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Kestrel's Tips (updated 5/11/09)

Some Quick Thoughts on Being a Badass from an Old Beta Player

By on April 17, 2009 5:30:28 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums


Join Date 02/2008

So having played this game for about 6 months now I thought I'd post some random tips on gameplay, mistakes I see people making that can be easily avoided -

I. Movement:

How and where you move is really important. Some examples -

- If your gank team is converging on some poor little nubcake DG try to go where he will be when he starts to gtfo, not where he is chillin before he sees you coming.

- Learn to run away.  Much better to forfeit the kill opportunity than give your opponents free gold and experience.  If you are the nubcake in the above scenario then gtfo.  You will not win a 1 v 2 duel unless you know something your opponents don't know (like that you are a Badass (TM) - if there is any question about this then you are not yet a Badass). 

Unless you are a Badass you need to run any time

1.  You are losing more health more quickly than your opponent

2.  You are at half-health or lower

3.  The odds are bad (1 vs 2)

4.  You are out of mana and you won't get enough for your bread and butter skills any time soon

5.  Your opponent has a wave of high-level grunts or minions to back him up and you don't

- Run smart.  If you are at half health and you run screaming past a (non-Erebus) dropped health pot one more time I will break my monitor. *Pick it up - it heals you*  If you see a baddy intercepting the shortest line of retreat find a different way home.  Whatever you do don't stop running unless something has shifted radically in the battlefield ( a dropped pot, an allied Sedna, sudden Badassness).  I've lost track of how many new players I've killed because they stopped running long enough to fire one last parting shot. 

II.  Positioning:

- If you are playing a DPS Fire TB don't walk up to my Tank Rook to cast Ring of Fire.  You are like wet tissue paper and range is one of your strongest advantages.  Don't waste it.  Whittle me down from a distance and use Ring to keep me away.  If I keep coming throw a Nova and get out of there.  You get the point - if you are playing a harrassment or support build you don't start a battle at the front with a big target on your forehead.  You have to position yourself to deal damage without receiving it and be ready to run if focus shifts to you despite your best intentions..Only when your opponent breaks off to run do you jump in to finish things. 

And if you are playing a support/harrassment build you have to help your slower, thicker, and much more survivable allies out.  Don't leave them hanging when they hang themselves out there in front of you - they are the shield and you are the sword.  One without the other will break...

Tanks - read the bold print above and reverse it.  Don't let your lil buddies take the heat..  Be bold punks to keep the heat on you.

- Flags split xp to every allied DG in (short) range of a cap.  Portal Grunts split xp and gold per Micah below.  Minions give no xp or gold when killed.  Teams should split lanes to farm grunts and cap flags.   Minions are great because they reward your opponents nothing when they die but while alive can kill, and you never run out of them. 

III. Micro:

Per Micah (thanks for digging through the LUA for this stuff)

If a demigod and their army (ie: minions and summons) does 25% of the total damage done (not 25% of health, 25% of total damage done) to a reinforcement then when that reinforcement dies a bounty is split amongst all nearby demigods (not just the one who did the damage). Also, if a demigod or their army gets the killing blow on a reinforcement then the bounty for that reinforcement is split amongst nearby demigods.

If a demigod does 25% of damage but does not get the killing blow and is not nearby the gold is still split, but they don't get part of that split. If a demigod (or their army) gets a killing blow though, that demigod does get part of the bounty for the kill.

- so that means as long as one guy in a lane is farming his ally can be sitting back and chillaxing and he will still get the gold benefits.  (Doesn't really make sense to me but I didn't write the code)

- again per a conversation with Micah made after his clarification post - Grunts will not provide xp to their killer unless he is in range, so using your minions to farm xp only works if you are close by.

- DGs, unlike grunts reward gold and xp based on who last-hit and give some to assists too.  You can hit a DG once and still get an assist, so when you see an enemy in trouble you can always poke them for some bling without stealing the kill.  If the kill is in the bag and you attack at the last second and get the kill you will be forgiven once.  Do it every time and no one will want to play with you.  Gold on assists is split between the assisting players.  

