven't seen your hijinks for a while.  But you know this will happen.  You have been preparing.  It's time to strike.  Set up towers behind enemy lines, and leap from the shadows.  Use boulder roll and hammer slam combo with impunity, and run away if things look bad.  Hit demigods distracted by your friends and hit them when they're not expecting it.  Use your warp items to move around quickly.

5. Cost-benefit


- Keeping other players off balance.  They're expecting you to be another ho-hum tower rook or something similar.   However, the ninja rook gives you an aspect of psychological warfare.  You're everywhere and nowhere at once.  Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition just as nobody expects the ninja rook.

- Mass area denial.  By leaving towers all over the map, some in sight and some out of sight, you're limiting enemy demigod movement since you can be there at any time.

- Durability.  Make no mistake, you're still a rook and come with all the advantages of being just plain HUMONGOUS.  You strike viciously from nowhere and can't be killed in your short engagements.  If things look bad, you can outrun any demigod.  It's a win-win situation.

- Lethality.  Catching a demigod by surprise gives you a significant advantage even if your combat equipment sucks.  You're not sticking around for the party, you will be focusing on stuns and burst damage to bring down a demigod as quickly as possible.

- Fun.  You control the game now.  If you're not having fun watching your opponents scramble futilely to keep up with you, or if this style of play somehow doesn't suit your rook, feel free to abandon it.


- Expensive.  This build is not cheap, and requires some quality speed items to obtain desired galloping pace.  You will also be investing heavily in teleport scrolls.  You will likely not have money left over to upgrade the citadel and will have to depend on your teammates to do that.

- One trick pony.  If your opponents get really good at figuring out what you're doing and where you'll be, you have problems.  Your items give you little to no edge in combat.  You must never get teamed up on, and you may even have problems holding off one demigod.

- Tiring.  It's fun, but requires you to work hard.  You can't park the rook in the lane, set up a farm, and go grab some coffee.  You're always moving around, always looking for weaknesses and blind spots to prey upon.  This may not be your idea of fun.

- Creeping.  You'll be too busy setting up and moving around to get much xp from creeping, potentially keeping you several levels under your opponents and with a bit less gold.

6. Skills

Suggested progression:

Lv 1 - Power of the Tower I

Lv 2 - Archer Tower

Lv 3 - (Save Point)

Lv 4 - Power of the Tower II

Lv 5 - Boulder Roll, Tower of Light

Lv 6 - God Strength I

Lv 7 - Power of the Tower III

Lv 8 - Trebuchet

Lv 9 - (Save Point)

Lv 10 - Power of the Tower IV, Boulder Roll II

Lv 11 - God Strength II

Lv 12 - Hammer Slam I

Lv 13 - Hammer Slam II

Lv 14 - Hammer Slam III

Lv 15 - Boulder Roll III

Lv 16 - God Strength III

Lv 17 - Poisoned Arrows

Lv 18 - Hammer Slam IV

Lv 19 - Dizzying Force

Lv 20 - Stat boost

7. Equipment

There will be 3 kinds of items you will want to stack:

- Speed

- Lower cooldown

- Warp/teleport

If you have extra gold (which you should from all the ninja-style demigod killing) 

- Burst damage

- Stun

It's really up to you want you want to pick up first, but you'll eventually want all three.  Speed is the core of this build, but early in the game you won't have much money to buy that many great speed items.  Lower cooldowns allows you to set up a tower farm in someone's retreat path in seconds, along with increasing your burst damage by maybe allowing you to use your abilities twice a battle.  However, like speed, there is little initial advantage.  I recommend getting scrolls of teleport first, and a warp item once you have good speed and cooldowns.

The burst damage is especially for endgame.  Everyone will be souped up with better items, tougher armor, and more hitpoints.  This should not negate your ability to blink in and destroy a demigod in five seconds.  Stun helps keep prey cooperative.

8. Conclusion

That's about it.  This build/style could definitely use some work, but I just want to throw the concept out there.

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April 30, 2009 10:36:14 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums


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April 30, 2009 10:54:51 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I have yet to see boulder roll and hammer slam combo be very effective. Is the max stun longer than the hammer cast?

I like your guide, and think you bring up some cool ideas. Some of what you state is kinda obvious to an average player, but good for beginners.

Itd be fun to play rook this way, tower crawling across a map is the best way to play rook for now though.

The graphic included with you guide is however, epic.

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April 30, 2009 10:58:17 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Heh, your skill layout is almost identicle to my rook build, except I prefer to save points approaching level 15 to max out boulder, god strength, and poison arrow, then spend my remaining five skill points on hammer slam. 

