@ Annatar - I'd probably focus CTF on the Prison, Cataract, and Leviathan maps.
1. The flag replaces the Valor Flag on these maps, which while protected is accessible at level 5 or so
2. Citadel upgrades will remain important in all sorts of ways. For example you will want to upgrade your grunts because you can use them to cover your retreat, you will want to upgrade your tower offense to mess up any carriers who come close, and we *finally* have an application for upgrading death timer 
3. Every DG we are playing with could have a role in CTF mode. Rook isn't fast but he'd make an excellent flag guard with his towers, etc. TB and Reg and UB are good interceptors/carriers. The Generals will be great midfielders regardless of build.
4. Your team making it out with the flag would be just the beginning, imo - still have to make it back home again. A smart team would wait til all the shields had procced and then intercept mid...(we'd have to introduce a mechanism for shields like we have for stuns - shield immunity would prevent a chain of Oak shields from one base to the other - we probably need this anyway. Have you ever played a team of 5 shield Oaks? Neither have I. And I never want to ^^)
5. The game modes we have are decent but the only one with lingering depth for me is Conquest. Slaughter is dynamic but you are rewarded for killing anybody - make it a game of 9 Ball/Assassin and it would be far more interesting. Domination is too static. CTF would introduce crazy complex and engaging gameplay and really push our limits as players.