- If you have a minion build tell your minions what to do.  Otherwise your minions will shoot at whatever they want, instead of whatever you want.  Or they'll sit there serenely as the Rain of Ice/Hammerslam comes down on them.  A bit of focused fire or move order goes a long way in this game.  Also - if you have a bunch of minions in the field but have to go back to your Crystal please don't take your minions back to the base with you - you can attach them to an allied DG or leave them to guard a flag or farm grunts - even though you are out of range of xp you will get grunt gold.  [Expanded below]

IIIA. Minion Micro [Expanded]

Minion Micro - Minion control and UI is primitive, but if you know how to use it you'll have a definite advantage over a passive player.

Basic Minion control.

M = selects all minions

N = selects Demigod and minions

H = selects Demigod

I = selects unique minions (Spirits, Yetis, etc..)

Leftclicking twice on a minion will highlight all minions of that type.

I'm not going to cover every application of minion tactics and micro here but a couple of applications stick out - 

- Minions make good scouts - put a couple at the edge of your LoS in places where they won't engage reinforcements but will be able to sight enemy DGs moving up a lane.  This has an advantage over observation wards because it's free and you can easily replace them if they get killed.  OTOH it doesn't let you see invisible objects like mines the way wards do but we'll get to that in our next point.

- Invest the 350g to get a Minotaur Berserker idol - no, they don't cause alot of damage but what they can and will do if you let them is take the massive damage your opponents meant for you.  Use your minions as tanks.  The most obvious example of this is using them as minesweepers, but you can also use them to tank a tower's first few hits, tank a wave of grunts, etc.  I don't generally rank up past Berserker but I know players who do and at level 4 Minotaurs look a lot like level 3 Demigods in terms of tanking capacity.

- Use your minions as a team.  Your level 3 priests will heal on a 10 second timer which is separate from your ally's level 4 Bishops 10 second timer.  That means if you are all in the same battle you are getting healed every 5 seconds.  If you both have Bishops then their heals won't stack and you have paid more for less, gj.  Per Micah, a team of 3 who spring for L2 Siege Archers at game start can take down a tower in under 60 seconds from outside LoS.  Think about that - you can be downing towers a minute into the game, if you work together and use minion micro.

A related part of this is that your minions can be equally helpful to someone else on your team, especially if that someone else has no access to minions themselves.  An allied Ooze UB is going to be incredibly happy if you send him a couple of your obsolete L2 Priests now that you are upgrading to L4.  Rook can always use some Siege Archers to provide him some range and guard his Tower Patch.  A Kite Reg will welcome some minos to tank for him..No your throwaway minions won't last forever but they only have to last long enough to give your ally an edge.  You get the idea - your minions can be useful even (maybe especially) when they aren't attached to your coatstrings.    

- Focus your minion's fire.  Fine, they don't do as much damage as you do.  But they do alot more than you'd expect - if and when you tell them to.  Most Minion Generals 1 v 1 each other like this - I come up and hit you and we start trading hits - all of our minions start hitting each other - after 5 minutes or so we have no minions but we are finally able to determine the duel mano a mano, eh?  Why do you have minions if you are going to waste them like this?  Why not just play as Pew Pew "I'm gonna demolish if this game lasts for longer than 6 hours" Artifact Regulus?

OK - how about instead of that you press M, indicate your opponent DG and then when you start to hit them they are dead before they understand what's happening?  (A straight minion build won't achieve this much, but throw some nukes in there and you'd be surprised)

Or even better, how about before committing to battle you focus-fire his priests and siege so that when you finally do allow him close distance his damage and health regen are half-crippled?  

I would welcome some additional Minion Micromanagement thoughts here.  I am still figuring this stuff out and my micro is relatively paltry.  Thanks, Kestrel

IV. Adaptability

- Congratulations, you have found the ultimate build.  But somehow your opponents are countering it in this game you are playing right now.  A true Badass will never commit to one course if it isn't working.  If your uber-pwn build strat isn't working *right now* then you should change it *right now*.  Learn the mechanics to see how you are being beaten and then look at what you can do to turn it around.  Some quick examples -

- Against a spell/nuke-heavy team invest in health items and absorption/interrupt abilities like Shield and Foul Grasp

- Against a DPS/Slow-heavy team invest in armor items and blink/warp or speed items

- Against Mines and quick flag steals invest in Observation Wards (least used, most value item in game)

- Against Strong Grunts and Minions invest in AoE and Splash Damage, and maybe building upgrades

