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Completely merge the Demigod forums on Impulse and

The Impulse\Demigod forum lacks the Ideas and Strategy subsections.

By on April 28, 2009 8:24:29 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

For the people who don't understand what i'm talking about, see below: -> All demigod forums, minus the Ideas and Strategies subsections.  -> Same forums as above, but with Ideas and Strategies subsections.


Maybe it should be made more clear to new forum members. For example, if you use the Impulse client, you can only see the Impulse forums, not the "" forums. I didn't even know they existed, so i wasn't aware of the Ideas & Strategies subsections. When i've registered to this forum, i've did it from the impulse client, as i'm a new impulse user, and later used it in my firefox browser, posting on the "impulsedriven" forum, instead of the "demigodthegame" forum.

I pretty sure that some people posting gameplay ideas and such in the General area, instead on the Ideas subsection, don't know about the forums, with the new subsections...It's really confusing to have 2 almost identical forums, but different at the same time.

If there is a way to fix it, please do it...

+13 Karma | 12 Replies
April 28, 2009 8:52:17 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

you got to the Impulse driven forums while trying to post to the demigod forums?

It makes sense that Impulse driven would have all the impulse driven forums (that includes demigod) while demigod would only have the demigod forums and off topic sections.  To me it does anyway.   I can see how it might be confusing though.

April 28, 2009 9:18:23 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting landisaurus,
you got to the Impulse driven forums while trying to post to the demigod forums?

Demigod was my first Stardock game and because of this i've installed the Impulse client. There you can browse the Impulsedriven forums. I made an user account and started posting in the demigod section. Later, i switched to Firefox browser, but still posting in the impulsedriven forums, demigod section. Only recently i found out that the Impulsedriven demigod section is missing the Ideas and Strategy subsections, and they are only present on the demigod official site's forum (which is basically the same with impulsedriven demigod forum, minus the two subsections).

I thought maybe others could be in my situation, not knowing about the Ideas and Strategy subsection, and posting gameplay related stuff in the General demigod subsection.

May 4, 2009 6:36:17 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I think your problem has more to do with the fact that it isn't easy to tell that there are other forums related to Demigod, even though they exist.  I'm not exactly sure how a simple solution can be implemented, considering that the forums are shared.


May 4, 2009 7:11:03 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Exactly, the two forums are shared, minus the Ideas and Strategy subsections in Demigod. Maybe add a shortcut to the 2 subsections, on the impulsedriven forum, so the users who use the forum from that adress see them?


May 4, 2009 10:51:11 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting Dead Ghost,
Exactly, the two forums are shared, minus the Ideas and Strategy subsections in Demigod. Maybe add a shortcut to the 2 subsections, on the impulsedriven forum, so the users who use the forum from that adress see them?


But then would they have to be redirected to the Demigod forums?  Nothing on the forums so far do this, as I think the intention was to keep the forums as seperate as possible while utilizing the same codebase.


May 5, 2009 8:39:54 AM from GalCiv II Forums GalCiv II Forums

But then would they have to be redirected to the Demigod forums? Nothing on the forums so far do this, as I think the intention was to keep the forums as separate as possible while utilizing the same codebase.
Have you even looked at how all of SD's forums are spread over all 12 of SD's separate forum sites?

I’m not trying to be facetious and I’m sure you know way more about SD’s forum structure than I do but in my humble opinion the problem that Dead Ghost brings up is really just the tip of the iceberg.

On the off chance you’re not totally aware of the issue last fall I went on a “walkabout” mapping the entirety of SD’s forums as they existed at that time on SD’s 11 different forums sites. It was actually quite an effort given that at that time there were 755 forums spread over the 11 different forum sites and of those 755 forums “only” 373 were unique. Of course since then a 12th forum site has been added (elemental) along with who knows how many new forums.

The thing is that if there were at least consistency in the forum structures from one site to the next then I think it all would make perfect sense. The problem is that there isn’t anything approaching consistency. Major forums with dozens of subforums and even sub-subforums on one site may exist on another site simply as a lone subforum in a totally unrelated category.

What’s even more confusing is that there are many “invisible” forums on each site. By invisible I mean that there are forums that are not listed in the sites top level category list yet new posts within that forum scroll by on that sites recent posts list. Actually there are 3 different types of “invisible” forums dependent on how you can actually determine that they exist on that site.

I could go on and write a thesis here about the funky things that exist within this structure. Like the Off-topic forum (/forum/412) that is widely shared over many of SD’s sites versus the Off-Topic forum (note the capitalization difference, /forum/349) which is a subforum of the GalCiv II forum (/forum/162) that exists only on the GalCiv2 and Stardock ( sites.

