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Demigod need 2 additional attributes

By on April 16, 2009 3:20:24 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I think players could have alot more fun with the items if there were two additional attributes implemented to the game.


One attribute would increase the power of Demigod abilities (increase damage, durations etc)

The other attribute would increase the resistance to Demigod abilities (reduce damage, durations etc)


This would pretty much complete the game in terms of attributes and buff items I think. My favourite Demigod is the Torchbearer and I would have alot of fun with items using a ability-increasing attribute I mentioned above so I could do interesting builds like really turning him into a "glass cannon". Another interesting item build would be using the resistance attribute heavily on say the Rook and really turn him into a tank to soak up Demigod attacks before more offensive team-mates launch a counter-attack.

You can clearly see how it'd add to the game.

+4 Karma | 13 Replies
April 16, 2009 3:29:32 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

They could add something...

I mean it gets kind of weird if you're in a long game or reach 20 and with items you are autoattacking for 500-600 with item crits for 2k and yet your fireball does 1050 and takes a cast.

Kinda weird where my dude will wand a guy twice for 1200 in like 1.5 seconds or less tiem then i can cast a fireball for 1050....

Some games if they get real heavy where we dominating, I don't even bother usign abilities, it's just get the crit items, attack speed items, leech and just auto attack no point in abilities.

April 16, 2009 3:50:01 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I'm not so sure about that...


You see, the idea behind spells is that they are considered 'early game.'  They are meant to be able to do a tonne of damage at the early stages of the game, but simply aren't as effective later on in the game.  This is in order to urge those with high damage spell builds to try and push to end the game as quickly as possible, before the other side can get the upper hand via high DPS.


I will concede, however, that it does indeed suck when spells start feeling useless, and in many other games it's nice to have implementation of items or stats that increase the damage of spells.

April 16, 2009 4:39:34 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Usually this is countered by having ways of increasing spell power on a percentage scale items could be added to give them better DPS for end game.

April 16, 2009 5:35:51 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

What you are saying Yuki (I think) is exactly why there needs to be an attribute that increases the potency of Demigod abilities, so its not all about getting a super-powerful auto-attack (which is currently your only option for increasing your DPS past leveling and selecting higher rank abilities). The Demigod abilities are what gives the game depth, so I personally think its a bit of a problem that the only way you can enable your Demigod to do alot damage with the items is via his weapon attacks only. I think its not fair for there not being an option to increase the effectiveness of abilities (which include support abilities as well).

And yeah KalYoshiKa is right in that it would be like a percentage scale because thats how these sorts of game attributes are normally handled because it scales smoothly with increasing ranks of the abilities.


And of course if there was an attribute implemented to increase ability power there needs to be some sort of implemention of a resistance attribute to counter it (as the current armour attribute only mitigates damage from Demigod auto-attacks, minions, towers and the spawn wave creeps as far as I'm aware).

April 16, 2009 3:16:21 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

this is just a fact of the game, single target direct damage abilities hit their peak between levels 5 and 10 and taper off as players start to boost their regular attacks by a large amount with high end items. 


i think its fine the way it is and gives players incentive to plan for long term development by picking skills that provide effects that cannot be eventually overtaken by regular attack damage. this makes the lategame importance of the various buffs, debuffs, and AoE attacks much greater than it would be otherwise. 



April 16, 2009 3:23:54 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

This is the early game-mid game-late game scenario that is prevalent in DotA as well.

Typically, non organized teams would all choose mid to late game heroes because they were the "uber damage dealing cool heroes".  Any good players would choose a mixture.  This way, their team could dominate early, push hard, dominate mid, and win the game before any of the late gamers could come into their own.

If spell casting is your thing, I would suggest pushing your little heart out and trying to end the game early while you still maintain control over the game!

April 16, 2009 8:19:18 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Weapon damage and armor should simply effect skills to some degreee.  But many skills should still be armor ignoring.  Maybe 50/50.

April 16, 2009 8:34:25 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

You guys do realise that most of the depth of the game comes from the selection and use of Demigod abilities, right? An answer like "you should of ended the game before they got so much weapon damage" is incredibly short-sighted and its clearly been confirmed that is a very DotA influenced comment (and guess what, Demigod is not DotA).