- Against a regen build invest in slows, nukes, and finishes (you can't let him have time to regen)

- Against a health/tank build invest in DoT and range attacks

You can die a bunch in the beginning as long as you are figuring out how to kill in the end.  Don't panic and use your head and you will be two steps ahead of 90% of your rote-build-order-I-saw-on-the-forums opponents

V.  Exploration

- Each DG is waiting for its Badass owner - believe me when I tell you that any DG can be countered and all of them are powerful.  Balance needs tweaking a bit but it's overall really, really good right now.  If you aren't succeeding with or against a given DG it isn't always the DG's fault.  Sometimes you just have to take it back to the drawing board and try something new.  There are alot of little-used abilities that are worth looking at - just because you haven't heard about it yet doesn't mean it doesn't work....

- In the same line there are a *ton* of crazy items no one is using yet that are really awesome.  Learn and use your items.  Favor, consumable, equipped, idol, whatever... Reading the description doesn't cut it - alot of these things are better or worse on paper.  I'm not going to give you examples of these- my fingers are starting to bleed from writing this thankful (?) wall of text and you can find them just as well as I can...

Test stupid items and stupid builds  - who knows, maybe you will find something new  

Edit: And as Kitkun points out - certain skills and items work as advertised but if you are going to use them effectively you need to know how they work.  Read the descriptions.  Hooked on Phonics, people.  Worked for me...

VI.  Strategy (per Kitkun)

Work toward something at every level.  Work toward powerful items, citadel upgrades, enemy portals, and the enemy citadel.  Have a plan of attack.  If you don't but your allies do then follow their lead...

VII. Citadel Upgrades

Every Citadel upgrade has its uses (with the exception of Death timer - needs some love).  Generally the first level is always going to be the most cost-effective but we'll talk about that later.  A couple of things to remember -

[Per transitive] - Your upgrades should be about the map and team you are on.  I'll almost never upgrade grunt types gradually except on a map like Crucible which only has one lane.  On a map like that Priests can be very effective and if you support them they won't feed your opponents too many level.  On a map like Prison I'll upgrade XP every chance I get because when you can cap a flag every 20 seconds even 10% advantage adds up.  On a map with 50 towers I'm going to upgrade tower offense and tower defense more often than I will on a map with 15 towers.  If I have 4 teammates getting level 2 of the gold upgrade is alot more viable because even though my outlay is more I'm feeding more gold to alot more people than I am in a 2 v 2.  Use your upgrades based on how they scale in given circumstances

- Learn how and when to upgrade your grunt types. In order to upgrade your grunt types you will need to control the neutral flags at least half the time to earn the War Rank necessary to upgrade.  If you can't do that then your enemy will be able to field catas and giants before you.  Unless you want that to happen (and you might, if you eat Giants like candy) make sure you have War Rank equity.  As well as War Rank you need gold.

- Don't ever buy Grunt Type Upgrades gradually unless you are a Badass or playing Crucible.  It's almost always better to buy all the grunt types you can in one wave.  It gives your opponent less time to react and less ability to level off of the suddenly available xp and gold.  If I see you upgrade to priests within 4 minutes of game start one more time I'm gonna start frothing at the mouth, seriously, because you just handicapped your team...

- Just because you have Giants doesn't mean you win the game.  Maybe your opponent has Giants too.  Maybe they have crazy AoE and are just sucking up your grunt streams like soda and levelling every 5 seconds and buying multiple artifacts which they are dropping at your feet to humilate you.  ^^  Momentum can shift pretty quickly once the big units are on the field.  As a Rule of Thumb - in Conquest, you haven't won the game against a good team until you have (any neutral portals and) at least one of your opponent portals locked down and producing siege units.  By "locked down" I mean you have a lock on that portal and you put a new one on every time it expires.  A good team will do anything they can to keep you from locking a home portal, because they know it's the end if they can't get it back, so bring lots of guns.