And that really doesn’t begin to demonstrate the confusion.

I could also publish my entire list of SD forums except that it consists of 13 pages of a Word document and I doubt anyone really wants to read through all of that.

The point of this is that I believe that the entirety of SD’s forums needs a whole lot of tender loving care. Someone to go over all of the forums and make some sense of them all, organize them and prune many of the unnecessary and duplicates into a common, consistent, unified and most importantly understandable structure.

May 5, 2009 9:01:38 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Bara, here is a quick fix to my (and other's) Demigod forum problem: make a thread pinned in the General Demigod section (that is shared on both demigod forums) to let people know there are two Ideas and Strategy subforums in Demigod, and they are located on the demigodthegame forum.

Frogboy already did this, but only to let people know there is a Demigod Journals section, which is strange, because that section is already shared and visible on both forums:


Mumblefratz, i'm surprised, i didn't know this problem was so deep, i thought it was exclusive to the DG forum (where i'm active).

May 5, 2009 10:10:47 AM from GalCiv II Forums GalCiv II Forums

Not so much of a problem as just a very large source of confusion.

Mumblefratz, i'm surprised, i didn't know this problem was so deep, i thought it was exclusive to the DG forum (where i'm active).
Actually the DG site being new is probably one of the more consistent sites out there.

Your point is that if the Demigod forum structure is essentially copied on another site then at least copy the *entire* Demigod forum along with *all* its forums and subforums. Why make the exception to copy everything but two selected subforums?

The same thing exists in many dozens if not hundreds of other forums across SD's forum sites. I don't have my list at the moment but if I recall correctly there are over 20 forums, subforums and sub-subforums associated with the GalCiv II forum (/forum/162) on the GalCiv2 site. Many but far from all of these are replicated on the site as well. The first point is do we really need over 20 seperate forums and subforums related to GalCiv2? And the second is if you're going to copy a branch of the forum tree on another site then you should copy it in it's entirety. 

There are many "orphan" forums that haven't had a new post in over 4 years. Then there are other forums like the Personal Computing forum (/forum/1) that on WinCustomize are major forums with 13 subforums and an additional 19 sub-subforums while on the GalCiv2 site the same Personal Computing forum (/forum/1) is merely a dead end subforum of the Off-topic forum (/forum/412, not to be confused with the aforementioned Off-Topic forum, /forum/349).

If you really want to get confused take a look at the forum tree branchs related to OS customization as they're implemented on WC and compare them to strikingly similar branches implemented on the JU, SD, XP themes and Vista themes sites.

I initially tried to make some sense of it all when I did my walkabout but it was impossible because there was no consistency. It's just a tangled web of forums that has enough correspondence from one site to the next to make you think you have an idea of what goes where but there are just so many exceptions to the rule that you really have no chance.

May 5, 2009 10:55:26 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Here's why I think they only copied the general Demigod subforum to ImpulseDriven:

ImpulseDriven isn't meant to be the be-all, end-all forum for all of the games that we have developed/published.  What it's supposed to be is a generic "starter" forum.  We put the Demigod General forum in there so that people who aren't big Demigod fans can chat about it.  Those who wish to delve deeper into Demigod will go to the Demigod site, which will have more forums for discussion.

In other words, ImpulseDriven is more for the "casual" gamer, who may just have a question or wish to discuss something.  DemigodTheGame is more for the "hardcore" gamer that wishes to delve into strategies, ideas, etc.  If we added all of the sub-forums from Demigod to ImpulseDriven, then where do we stop?  Shouldn't we also add all of the GalCiv sub-forums?  The Sins sub-forums?  The Elemental sub-forums?  Any other future games we may publish/develop?  Why add Demigod but not those?  And if we do add those, then ImpulseDriven will get way too big with far too many forums for what is supposed to be a general place to discuss Impulse-related activities (which includes games like Demigod and Elemental, but should not go too deep into the discussions).

I think the issue here is that you're trying to find consistency and some form of order in a system that was not designed that way.  As I said before, the forums were meant to be completely separate sites sharing a similar codebase.  The fact that some forums are shared between the sites is more a matter of keeping all related topics to a single forum than it is to be consistent across sites.  Don't try and bring order to a system that was meant to have any

With that in mind, the reason GalCiv2 has so many forums may be because the users in those forums requested them.  The sites are treated separate, so what ImpulseDriven or Stardock or whatever other sites see is not taken into consideration, the decision is for the GalCiv2 forums only.


