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The Official Demigod Change Request Thread

By on March 29, 2009 3:29:09 PM from JoeUser Forums JoeUser Forums

Want something in Demigod’s balance changed? Make the case in this thread.




Everyone here at Stardock and GPG can feel the electricity in the air. It’s that feeling, that knowledge that the game you’ve been working on is going to be a hit. Those of you in the game industry know that feel. But for those of you who aren’t let me explain: Game projects take years from start to finish and let’s face it, statistically, most games aren’t very good. And for those on the project, it can be a real morale killer because the teams on those games usually know it long before release but cannot really do much about it.  With Demigod, both teams (Stardock and GPG) know they have something special here.

That said, I’ve put together a list of change requests that are in front of us to see what we can do and what we can’t do. 

This is the official change-request discussion thread. As these features are changed/added/addressed we’ll update this post.

I.                    Game options

d.      Tower Strength

                                                               i.      Weak is 2800. Please change to 4200.

                                                             ii.      Normal is 5600. GOOD.

                                                            iii.      High is 14000. Please change to 8400.


e.      Grunt strength

                                                               i.      Please change to” Grunt HP”

                                                             ii.      Weak is 240 HP. GOOD.

                                                            iii.      Normal is 390.  GOOD.

                                                           iv.      High is 870. GOOD.

f.        New option: Grunt Damage

                                                               i.      Weak: 75% what it currently is.

                                                             ii.      Normal: what it currently is

                                                            iii.      High is 150% of what it currently is

                                                           iv.      Severe is 300% of what it currently is

g.       Gold rate

                                                               i.      Low. please increase by +1.

                                                             ii.      Normal. Please increase by +2.

                                                            iii.      High. Please increase by +3.

h.      Starting gold

                                                               i.      add: Please add “low: $0”.

                                                             ii.      normal is $1000. GOOD.

                                                            iii.      high is $20,000. Please change to $5,000.

                                                           iv.      filthy rich is $40,000. Please change to $15,000.

II.                  Citadel Upgrades

b.      Building Firepower.  Please reduce cost on each one by 50%.

c.       Currency. 

                                                               i.      Currency I. Please change to 4 gold.

                                                             ii.      Currency II. Please change to 6 gold.

                                                            iii.      Currency III. Please change to 8 gold.

d.      Black Smith

                                                               i.      Black Smith I. GOOD.

                                                             ii.      Black Smith II. Please change to 40%.

                                                            iii.      Black Smith III. Please change to 50%.

                                                           iv.      Black Smith IV. Please change to 60%.

f.        Experience.

                                                               i.      Experience I. Please change to 20%.

                                                             ii.      Experience II. Please change to 30%.

                                                            iii.      Experinece III. Pleae chnage to 40%.

                                                           iv.      Experience IV. Please change to 50%.

III.                In-game Balance

a.       Going up a war rank gives all players on that team 1000G.

b.      When teleporting, the target destination displays an animation to cue players that someone is teleporting in.

See: for refrence

c.       Torch Bearer

                                                               i.      Fireball I. Please increase damage from 300 to 400.

                                                             ii.      Deep Freeze. Cool down penalty on others reduced by 3 seconds on each on.

d.      Rook

                                                               i.      HP decreased by about 10% at all levels.

                                                             ii.      Boulder Roll 3 stun time reduced to 3 seconds.

e.      Unclean beast

                                                               i.      Base speed reduced to 6.0

                                                             ii.      Reduce melee damage by about 10%.

                                                            iii.      Reduce HP or Armor by 10%.

f.        Destroying a tower provides 800 gold, destroying a fortress 1600 gold.


IV.                New Items

a.       Scroll of rebound. $250. Upon use any spells cast on that player or area around player within the following 2 seconds are rebounded upon the caster.

b.      Ring of rebound. Instant cast time. Upon use, any spell cast on that player or area around player within the subsequent 2 second are rebound upon the caster.


V.                  Ongoing Bug issues that must be resolved

a.       Disconnects in-game

                                                               i.      More consequence for disconnecting

                                                             ii.      The game must be able to cleanly recover from a disconnect.

b.      Connectivity

                                                               i.      Connecting to other players needs to be as reliable as possible

                                                             ii.      Current beta connectivity dialog needs polishing

c.       Pantheon

                                                               i.      Pantheon experience when connecting needs polish

                                                             ii.      AI players should be last resort and there should always be at least 1 human player on both sides.

d.      In-Game (separate bug database not covered in this thread)

VI.                User Interface Requests

a.       Tracking toggle button on screen (for new users, the [T] track option for having th3e camera follow and center on the Demigod is very nice but not easy to get to.

b.      In the lobby screen, display the Experience rating (from the Pantheon) by a player’s name to make it easier for players to balance custom games.