Well, that's a start...I'll add more when I see someone doing something so annoying/brilliant I have to post about it here (Or when someone older and wiser has a tip they'd like to add ^^)

Useful Resources 4/23/09 -

  Compiled GamesReplays Tips (Thanks Keemossi)

  Economy (Thanks Keemossi)

  Mint Upgrades (Thanks chaosbrynn ^^)

  Buying Armor vs Health

  Stats on all units

  a Wiki for everything else (Thanks Silphius and Revenance)

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April 17, 2009 5:40:38 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

thankless wall of text

Well, I was going to say thanks for writing, but now I'm not so sure

All good things, though, it basically boils down to: know what's going on, and know enough about the game to know how to deal with it.

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April 17, 2009 5:49:47 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Ones to add:

Learn, or at least read, the skill and item tooltips. Don't use Deep Freeze before Rain of Ice and Frost Nova and forfeit a kill.

Use abilities based on their utility. Some have short cooldowns and can be used a couple of times in a fight, not just at the end.

Use overall strategies. Sometimes, saving up for a Godplate instead of one or two weaker items sooner is the right thing to do.


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April 17, 2009 6:05:39 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting ,
Portal Grunts split xp and gold between every allied DG in (long) range of the kill. 
You sure about this? I could understand exp being split, but afiak gold is kill based. 

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April 17, 2009 6:10:03 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting liq3,

quoting postPortal Grunts split xp and gold between every allied DG in (long) range of the kill. You sure about this? I could understand exp being split, but afiak gold is kill based. 

Don't have the LUA in front of me but I'm pretty sure.  It's why if you came over from DoTA you have to concentrate *not* to last-hit.  I should put that up there, actually...

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April 17, 2009 6:16:01 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Well I was just doing some testing, and you only get gold from creep kills if you last hit. Same with towers. 

Although, you might get gold if an ally DG last hits. I don't know. I just know creeps killing enemy creeps doesn't give you gold. 

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April 17, 2009 6:24:58 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting liq3,
Well I was just doing some testing, and you only get gold from creep kills if you last hit. Same with towers. 

Although, you might get gold if an ally DG last hits. I don't know. I just know creeps killing enemy creeps doesn't give you gold. 

Unless they radically changed something when I wasn't looking this is the opposite of how it worked in Beta.  Can someone official confirm this?  I'll edit to reflect confirmation, thanks..

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April 17, 2009 6:29:00 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Oh yeah, Day 0 update:

Flag Rewards Divided Amongst Capturers


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April 17, 2009 8:47:58 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Good one, Kit - I'll edit it in tomorrow

@ liq3 - it looks like they've altered the formula on reinforcement gold since Beta but we are still testing to determine how.  It doesn't look like it's based on killing blow.  At this point my theory is that the most damage from a single source gets the gold from the kill, but towers might have to be discounted.  WHat seems to be clear at this point is that it does not work based on aura like it used to.  Beyond that I can't say.

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April 17, 2009 10:38:34 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Well, I did my testing by frapping the game, then finding the exact 2 frames using Virtualdub where I killed the unit. I'm 100% sure you get 4 gold for killing a minotaur and 8 for archers and you don't get any if the creeps kill them. You also get 300 gold for killing a light tower, but  you won't get any if creeps kill it.

Of course, you may get gold if you shoot it once or twice... I dunno.

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April 17, 2009 10:53:04 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Very useful tips - good post Kestrel

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April 19, 2009 7:08:56 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Learn to run away.

This advice doesn't help me one single bit.  I've been running away from the moment I started playing the game.  I took running away to a new level.  The moment I laid eyes on an enemy DG, I'd just start running away, game after game.  But I'd get walked down from behind by rooks even, and slaughtered.  I even took the fastest characters I could, and ranged ones to boot (regulus, etc), and running still didn't help.  I started taking a couple of teleport scrolls with me at all times, and tried to teleport away any time an enemy DG approached.  That never worked either.  I'm guessing teleports can get interrupted.  Even worse, it seems to lose you the teleport scroll to boot (i.e. you try to teleport away, you don't succeed, you die, and you lose the teleport scroll plus the gold it took to buy it).

Since I have determined that running is impossible, I now have taken the opposite approach, i.e. don't ever run.  To emphasize that, I have started selecting big tankish characters like rook who you don't normally picture running away from anything.