While I totally agree that putting speed items on rook is a very smart idea (there's no greater terror than being outran by a living castle).  However, I really don't see rook as a lurker.  He has the toughness (and the towers!) to stand in the middle of a lane and camp a position quite well.  There's nothing wrong with coming in from behind, but I don't think it should be your primary function, at least until very late game.


I have yet to see boulder roll and hammer slam combo be very effective. Is the max stun longer than the hammer cast?

Yes, if you pull it off right a maxed out boulder roll will stun them long enough to land the hammer.  However, late game purpose of hammer slam is more instant crowd control than anything.

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April 30, 2009 10:59:36 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums
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May 1, 2009 1:29:29 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

the picture is great and while I don't play Rook you gave me some nice ideas. Thank you very much! 

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May 1, 2009 6:26:57 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I've found that the rook's trebuchet gives out his intention to go to a location long before he is even there.

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May 1, 2009 9:10:24 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

lol'ed !

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May 1, 2009 9:56:02 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I see some flaws with this...


Keep careful watch and kill someone, anyone, in an epic ambush.  This needs to be done early, done viciously, and done without remorse.


Does this assume that the team is retarded and has no sense of team work..? Like, do you intend to use this playstyle in pantheon/pubs? Ganking early is a general strategy and more power to you to try to go for first blood, but, does telling a rook to kill them viciously without remorse tell them how to kill someone? With just towers? From what I know, smart people avoid the towers, or take them out in a group.


Creeping.  You'll be too busy setting up and moving around to get much xp from creeping, potentially keeping you several levels under your opponents and with a bit less gold.


This seems more like a downfall than a disadvantage, considering rook's amazing ability to push lanes is neglected to allow the other team to out-level you, out-farm you, out-survive your ganks, and ultimately just out-rape you. ESPECIALLY if you dont land any kills early-game, or any assists to make up for this, and it can very easily be out-played if you try this against a competent team. Then when you try to play a 'normal' rook and farm, you'll find yourself out-pushed by miles when people are higher...


The burst damage is especially for endgame.  Everyone will be souped up with better items, tougher armor, and more hitpoints.  This should not negate your ability to blink in and destroy a demigod in five seconds.  Stun helps keep prey cooperative.


But if everyone is out-geared from out-leveling you early-mid game, then how do you kill a demigod in 5 seconds? I don't fathom that happening, unless its with the help of teammates, and their team as I said is assumed to be retarded.


This isn't really a build, moreso than it is a playstyle. It's been grounded to be pretty universal to stack move speed on any demigod, and burst damage is what wins the endgame when you don't out level someone, but this build just takes every disadvantage Rook has and tries to use them against other people who will have an advantage in every situation. I don't see this going any farther than a pantheon hero build. Theres almost no concept of teamwork mentioned in this. :/


The rook drawing was badass, though.

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May 1, 2009 3:16:13 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I see some flaws with this...

There's quite a lot more wrong than just "some" flaws with it.

You're right, it's more of a general playstyle.  I've been light on details because I wanted to give a high-level overview, since a lot of it is situational.  This playstyle depends on patience and observation, and is mostly discretionary as to when to wait, when to attack, where to place towers, and when to capture.  And yes, this is definitely not a serious pantheon build (at least until I can work out all of the serious issues).  Like you said, the enemy team most likely has to be retarded (able to be goaded by your illusion to be "everywhere") in order for this to have a chance of succeeding.  Again, it's mostly a gimmicky way to play with no chance of success in a competitive environment.

Creeping is indeed a gaping hole here, but I was hoping this would be mostly made up from killing heroes for gold and capping unguarded flags for xp.  Nevertheless, not taking advantage of the Rook's ability to push lanes probably will leave you at a serious disadvantage.

As for teamwork, I feel like there's quite a strong element of this.  Playing the rook observationally means you're ready to teleport or run in to assist a kill, take a lane for a while and let your buddy go buy items, or serve as a distraction.  This builds a faster support character than a traditional setup would, but also significantly weaker support character.  In this game, however, speed and location can be just as or more important than stats and equipment.

If standard tower pushing allows a rook to pick up levels and speed items more quickly, then yes, it seems like the terrorizing will probably have to wait until later.

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May 1, 2009 5:14:19 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

If standard tower pushing allows a rook to pick up levels and speed items more quickly, then yes, it seems like the terrorizing will probably have to wait until later.