VII.              New Features

a.       New Multiplayer Option: Skirmish [Demigod]

                                                               i.      User selects Skirmish then choose Demigod and then presses Fight

                                                             ii.      Impulse Reactor puts together players that are balanced to battle it out.

                                                            iii.      Pantheon displays separate top players for Skirmish.

b.      Pantheon Teams [Pantheon]

                                                               i.      Players can create and join teams

                                                             ii.      Player s can only belong to one team at a time

                                                            iii.      Various ranking options based on Teams.

c.       Skirmish Tournaments [Pantheon]

                                                               i.      Not to be confused with the Pantheon itself

                                                             ii.      Set begin and end date where players participate in a series of Skirmish games with their rankings filtered during the tournament. Top players win prizes.



 Version 1.03: Updated March 29, 2009.

+912 Karma | 228 Replies
April 29, 2009 3:18:26 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Make an option to randomly select your demigod, in that you and the players in the lobby have no idea what you selected till you get in game

April 29, 2009 4:01:17 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting tombonator1,
Make an option to randomly select your demigod, in that you and the players in the lobby have no idea what you selected till you get in game



April 29, 2009 4:43:59 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

wouldnt mind having an official change request thread for:

each demigod

each map


other game functions

so we dont have to read through 9 pages.

April 29, 2009 4:49:50 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

They really need separate sub forums for each DG probably

April 29, 2009 6:56:41 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I often get a NAT facilitator connection error. I then have to restart the whole game

before demigod reconnects to the facilitator.


I think that the game should handle bad facilitator connection better, like automatically

trying to reconnect a few times before even showing the error message. If it is resolved by

me restarting the game, then it should not be too hard to reconnect in-game without me

knowing I ever had a disconnect.

April 29, 2009 10:40:57 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

so we dont have to read through 9 pages.


Don't bother with that; this thread was for pre-release and probably isn't being watched anymore.  (It sure isn't being updated!)

April 29, 2009 4:28:35 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

If I could have one thing changed?


Let me look at the skill tree window while I'm dead.  Being able to assign points while dead would be a bonus, but I'd take what I could get.  Anything is better than staring at a grey screen for 40 seconds with absolutely nothing to look at.


Talk about the perfect time to read up on skills or learn more about a character.  What else are you doing during that time?



April 29, 2009 4:31:13 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

if win/loss ratio and even disconnects could be recorded to each player, and displayed while inside a lobby that would be great in trying to balance custom games out.  Pretty annoying when your on the team with one player who dies 15 times in 30 minutes

April 30, 2009 2:54:45 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I would like to see an addition to this game. There should be an option to see the items of all of your teammates.

This could be vary usefull so people learn different kinds of styles to play with one Demigod. Maybe I am incorrect, but I would like to hear your idea's about it.


Thanks for this great game!

April 30, 2009 4:06:57 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

The small window in the bottom right screen that's always reading "connection info..." should say something useful instead.

I know that clicking on it brings up a detailed connection information display, but why isn't that first window then a button in the Impulse window (shift-tab)?

Right now, as it is designed, it doesn't read as "click me"... it reads as "I want to say something useful, but instead, here's a default text that doesn't give you any information at all".

April 30, 2009 8:27:31 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

To much to read at once but I have a few ideas/opinions, I´m sorry if they´ve been noted already.

Regulus mines: They doesnt work as mines they work as grenades. two solutions of this:

1. Make the skill Grenade and turn it into more nuke like skill with an AoE. In this case you might wanna nerf the slow and damage a bit.

2. Give them a timer to set. Like they activate 1-3sec after they are thrown. In this case you might wanna buff the damage, the slow is good already. This option seems best imo because that gives more sense to getting the detect invisibility item in case you wanna push.

Erebus bite: This skill seems to have it all. it has damage, it is a heal, it reduces armor and got a slow? isn´t that a bit to much? It´s a sedna heal, QoT spike wave and Rook hammer in one. This doesnt necessarily need a nerf but at least spread out his ability to do all those things. Maybe add the slow to bat swarm and remove the reduce armor? That way he HAS to spend a lot more mana to get all the benefits from bite.