The abilities should be able to stay competitive right up to the end-game. Otherwise the depth and variety of combat goes out of the window and the game just degenerates into an auto-attack fest.

April 16, 2009 8:57:57 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

no, its not DotA but its very much inspired by it. we can have differences of opinion and neither one of us is short sighted. 


the abilities do stay competitive throughout the game. when i play Torch Bearer i make sure to get my Fireball up to rank 4 every game. by level 15 its no longer my best source of DPS but it has a huge amount of utility in outranging towers and finishing runners. regular attacks can't replace either of those functions. all kinds of direct damage abilities are good like that, they're still somewhat useful even after regular attacks start outdamaging them for pure DPS. 


and for what its worth, i could easily reverse your argument and say "you shouldn't trivialize passive abilities that boost Weapon Damage by emphasizing direct damage attacks too much with special equipment." Why shouldn't it be legitimate for a Rook player to focus on God's Strength or an Unclean Beast player to focus on Beast Within? 


that type of argumentation is circular and goes nowhere. i'm not looking to turn this thread into one of those infamous last man standing internet filibusters. 


all im saying is that i don't see direct damage abilities as being deeply flawed to the point of needing an overhaul of the game's equipment system. they are what they are, and very useful at that. like any game there are various gameplay dynamics that affect the relative utility of one thing vs. another based on current game conditions. the dynamic between direct damage (best in the early game) and regular attacks (item dependent, therefore best in late game) is just one example of this. it adds variety. i like it. 

April 16, 2009 9:52:57 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I suppose this "spell vs. autoattack" thing and "early vs. late game" thing is what just bit me this last game.  I am an extreme newb and am unaware of such dymanics.  I maxed out my spell casting and mana abilities as much as possible, thinking that was the way to go.  Early game we were winning pretty big against these 2 rook players.  Mid game we were still ahead - I thought we had it in the bag.  Late game, the two rooks just started slaughtering us - they were totally unstoppable, nothing we had could damage them at all - they could heal faster than we could damage.  They spent the last 15 minutes rampaging inside our base, with us camped out at our healing stone getting constantly healed.  We wailed and wailed and wailed on them continuously, but they never had to return to base and reheal, and never had to teleport away.  We just had to scratch our heads and wonder what happened.

I suppose I need to know more about this early/late game mechanic, and spell/autoattack mechanic.

April 16, 2009 9:57:33 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

its you! we're too much alike. moths to the flame of internet forum controversy. 


and yea, rook is durable no matter what, but certain combinations of items in particular make them almost unkillable. Giants Girdle combined with a Life Drain item like Mageslayer would make them basically unstoppable. or they might have just gotten really strong armor pieces like Godplate or Bulwark of Ages or something else with very high health regen. 


early game the direct damage attacks will greatly outpace regen and you can scare people off with them because of it.


late game between priest minions, regen and lifesteal items, and natural character stat development (of which the Rook has alot of hp regen bonuses naturally) you really gotta bring the noise with some heavy damage chars kitted out with high end damage gear. you'll never keep up with just spells. the spells make a world of difference in deciding close fights though, even in the late game.

April 16, 2009 10:34:38 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I agree that their should be items to increase the effectivness of spells. I think, as it is in most cases, that balance is key. dont make the items so rediculous that they make auto atacks a waste of time in the end game, but dont make it so that you dont even look at your skills anymore(which is a huge exageration, some skills are still used even in late game) I also thing that the demigod you'be chosen. Take 2 demigods, say TB and unclean beast(because they are pretty much oposits imo) and look at what their play styles are. I think of the TB as a sort of glass cannon, able to dish out high burst damage, from a distance, but when someone gets close up, they dont have a whole lot of health or any way to defend themselves. The unlcean beast is the oposite, steady and fast damage at close range. If you make them auto atack eachother, the unclean beast will clearly win, simply because its what its meant for.


And the argument that you should have ended the game earlier is lame. If every game is over within 10 mins, you hardly get the feel of an epic battle.

April 16, 2009 10:37:16 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

another idea, maybe just have spells scale with level, rank ups of spells acomplish that to a degree, but I for one think that a level 1 fire ball should do more at 20 than at 1, even if it is level 1. this may eliminate the need for items to increase their effectiveness.

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