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The Official Demigod Change Request Thread

By on March 29, 2009 3:29:09 PM from JoeUser Forums JoeUser Forums

Want something in Demigod’s balance changed? Make the case in this thread.




Everyone here at Stardock and GPG can feel the electricity in the air. It’s that feeling, that knowledge that the game you’ve been working on is going to be a hit. Those of you in the game industry know that feel. But for those of you who aren’t let me explain: Game projects take years from start to finish and let’s face it, statistically, most games aren’t very good. And for those on the project, it can be a real morale killer because the teams on those games usually know it long before release but cannot really do much about it.  With Demigod, both teams (Stardock and GPG) know they have something special here.

That said, I’ve put together a list of change requests that are in front of us to see what we can do and what we can’t do. 

This is the official change-request discussion thread. As these features are changed/added/addressed we’ll update this post.

I.                    Game options

d.      Tower Strength

                                                               i.      Weak is 2800. Please change to 4200.

                                                             ii.      Normal is 5600. GOOD.

                                                            iii.      High is 14000. Please change to 8400.


e.      Grunt strength

                                                               i.      Please change to” Grunt HP”

                                                             ii.      Weak is 240 HP. GOOD.

                                                            iii.      Normal is 390.  GOOD.

                                                           iv.      High is 870. GOOD.

f.        New option: Grunt Damage

                                                               i.      Weak: 75% what it currently is.

                                                             ii.      Normal: what it currently is

                                                            iii.      High is 150% of what it currently is

                                                           iv.      Severe is 300% of what it currently is

g.       Gold rate

                                                               i.      Low. please increase by +1.

                                                             ii.      Normal. Please increase by +2.

                                                            iii.      High. Please increase by +3.

h.      Starting gold

                                                               i.      add: Please add “low: $0”.

                                                             ii.      normal is $1000. GOOD.

                                                            iii.      high is $20,000. Please change to $5,000.

                                                           iv.      filthy rich is $40,000. Please change to $15,000.

II.                  Citadel Upgrades

b.      Building Firepower.  Please reduce cost on each one by 50%.

c.       Currency. 

                                                               i.      Currency I. Please change to 4 gold.

                                                             ii.      Currency II. Please change to 6 gold.

                                                            iii.      Currency III. Please change to 8 gold.

d.      Black Smith

                                                               i.      Black Smith I. GOOD.

                                                             ii.      Black Smith II. Please change to 40%.

                                                            iii.      Black Smith III. Please change to 50%.

                                                           iv.      Black Smith IV. Please change to 60%.

f.        Experience.

                                                               i.      Experience I. Please change to 20%.

                                                             ii.      Experience II. Please change to 30%.

                                                            iii.      Experinece III. Pleae chnage to 40%.

                                                           iv.      Experience IV. Please change to 50%.

III.                In-game Balance

a.       Going up a war rank gives all players on that team 1000G.

b.      When teleporting, the target destination displays an animation to cue players that someone is teleporting in.

See: for refrence

c.       Torch Bearer

                                                               i.      Fireball I. Please increase damage from 300 to 400.

                                                             ii.      Deep Freeze. Cool down penalty on others reduced by 3 seconds on each on.

d.      Rook

                                                               i.      HP decreased by about 10% at all levels.

                                                             ii.      Boulder Roll 3 stun time reduced to 3 seconds.

e.      Unclean beast

                                                               i.      Base speed reduced to 6.0

                                                             ii.      Reduce melee damage by about 10%.

                                                            iii.      Reduce HP or Armor by 10%.

f.        Destroying a tower provides 800 gold, destroying a fortress 1600 gold.


IV.                New Items

a.       Scroll of rebound. $250. Upon use any spells cast on that player or area around player within the following 2 seconds are rebounded upon the caster.

b.      Ring of rebound. Instant cast time. Upon use, any spell cast on that player or area around player within the subsequent 2 second are rebound upon the caster.


V.                  Ongoing Bug issues that must be resolved

a.       Disconnects in-game

                                                               i.      More consequence for disconnecting

                                                             ii.      The game must be able to cleanly recover from a disconnect.

b.      Connectivity

                                                               i.      Connecting to other players needs to be as reliable as possible

                                                             ii.      Current beta connectivity dialog needs polishing

c.       Pantheon

                                                               i.      Pantheon experience when connecting needs polish

                                                             ii.      AI players should be last resort and there should always be at least 1 human player on both sides.

d.      In-Game (separate bug database not covered in this thread)

VI.                User Interface Requests

a.       Tracking toggle button on screen (for new users, the [T] track option for having th3e camera follow and center on the Demigod is very nice but not easy to get to.

b.      In the lobby screen, display the Experience rating (from the Pantheon) by a player’s name to make it easier for players to balance custom games.

VII.              New Features

a.       New Multiplayer Option: Skirmish [Demigod]

                                                               i.      User selects Skirmish then choose Demigod and then presses Fight

                                                             ii.      Impulse Reactor puts together players that are balanced to battle it out.