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April 19, 2009 8:01:58 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Great tips all, something like this should be included in the digitally downloaded version for people to read

Agent of Kharma, it's about timing. If you run all the time, you miss experience and gold, which will make you easy target later. Especially when using teleport scrolls constantly, while they're usually better option than potions, they cost gold too. Also, teleporting away is risky, many DGs can just interrupt it and kill you anyway. Or simply kill you while you're teleporting. Even if you're slower than somebody who's chasing you, you should probably just run, and use any tricks your DG may have (stun, shield, whatever).

Ofc it won't work if you're far away from help. Never stray too far from your tower or teammates, it just makes you easy pickings. Really, even Rook is not that powerful. If you refuse to run away, chances are you're just helping your opponents. Thing is, too as much damage as you can, and if you see enemy DG coming, back off. It's always best to fight on 'friendly ground', so pick your fights.

With Rook though, you can just make your own fortress. Build a bunch of towers, and most of the times you should be relatively safe. Even then seeing two or more enemy DGs getting close and you're alone, better run.


Kitkun, why should there be any choice between buying items now and saving? Selling gives back, what, 80% of the cost. If you're not very close to your goal, better just buy weaker items, they help you right now and not later. If you get +health/mana regen item now, it will help you farm and survive easier, thus making up for the lost gold. Ofc it's situational, but saving from lvl 1 for Allfather's Ring is just pointless.

I'd like to add, buy team upgrades. I'm may not be in the position to say this as I usually neglect them till later, but it really helps. If you got spare money and are doing ok, why not visit Citadel and buy, say, gold upgrade or clerics. Both can be helpful if bought early. Later, helping your team to get catapults and giants can be even more important.

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April 19, 2009 8:08:47 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Great post.  Especially the part about knowing when to flee.  Staying alive is just as important as getting kills.  One of the reasons new players are so easy to defeat is because they are so suicidal.  A death takes you out of the game provides a great exp and money benefit for your opponent.

Sorry Agent, but any top player knows how to move in and out of battle with ease and exactly when to do it.  For me the times when I die are pretty much always due to my own stupidity and bravado.  You need to be able to anticipate a few seconds ahead at all times and be prepared to leave any situation that isn't in your favor.  Teleporting/warping is a big part of the game.

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April 19, 2009 8:11:07 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting Keemossi,
I'd like to add, buy team upgrades. I'm may not be in the position to say this as I usually neglect them till later, but it really helps. If you got spare money and are doing ok, why not visit Citadel and buy, say, gold upgrade or clerics. Both can be helpful if bought early. Later, helping your team to get catapults and giants can be even more important.

Agreed.  So many players neglect the citadel and then wonder how their opponents ended up so strong.  It doesn't matter how great your equipment is if your enemies can steamroll over your un-upgraded base with ease.

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April 19, 2009 11:03:03 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting Keemossi,
Kitkun, why should there be any choice between buying items now and saving? Selling gives back, what, 80% of the cost. If you're not very close to your goal, better just buy weaker items, they help you right now and not later. If you get +health/mana regen item now, it will help you farm and survive easier, thus making up for the lost gold. Ofc it's situational, but saving from lvl 1 for Allfather's Ring is just pointless.

I'd like to add, buy team upgrades. I'm may not be in the position to say this as I usually neglect them till later, but it really helps. If you got spare money and are doing ok, why not visit Citadel and buy, say, gold upgrade or clerics. Both can be helpful if bought early. Later, helping your team to get catapults and giants can be even more important.
Yeah, hence, 'sometimes'. I've had maybe five competitive games in which I was able to save enough gold to get Godplate or an artifact without gimping myself and team. But if, for example, your whole team is doing something similar, you can easily double your overall strength in a matter of moments, and then go and smash the unsuspecting enemies. Plus, the expensive items provide big boosts and only take up one item slot. Can get a couple of the cheapest items if you have extra.


As for citadel upgrades, you have to be careful with priests. They help you stay on the field a little longer and add a bit of damage, but they also add some gold and a big chunck of EXP for the opposing team. Getting them at the wrong time can actually help your enemy. Angels though... just aren't very useful other than to spread damage around.


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April 20, 2009 12:05:58 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I'll put a section in on Cit upgrades in a bit - right now on organized teams it seems like people focus on the xp upgrades, the first gold upgrade, 1st tower hp (if needed), and burst to catas, then fill in grunt armor and damage...Anyone doing anything different?

