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Game Ranger

By on April 20, 2009 8:37:40 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums


Join Date 04/2009

Theres a program like Garena if any of you know what that is called Game ranger. A ton of people use it with Demi God and is a quick solution if you have connectivity issues. TRY IT!

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April 20, 2009 11:18:00 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

one good thing about getting more legit players onto gameranger, is that eventually the pirates will wonder what all these higher version games have that they don't. ... might even help convert a few from the dark side.

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April 21, 2009 2:38:53 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Me and my friends are currently using Gameranger and its really a great solution for now. Getting a game running is relatively stressless except for the pirates who are too stupid to read channel descriptions even if they say "original/legit version only .93" but well.

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April 21, 2009 7:07:56 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I cant get it to work if anyone could help me. It seems gameranger isn't even attempting to fire up the game, it goes from joining game to returning from game instantly. Firewall is all set to allow, ports are open, checked in task manager processes when firing it up and Demigod.exe doesnt even appear. In GameRanger options its all aiming at the right .exe and folder etc. Version .93 trying to play with other .93 guys.

Totally lost as to why it wouldn't work. I downloaded it specially just to play Demigod

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April 21, 2009 8:30:48 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting Lucifon,
I cant get it to work if anyone could help me. It seems gameranger isn't even attempting to fire up the game, it goes from joining game to returning from game instantly. Firewall is all set to allow, ports are open, checked in task manager processes when firing it up and Demigod.exe doesnt even appear. In GameRanger options its all aiming at the right .exe and folder etc. Version .93 trying to play with other .93 guys.

Totally lost as to why it wouldn't work. I downloaded it specially just to play Demigod

Yeh ever since that 1 game I've played on gameranger 2 nights ago, all my other games have been like this. Don't know what's going on, but i posted a thread on gameranger's forum too, hope someone with knowledge will reply.

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April 21, 2009 9:15:17 AM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

Quoting mrhankey21,

Quoting Lucifon,
reply 3
I cant get it to work if anyone could help me. It seems gameranger isn't even attempting to fire up the game, it goes from joining game to returning from game instantly. Firewall is all set to allow, ports are open, checked in task manager processes when firing it up and Demigod.exe doesnt even appear. In GameRanger options its all aiming at the right .exe and folder etc. Version .93 trying to play with other .93 guys.

Totally lost as to why it wouldn't work. I downloaded it specially just to play Demigod

Yeh ever since that 1 game I've played on gameranger 2 nights ago, all my other games have been like this. Don't know what's going on, but i posted a thread on gameranger's forum too, hope someone with knowledge will reply.


Apparently game ranger is where all the good players are.


Using demigods normal (and currently crappy) matchmaking, never lost a match.

Using gameranger, never won a match. lol

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April 21, 2009 9:17:05 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting Chaoticon,
You cant play pantheon games through this can you, then whats the point?

1) Ya know not everyone cares about OMG PANTHEON.

2) Ya know some people would rather have a stable game with people, than, say, a borked tourney ladder.

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April 21, 2009 9:28:40 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Having trouble getting game ranger to install. I download the EXE and it tells me i need adobe flash. I go download adobe flash (latest version and install) I try again and it still tells me i need adobe flash to run the exe.


Any ideas?

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April 21, 2009 11:40:58 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting mrhankey21,

Quoting Lucifon,
reply 3
I cant get it to work if anyone could help me. It seems gameranger isn't even attempting to fire up the game, it goes from joining game to returning from game instantly. Firewall is all set to allow, ports are open, checked in task manager processes when firing it up and Demigod.exe doesnt even appear. In GameRanger options its all aiming at the right .exe and folder etc. Version .93 trying to play with other .93 guys.

Totally lost as to why it wouldn't work. I downloaded it specially just to play Demigod

Yeh ever since that 1 game I've played on gameranger 2 nights ago, all my other games have been like this. Don't know what's going on, but i posted a thread on gameranger's forum too, hope someone with knowledge will reply.


If you get a reply please post any help on here because its pretty annoying. Hopefully they'l get the actual servers/connections properly sorted before then though so we wont have to use gameranger.

