Hey there.
What a week. Demigod was released, we were fighting against server issues, saw many Admins or Admins___ out there on the IRC chat and finally managed to get a few games done.
I hope you´re enjoying your Demigod matches and I´m looking forward for network fixes, too. But maybe you find another problem, beside some network issues. Maybe you started your Demigod, looked up some demigods and their spell descirptions and thought: "Wow, this really sounds ... strange."
This is the point where TheBigOne, Kaesmuffin and Nokthra are coming into play. After some matches we were interested, how the translation of the game will look like. So we changed the game language into german and we realized:
Atari did not covered itself with glory.
So we started to translate the whole game on our own. After nearly two weeks and some long nights, we think we´re almost finished the translation. You´ll find a link to the updated .lua file below. Maybe you want to give this new translation a chance:
Head over to "Program Files\Stardock Games\Demigod\loc\DE ". There you´ll find a file named "strings_db.lua". We advise you, to backup your current .lua file, just to be sure.
Copy our updated .lua file into this directory. If you didn´t changed your game language into german at all and don´t know how to change it, go to:
"My Documents\My Games\Gas Powered Games\Demigod "
You´ll find a file called "Game.prefs ". First of all, make a backup of this file, just to be sure
Then open this file with notepad, search for the following line "options_overrides = { " and add this "language = 'DE', " right under it.
Now, launch Demigod and if everything worked fine, you´ll have Demigod in german now.
We hope you´ll find our translation good enough. But if you think: "Man, didn´t they realized this failure?" or "I have a better translation for this spell/tooltip/whatever.", please, post your thoughts in this thread. If you have other comments on this, please, post there 
The link to the updated .lua file:
Last updatet: 22.09.2009
We hope you´ll enjoy Demigod a long time. Remember: There are two new demigods coming with the first content patch 
See you in Demigod!