I will be editing with more.



May 1, 2009 5:33:09 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

A new one of these should be stickied in the ideas section.

May 1, 2009 5:58:18 PM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

Hm, I'd like to see favor items that level with your demigod. Start out weak and get more effective as you level

May 29, 2009 12:03:20 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

UI Improvements for everyone :

  • Allies Display : It's sometime hard to figure where are our allies, and how they feel. It'd be great to have a part of the UI with allies status, portrait and health. The portrait would allow to rapidly center the screen on the ally (with a click), to look around if there are some buildings to teleport to, for a gank or a help.
  • Character Sheet : It's quite hard to figure what are our HP and MP regen. Those infos on the sheet (the big one, or maybe the little too) would be great, to figure our own strength and weakness.
  • Map Click : please, give us a map click . Zoom in and out are great features, but map click is so easier, and that an habit for "all" strat games so far.

Just quoting this because these are exactly my first impressions, with one extra thing:

Mana regen numbers don't really mean anything to a new player.  70%, 20%, 30%, if you bought the digital download version and don't have an instruction manual, you have no idea what these are a percentage of.  The character sheet change would be a tremendous help for the players who remember to check before and afte rthey purchase items to get a better feel for this.

I've been playing for a few days and I still really don't know what the numbers mean.  In fact figuring that out is why I'm here on the forums tonight, but I would wager it's not second nature for most characters to flock to the boards for that kind of thing.  I'd guess they do a cursory google check, hit up gamefaqs, and then the pester other players who likely don't know either.


More importantly though, the game's really fun so far, btw.

May 29, 2009 12:14:26 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I would like to see an addition to this game. There should be an option to see the items of all of your teammates.

This could be vary usefull so people learn different kinds of styles to play with one Demigod. Maybe I am incorrect, but I would like to hear your idea's about it.


It'd be neat to be able to see enemy items too, at the very least at the end of a match.  I realize this might promote some goofy play like teleporting back and selling everything to hide your stuff, but in general with so many options in this game I think it'd help smooth out the learning curve.

May 29, 2009 12:23:15 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I agree wholeheartedly with the UB speed changes, but if people are concerned that he needs his high speed to counterbalance lack of durability, why not bake an increasing run speed at low health somewhere into his skills?  That might be a reasonable way to balance it out (or maybe not, I dunno ).

May 29, 2009 12:16:45 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

To much to read at once but I have a few ideas/opinions, I´m sorry if they´ve been noted already.

Regulus mines: They doesnt work as mines they work as grenades. two solutions of this:

1. Make the skill Grenade and turn it into more nuke like skill with an AoE. In this case you might wanna nerf the slow and damage a bit.

2. Give them a timer to set. Like they activate 1-3sec after they are thrown. In this case you might wanna buff the damage, the slow is good already. This option seems best imo because that gives more sense to getting the detect invisibility item in case you wanna push.

Erebus bite: This skill seems to have it all. it has damage, it is a heal, it reduces armor and got a slow? isn´t that a bit to much? It´s a sedna heal, QoT spike wave and Rook hammer in one. This doesnt necessarily need a nerf but at least spread out his ability to do all those things. Maybe add the slow to bat swarm and remove the reduce armor? That way he HAS to spend a lot more mana to get all the benefits from bite.

I will be editing with more.


I'd like to second this request.

1. Agreed. A new skill for grenades that is more balanced with damage/slow etc. This way the mechanic of dropping a nuke on someone's head can be controlled and balanced.

2. I suggest a different solution to solve the 'using mines like grenades' thing. Have to where Regulus takes damage from his own mines if he is within range. The same distance he can throw them, what ever that is.


May 29, 2009 12:51:59 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I haven't read the entire thread so if it was suggested already....

For most of the custom game options why not just show the default in parenthesis and then provide drop-down lists of incremental settings and allow people to pick the actual setting? If you show the default, people can kind of figure for themselves how much different some other actual # would be.

More consequence for disconnecting

This will alienate new/casual players. I'm totally cool with that, but it will happen. I still maintain that it would kick ass to re-balance teams by voluntary/involuntary system of dropping an opposing player and giving them a win and favor while the disconnector receives a loss as though it were a 1v1 with the person receiving the 'free win' and favor for balancing the teams. Make it optional in custom non-existant in team panth, and always the behavior in both skirmish and pantheon.