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April 21, 2009 12:28:08 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting Chaoticon,
You cant play pantheon games through this can you, then whats the point?

So you play games only for rankings? I should ask..what's the point of THAT?

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April 21, 2009 12:55:55 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

doesn't support windows 7

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April 21, 2009 1:11:41 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Some Gameranger questions...

First off, I have a legit copy and was a beta tester (not that that matters)

When I go into Gameranger I see .91 and .93 versions.  I understand that .93 is current (legit) while .91 is old and presumably pirates.  However, what do .91 and .93 correspond to?  Impulse says I'm running 1.00.048.  (Though now that I open DG I see that it says I'm up to 1.00.093).  That question I guess is answered.


However, every time I try ot connect to any .93 games it says 'That game has already started and does not allow late joins..'  But these games all show that they are missing players (4 or 6 or 2 of 8, etc,etc).  I can't connect to a single one of them.

How do I refresh this list as the refresh option (along with everything else) under the Server menu is greyed out???

However, when I try to connect to any of the .91 games I immediatly join what I assume is a lobby of some sort....  EDIT:  Okl, now today (as opposed to last night) I can only connect to .93 games....  very strange...

Very confused...


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April 21, 2009 1:15:14 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting Madrak619,
its full of nothing but pirated copies...the 50+ games u said u saw are all version .91        i sat in the one .93 game for an hour and 3 people joined.....    have fun with ur pirated game dill weed


I don't know what time you got on, but I had the day off and I got in about 10-15 2v2-5v5 games throughout the entire day yesterday.

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April 21, 2009 1:33:17 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting Arisal,


Thanks alot


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April 21, 2009 2:08:12 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting Javaslinger,
Some Gameranger questions...

First off, I have a legit copy and was a beta tester (not that that matters)

When I go into Gameranger I see .91 and .93 versions.  I understand that .93 is current (legit) while .91 is old and presumably pirates.  However, what do .91 and .93 correspond to?  Impulse says I'm running 1.00.048.  (Though now that I open DG I see that it says I'm up to 1.00.093).  That question I guess is answered.


However, every time I try ot connect to any .93 games it says 'That game has already started and does not allow late joins..'  But these games all show that they are missing players (4 or 6 or 2 of 8, etc,etc).  I can't connect to a single one of them.

How do I refresh this list as the refresh option (along with everything else) under the Server menu is greyed out???

However, when I try to connect to any of the .91 games I immediatly join what I assume is a lobby of some sort....  EDIT:  Okl, now today (as opposed to last night) I can only connect to .93 games....  very strange...

Very confused...



.93 cannot connect to .91 (You caught that, just reinstating.)

When it says you can't join games that have already launched.....if it has a green dot it means they're in game already. Look for rooms sans the green dot. When the host launches, it should launch everyone together. When you go into the game, click on LAN and then wait for the host's room to pop up, and then join his lobby.

There is a quirk with Gameranger where sometimes people will crash on the forced launch.....but usually just exiting and everyone returning and re-launching fixes it. It's a minor annoyance that occasionally happens.

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April 21, 2009 2:08:40 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting Lucifon,

Quoting mrhankey21, reply 4

Quoting Lucifon,
reply 3
I cant get it to work if anyone could help me. It seems gameranger isn't even attempting to fire up the game, it goes from joining game to returning from game instantly. Firewall is all set to allow, ports are open, checked in task manager processes when firing it up and Demigod.exe doesnt even appear. In GameRanger options its all aiming at the right .exe and folder etc. Version .93 trying to play with other .93 guys.

Totally lost as to why it wouldn't work. I downloaded it specially just to play Demigod

Yeh ever since that 1 game I've played on gameranger 2 nights ago, all my other games have been like this. Don't know what's going on, but i posted a thread on gameranger's forum too, hope someone with knowledge will reply.


If you get a reply please post any help on here because its pretty annoying. Hopefully they'l get the actual servers/connections properly sorted before then though so we wont have to use gameranger.


