I'm still trying to figure out how rating a game, which should be on gameplay, art, design, level of fun, magically becomes a crappy game when you're having networking issues.
By that same logic, World of Warcraft magically became crap (my personal opinion is that it was since Wrath, but moving on) the moment servers were down yesterday and that millions rerated the game and gave it low scores and decided it was too crappy to play anymore, but then magically rerated and changed their minds when the server came back up.
In other words, you guys make my head hurt. Gah. The game is fun, the networking is annoying, but I haven't had this much fun in quite some time. The levels are lush and unique, the Demigods look amazing and are all fun to play, the game runs nice and smooth once you're actually in a game, and most important of all: it's an amazingly fun game to play. Easily an 8.5/10 in my opinion and that's because there are a few areas I felt a tad lacking in, but nothing that ruins the game. In a week or two once the networking issue is fixed, I won't have anything to really complain about.
I played about 4-5 games straight last night before bed and didn't even realize the time pass by. That's with the same demigod and the same level. It's just that same level of fun you get even though you're playing the same hero you always play in the only map as always in DoTA.
Of course it can do with some improvements, anything can really, but those are not issues rather than a path for updates/mods/expansions.