May 5, 2009 12:28:08 PM from JoeUser Forums JoeUser Forums

Here's why I think they only copied the general Demigod subforum to ImpulseDriven:

ImpulseDriven isn't meant to be the be-all, end-all forum for all of the games that we have developed/published. What it's supposed to be is a generic "starter" forum. We put the Demigod General forum in there so that people who aren't big Demigod fans can chat about it. Those who wish to delve deeper into Demigod will go to the Demigod site, which will have more forums for discussion.

A valid argument. But even so if this is your argument then why would not only the GalCiv II forum be copied but also 4 of its 11 subforums along with the GalCiv Dev Journals for good measure. What's so special about those particular GalCiv II subforums? And then similarly why would the Stardock Games forum ( and the individual game forums underneath be so different on Impulsedriven than the identical Stardock Games forum that exists on the SD site (

I think the issue here is that you're trying to find consistency and some form of order in a system that was not designed that way.
Of that there is no doubt.

As I said before, the forums were meant to be completely separate sites sharing a similar codebase.
I think you intuit way more forethought than actually exists. Saying that the forums were “meant” to be such and such implies both a plan and a methodology for executing that plan. In my opinion the separate forums started out separate and they simply evolved haphazardly ever since, gradually over time becoming more intertwined.

As you say these forums (except for the GalCiv1 forum which is a true orphan) share a similar codebase but it’s clear that they do more than that. They also share the *identical* database. The Off-topic forum is forum/412 at *all* sites on which it exists, no matter *where* in the hierarchical structure of that site it exists. Same thing with threads/articles *all* of which are accessible from *every* site even if the forum in which it’s contained is not otherwise accessible on a particular site.

For example you can go to *any* of Stardock’s forum sites and enter in the thread/article number and you can view and reply to posts that you could otherwise not see on that site. For example  is the Off-Topic forum that I’ve mentioned before. If you were to try and access this forum from WC i.e. you wouldn’t get the Off-Topic forum but would instead get a list of forums that are in some way “invisible” on WC (the whole invisible forum thing is a different discussion).

However taking a thread that’s contained in this Off-Topic forum as an example,, you can simply enter the article number from the WC site,, (or any other SD site) and you can access and even respond to the thread even though it’s not otherwise visible on the site nor would that thread ever get listed in WC’s recent posts list.

To add even more confusion to this already confused situation you can consider the subtle differences in how “threads” are treated when created, accessed and replied to from a forum versus how an “article” is created, accessed and replied to from a “blog”. But blog articles and forum threads are totally identical and can be accessed and manipulated interchangeably by both forum and blog functions. Yet another major source of confusion.

I certainly understand that the scope of this issue may be way beyond your responsibilities, however there has been a steady progression within all of these sites to have a unified login, share a similar codebase and share the identical database and it does seem to me that the pruning of superfluous and duplicate forums and the general cleanup of old forums seems a natural progression of this process. Do you realize that there are close to 100 forums with less than 5 replies none of which are more recent than two years ago that exist across SD’s sites. You can’t be arguing that those forums are really necessary. I’m not saying to delete old threads because that’s deleting history but in virtually all cases the containing forum could easily be deleted and the threads simply moved up to the parent forum. That effort alone would go a long way towards making this collection of web sites more understandable.

Again I realize that this is something that is beyond the scope of a simple fix but it’s something for which I’ve been lobbying for quite some time and something that would make life far easier for those of us that wonder where the heck someone is coming from.

May 5, 2009 2:43:55 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

So wait, are you suggesting that we simply clean up the forum heirarchy across the sites?  If so, then that can be done.  Unfortunately I'm not the one who gets to choose what forums go where, but I'll certainly suggest a clean up.


May 5, 2009 3:30:41 PM from GalCiv II Forums GalCiv II Forums

Quoting GunslingerBara,
So wait, are you suggesting that we simply clean up the forum heirarchy across the sites?  If so, then that can be done.  Unfortunately I'm not the one who gets to choose what forums go where, but I'll certainly suggest a clean up.

Yeah that's basically all I'm suggesting.

I certainly understand that the decision as to what forums go where is made at a very high level. I'm just suggesting that where it's at all possible things should be organized consistently.

Mostly I think the inconsistency is due to the fact that at the time it was decided that the GalCiv II forum also be accessible on they simply grabbed the GalCiv II forum and the subforums that existed at the time and made them accessible. But then later more subforums were added to the GalCiv2 site but not updated to the SD site. When Impulse came along they most likely simply copied what was on in a similar manner. Like anything else I'm sure all this stuff started out consistent but as more copies were reflected to other sites newer changes in the originating site were not propagated to the copy sites. And then once you get to the point of 750+ forums the job just gets so huge that you feel it simply can't be logically accomplished.

But yeah, I feel a new broom and a bit of effort could go a long way to making things much more understandable. Within reason of course.

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