@liq3 - see if your results show that percentage of damage yields grunt gold - we tested and you definitely don't need the killing blow...We tested on Crucible map with weak towers.  The gold mines are all outside the main bases so one team can completely control gold income from mines quickly.  I'm not really sure how towers fit into the formula yet.  Meantime I've updated the OP to show percentage.

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April 20, 2009 1:30:06 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting Ke5trel,

Who is this Ke5trel noob anyway

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April 20, 2009 3:09:52 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Great post. This one in particular is very important:


- Congratulations, you have found the ultimate build. But somehow your opponents are countering it in this game you are playing right now. A true Badass will never commit to one course if it isn't working. If your uber-pwn build strat isn't working *right now* then you should change it *right now*


The only games where I have felt my character struggled vs other players were when I stubbornly stuck with a build (usually because I had wanted to test something) that wasn't working vs that particular matchup. The biggest advantage to falling behind in this game is that you get to see what build they picked, and can adapt your build to counter it.


As for base build strat, I am probably not the best person to comment as I havent had too many games with real teamwork, but most times it goes as Ke5trel described. Personally I usually fork out for the first gold upgrade after having purchased my first ~1500 item, sometimes you get the gold well ahead of the base level though. I usually try hold off on priests until the enemy gets them and it causes noticable advancement for their team, or your team could use the heals to make progress into the towers.

If its clear the enemy is spending a fair bit of time in our tower range I grab the first damage/hp building upgrades (both are very cheap) before they get quick kills on the towers.

If someone has the maths on the time for the particular gold upgrades to pay themselves off that would be awesome.

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April 20, 2009 7:47:12 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

If someone has the maths on the time for the particular gold upgrades to pay themselves off that would be awesome.
First gold upgrade pays for itself in seven and a half minutes. Gets much worse for the other gold upgrades as they don't add as much, are available later, and are much more expensive.


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April 21, 2009 10:29:15 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting HorseRadish,

Quoting Ke5trel, reply 16

Who is this Ke5trel noob anyway

Lol HorseRadish - your legend grows - my fellow noobs are saying it's an honor to be beaten by you (reply # 4)

Y'all have any other thoughts on citadel upgrades before I post them?

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April 21, 2009 11:06:58 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

i have one thought on Citadel business. know the map. it affects the relative value of the upgrades by a gigantic amount.


maps with neutral portals you can cap increase the value of reinforcement upgrades. 


maps with large amounts of defenses (fortresses in multiple lanes, double layers of light towers, etc.) greatly favor the buildings upgrades. 


maps with alot of flags increase the value of experience upgrades (since flags are the easiest way to get xp in large chunks without having to kill an enemy DG). 

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April 21, 2009 1:00:07 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I am a newer player and I have been lurking on the forums for awhile now. Compiling certain threads that I have found informative. I didn't really know where to place this but i figured any new players trying to learn as much as they can about the game would eventually stumble across this thread. I hope it helps and I also hope no one feels I am stepping on their feet.

Xinoxlx gives some great advice here in regards to gameplay mechanics which I felt useful as a new player.

Silphius gives some much needed clarification on how much Monk/Priest/Bishop/High Cleric's heal for. This gave me a better idea as to what is efficient and what is not at certain points in the game.





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April 21, 2009 5:09:32 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Good call, transitive - looking at how upgrades scale is really key.  So level 1 gold upgrade is most cost-effective on small teams but higher levels might be very useful on large teams.  I added a Citadel Upgrades section and put all that in there. 

Revenance, no toes stepped on, and if you find any more useful links feel free to put them in. 

Anyone have the link to TBO's Economy post?  What about the collected GamesReplays Tips?  Other useful threads?


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April 21, 2009 6:16:10 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Gamereplay Tips of the Week

Demigod Economy

You meant these, Ke5trel?

Uh, and this has kinda beein said before, but: Catapultasaurs and giants can be risky, if you feel your team can't support them for longer periods (like, the closer you are to enemy base the easier it's for them to regen, and the less support you will have) and there's no pressing need to push at the moment, it's better wait. If the enemy team can stop your catapults/giants, they gain a massive exp/gold advantage.

Btw, do the health/armor and damage upgrades also increase amount of exp gained from killing the creeps? If not, at least the health upgrade can be nice early.

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April 21, 2009 8:12:33 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Awesome write up, thank you !!

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