May 29, 2009 1:27:33 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

For Regulus, the ONLY skill which makes resonable dmg in close combat is mines skill, and You want to change it ? What Regulus will be like, without mines, instead with some stupid granades ?

You complaying Regulus can throw mines right in Your face ? So move ! No one said You have to stand there, while Regulus is throwing mines. No one said, You can't use quick stun (Oak, Sedna, UB) to cancel throwing. Taking mines away from Regulus will make this char impossible to 1 vs 1 anyone (even now it's hard to 1 vs 1 playing with Regulus, but it's good as it is). Idea of granades sux. If You have waiting time (like 3s) before it blows, all will easly run away, so whats the point of this skill ? Additionally, You can't set a trap with granades (and that's what Regulus is supposed to do). Damage back to Regulus idea ? Maybe rock should take dmg too when he uses Hammer Slam - notice, he is standing right there !!?? And why Mage don't take dmg while he is in Fire Circle ? Why all AOE skills don't make any dmg to Your allies ?

Think about it, and don't tell me about realism. Where in real world do You see fireballs from mages, mechanic giant monster, a healing girl riding on deadly animal... and so on ? I really can't understand what's wrong with throwing mines on someone ? For me, it sounds like some kid don't know how to play the game and complaining about something he knows nothing about... just because some Regulus player kicked his ass...

Right now Regulus is one of the easiest char to kill (You just need some tactics). If You can't kill Regulus... well, that's Your problem. I suggest You to use Your brain while playing...

May 29, 2009 1:46:58 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I know we have a request similar to this noted in the OP, but I want to put out an idea that I had posted some time ago. This would be an addition of an in-lobby player stat display, which would basically funciton as a simplified version of the current stats page but with some more relevant notes.

Please read the thread here.

In this thread, I also make note of an anti-rage quit measure, which I would like to highlight here specifically.

2.) Comp Stomers and Rage Quitters. I put these two in the same category mainly because my proposed solution would deal with both of them (and should actually be considered even if this statistics interface is disregarded). People that comp stomp (play with human allies against a purely AI team) can rack up free wins that don't accurately reflect their skill in an online environment. Rage quitters attempt to leave games via induced disconnects to avoid a loss. My proposition would eliminate the worry for comp stompers and nearly eliminate the worry for rage quitters. Here's how it would work.

For the first 10 minutes of the game, Demigod would be monitoring the "human" presence on both teams (i.e. checking for pings that aren't 0). In the event that either team becomes completely AI-controlled within the first 10 minutes, the game would become forfeit, in that its outcome is automatically disregarded and no wins OR losses are given to anyone (I also considered not giving favor points to anybody who finishes the match, but that is debatable). However, after those ten minutes, the game's outcome will be recorded, even for somebody who disconnects after that point (the AI associated with your account name would have its match results sent to your stat page). Having this solution also solves the "My game started and two of my teammates were immediately AI controlled" problem: just have your whole team disconnect and nobody has to suffer, and all without fear of loss on your own part.

Please consider these ideas.

May 29, 2009 3:12:06 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I would like to see better friends systems in place.


A list of people currently browsing the Custom games would be nice, and the ability to invite them to your game, and invite them to your game would be nice.

I play lots of games with good people who are fun but there is currently no way to add people to your friends after a game. This should be an option by right clicking their names on the scoreboard "Add to Friends"


This would promote a sense of community and help people get good games without rage quitters together more easily.

May 29, 2009 3:26:45 PM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

you do know this thread was for the beta, it isn't being updated or used for the release version AFAIK

May 29, 2009 3:30:53 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

here is an idea for TB's ring of fire not sure if its possible though, make it so that it makes its own fog of war, like the flames make smoke the floats up an makes a small area of "fog of war" ppl have to go in range of the ring of fire to see in unless of course someone hits tb with tracking device or some such thing. that way the range wont have to be changed and it adds a layer to the game with strategy. ppl inside the ring of fire will be able to see and ppl outside of it cant jus take pot shots at tb. dunno jus an idea i thought i would mention let me know what you think.

May 29, 2009 10:45:59 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting Szadowsz,
you do know this thread was for the beta, it isn't being updated or used for the release version AFAIK
I've triied to point that out, but why let reality interfere is the leading opinion.

June 1, 2009 9:25:07 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

At the moment we are only notified when there are creep updates. Would be possible to include announcements for every citidel update? Or have have a hotkey to be able to see the citidel status without the need to be next to it?

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