Same problem here. I hoped it was going to be a magic fix but it just won't launch the game. Weirdly, if I launch Demigod separately, then load up gameranger and try and host it kills Demigod as soon as I put focus on gameranger. I'd be very grateful if anyone who has found a solution would post it here!

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April 21, 2009 2:21:04 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting Javaslinger,
Some Gameranger questions...

First off, I have a legit copy and was a beta tester (not that that matters)

When I go into Gameranger I see .91 and .93 versions.  I understand that .93 is current (legit) while .91 is old and presumably pirates.  However, what do .91 and .93 correspond to?  Impulse says I'm running 1.00.048.  (Though now that I open DG I see that it says I'm up to 1.00.093).  That question I guess is answered.


However, every time I try ot connect to any .93 games it says 'That game has already started and does not allow late joins..'  But these games all show that they are missing players (4 or 6 or 2 of 8, etc,etc).  I can't connect to a single one of them.

How do I refresh this list as the refresh option (along with everything else) under the Server menu is greyed out???

However, when I try to connect to any of the .91 games I immediatly join what I assume is a lobby of some sort....  EDIT:  Okl, now today (as opposed to last night) I can only connect to .93 games....  very strange...

Very confused...



The games with a little green dot on the right side are games in progress. You can sort the demigod games by in progress and not in progress by clicking the green dot at the top.

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April 21, 2009 3:56:46 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Well since we're talking about Gameranger to set up games, I might as well throw in my experience last night.


A buddy and myself join a 3v3 game through Gameranger.  Connecting to each other and getting the server up is relatively seamless, which was something I was immediately excited about.  As soon as we start encountering the enemy guys, however, I started to notice something was slightly off.  These guys were also the ones who set this whole lobby/server up as well, just an FYI.  Anyway, after being destroyed by these two individuals in particular time and time again I simply left.  I apologized to my team mates and just quit.  My buddy decided to stick around and finish it out and when the match was over, he was talking to me about the things I noticed too.  After a bit of searching, he discovered that Demigod already has a few trainers available out there.  For those of you not familiar with what these do, they're basically cheats for multiplayer games.  1mil gold, heal all team demigods, damage all enemy demigods, etc etc.

Here's my question:  Are people only able to use trainers when NOT going through the official Demigod server browser?  Do programs like this only apply to a vLAN setting since we're not passing through any "gateway" that may contain checks?


I was really excited about Gameranger when I was reading about it, but I don't want to always be wondering "what if..." every time I play against someone who just seems too good to be true.

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April 21, 2009 4:15:47 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

cheats should be disabled in any multiplayer game

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April 21, 2009 5:30:37 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Ah now that you mention it the game has cheats built in but you should be able to check the game options from the lobby to see if the host has them turned on or off. 

Found this link here mentioning it:

If they are using some outside cheating not sure how that works and if so that kinds does suck because I wouldnt want to play online if alot of people do that.

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April 21, 2009 6:40:45 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

@Arisal:  Thank you.  I'll keep an eye out for that in the future.


@Tiny4Ever:  I agree, however I think that's the point of the trainer.  To circumvent the system.  Whether or not this would only work when setting up a game through Gameranger (and thus, LAN) is what I'm really curious about.

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April 21, 2009 8:09:23 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

everyone should get this program asap

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April 21, 2009 8:41:55 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

just tried this and its really fantastic, games are almost istant, chat is nice while you wait for others etc


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April 23, 2009 9:26:05 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Here's another vote for GameRanger until things work themselves out on Stardock's end.

I was able to play several games last night in a 2 hour period, including 3v3s and 4v4s, and got started on one 5v5 but couldn't finish because I had to go to work in the morning and it was getting late.

It isn't perfect; sometimes you have to go back to the GameRanger browser to pick up another player, but it is so QUICK and painless that it doesn't even matter.

Bottom line is it beats the hell out of staring at the connection window for 30 minutes or more at a time waiting for that last guy to make the connection to all players.

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April 24, 2009 11:14:22 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Another vote for Game Ranger.


Check it out, games are quick and easy to get going.


It is too bad for every purchased game there are 10x the amount of pirated games going.

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