I tower farm early, terrorize mid-game,  then dominate late. From a pub/pantheon point of view, of course. The items we get are essentially the same, although the build is different.

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May 1, 2009 10:17:39 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I would love to see a gameplay video of someone pulling this off.

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May 10, 2009 1:08:42 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I just did a few  2v2 Pantheon matches back to back. Citadel, Fortress, and Capture the Flag. I was skeptical when I skimmed this guide but I took the basic build and adapted it for my needs.

Rook makes a surprisingly effective guerilla unit.

During long Citadel games, I found Rooks ninja-ness to be less effective when compared to Capture the Flag and Fortress. Let me begin by saying, that two of the matches I faced 2 opponents against myself and an AI (I was very unlikely.) For the Capture the Flag match, I dominated the early half of the game but my effectness was hampered due to the AI wandering about aimlessly. Had I a human team mate, the match would have gone very differently. With a combination of teleports, capture locks, and tower/drain pushes, I was able to very easily get deep into an enemy base, take a flag, and bounce to acquire another. With sufficient partnership, this combination is quite deadly.

On the Fortress hunt, I was fortunate that my AI was also a rook. Whereas I focused on Tower/Drain, he focused on Hammer/Drain. Early match I teleported to my fortress in the center of the map, snatched the flag, and then put up some towers. I was fortunate that my AI companion joined me and we were able to force the opponent into retreat. Within the first 2-3 minutes of the game, we removed the first tower using a combination of towards to take the brunt of the damage, and the companion draining the rest.

The effectiveness comes when we'd wander off to creep or push futher into their base and they'd come to take one of our targets. I'd be able to teleport/tower up in time to defend and when they were forced to retreat, simply capture lock and teleport scroll out.

Just to reinterate, Ninja Rook seems to excel at base defense, flag stealing, and pushing steadily into enemy bases. Some Heroes will charge past towers to steal flags, Rook excel as methodically plowing down base defense.

As for Items: Amulet of Teleport, Capture Locks, Teleport Scrolls are the basis of this. I'm a fan of the Vlemish Faceguard to never run out of mana. Once I've those four items, I bounce around with either spending on Citadel upgrades or other items of interest. I personally would not recommend speed stacking items until pre mid game. Primarily, if your opponent see's you moving fast early on, they will compensate very quickly. It's best to lumber about early game, and then when it is unexpected, have the Rook haul ass as needed.

Edit: I'll admit my gameplay style is geared more towards team player/overall success as opposed to Hero killing. Depending the map and gameplay mode, creeping is heavily relied on (primarily porting from one creep hotspot to the next.) If you can take on enemies, do so, if not, bounce and continue creeping somewhere more peaceful.

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May 30, 2009 4:23:25 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I play a (semi) towerless rook by putting a single point into towers, making myself a free TP spot (Yay!). Between teleports and speed items, Rook can easily become the most mobile unit on the map. Add in Amulet of Teleportation or swift anklet for even more chaos.

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May 30, 2009 4:31:48 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting SeniorBiscuit,
I have yet to see boulder roll and hammer slam combo be very effective. Is the max stun longer than the hammer cast?

I like your guide, and think you bring up some cool ideas. Some of what you state is kinda obvious to an average player, but good for beginners.

Itd be fun to play rook this way, tower crawling across a map is the best way to play rook for now though.

The graphic included with you guide is however, epic.

It works very well for two-shotting casters. At level one, the stun is the exact same length as the wind-up for the slam. It is tricky, but very possible to net kills this way.

If you prioritize your stun level over your slam level from there on out, you are golden. Especially if you have some unexpected speed.

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May 30, 2009 4:58:49 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting BigAbboTT,

It works very well for two-shotting casters. At level one, the stun is the exact same length as the wind-up for the slam. It is tricky, but very possible to net kills this way.

If you prioritize your stun level over your slam level from there on out, you are golden. Especially if you have some unexpected speed.

You can actually level the two up at the same time, keeping the timing perfect, if you're feeling cocky. I frequently save points for just that.

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July 25, 2009 9:20:57 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Lol . Qcvar, I do love that picture


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July 29, 2009 12:34:57 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

The picture is nice.. so is the writing style.. the strategy, not so much.

Its a bit too dreamy and cartoonish.. I couldn't figure out how are you just going to do half of what is mentioned. There is no real guide here (with the exception of the skill tree.. which does not exactly fit the description of the build). I don't see how rook will outrun other demigods early in the game given that he has the slowest base speed of any DG.

no matter if i agree or not, kudos on a pleasant read tho..

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