                                                            iii.      Pantheon displays separate top players for Skirmish.

b.      Pantheon Teams [Pantheon]

                                                               i.      Players can create and join teams

                                                             ii.      Player s can only belong to one team at a time

                                                            iii.      Various ranking options based on Teams.

c.       Skirmish Tournaments [Pantheon]

                                                               i.      Not to be confused with the Pantheon itself

                                                             ii.      Set begin and end date where players participate in a series of Skirmish games with their rankings filtered during the tournament. Top players win prizes.



 Version 1.03: Updated March 29, 2009.

+912 Karma | 228 Replies
April 22, 2009 3:06:15 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting RavineLP,

Hi there. I bought Demigod 3 or 4 days ago, and i'm really enjoying it : the overall feeling is great, and the demigods are really fun to play. However, i've noticed some lacks, or "that'd be great if..." stuff. I guess it's the right place to talk about that so, let's go.

Disclaimer : i'm not the kind of "Do it like i said because it sucks right now" guy, and english is not my native language, so i apologize if it sounds direct or imperative. Those are just suggestions, and i wont insult you if you think it's not interesting. And since i didnt read the manual, i may lack some basic commands or stuff ^^ (but i think that not reading the user manual is good to pinpoint strengths and weaknesses)

UI Improvements for Generals :

Minion Display : I played a little with generals. Since you can upgrade the creep spawns to reach "army size" groups (grunts, shooters, priest, flying, catapult, giants), and since the generals are "minion based", it would be cool if we can see in one look how our gourp is. I mean, in a melee, i run with sedna, the yetis, some melee and priest minion, suffering some AoE, lots of effect on screen, and i lost track of my units. That'd be cool to have some icons on screen to display our minions status. (see modified screenshot)

UI Improvements for everyone :

Allies Display : It's sometime hard to figure where are our allies, and how they feel. It'd be great to have a part of the UI with allies status, portrait and health. The portrait would allow to rapidly center the screen on the ally (with a click), to look around if there are some buildings to teleport to, for a gank or a help.
Character Sheet : It's quite hard to figure what are our HP and MP regen. Those infos on the sheet (the big one, or maybe the little too) would be great, to figure our own strength and weakness.
Map Click : please, give us a map click . Zoom in and out are great features, but map click is so easier, and that an habit for "all" strat games so far.

That's all for now. I dont want to bother you more than that with my requests. Here comes a tweaked screenshot, with examples and illustrations of what i've suggested above. And since i havent played in multi so far, but only a dozen of tournaments in solo, i have some thoughts and remarks about the AI. Is there any opened thread devoted to that task ?

Would be better to have all portraits of allies and minions around the same spot.

Anyways i suggested something like this at: long ago.  Though I forgot to include minoins.

Well, it isn't so much i forgot, but back in beta1 there where no generals.

Anyways here are my suggestions for what I think should be priority for the next patch not dealing with connectivity and all.  Just sort of, doable stuff.

Bug fixes

  • On click skills, you often get frozen afterwards and have to give a move order to fix it. This is an old bug that needs fixed..
  • When trying to move away, it seems it tries to attack-move and has your demigod turn around 180degrees to attack, which can get you killed since you were trying to flee.
    • There is a related bug to this where your demigod will hit targets besides what you're chasing when doing attack move.  Very annoying resulting in losing kills a lot, just like the other one makes you die a lot when you shouldn't have.
  • Deep freeze and mass charm do not work like they are supposed to, and would work poorly if they did.  More detail at this link
  • When you cap both valor flags(+30% health/dmg for minions), and then lose one, you lose the bonus for both and can never get a single bonus again.
  • Fix nightwalkers not being able to hit moving targets.  Pretty much all but spirits seem to have this problem, but spirits somewhat too, it just seems particularly bad with nightwalkers..
  • Favor.. obviously.

These aren't all nessisarily overpowered things, or underpowered, but in some cases skills aren't really worth additional points for lvling and such, or just things to add more variance.

In General

  • Rework +atk-speed% and +move-speed% multipliers.  +20% +15% +15% should be a 42.2% increase, not 50%
  • Chat should make a sound when there is a new message from someone.
  • Text needs a black outline or transculent black background so it can be read on light colored backdrops.
  • Skills should list AoE size in tooltip.
  • Should respawn in the mode you died in for TB/QoT.
  • Arranged teams on pantheon with seperate rankings(if you have a team of 3 people, it should not save your stats in the same place stats for people that go alone are in.)
  • Don't count games to stats which last less than 3 minutes or something..  Or if you leave in the first minute.  On one hand you have cases where you have someone lagging the pantheon game so bad that it's unplayable, on the other hand you may have people know who they're up against is good and just quit.
  • Heal on priests and DPS on other idols is slightly too good with the reduced cost.  Cost is good being cheap, they're just too good for the cost now.
  • Stop it with the 3% and 1% chance stuff.  This is pure randomness.  Nothing should be under 15% chance(except evasion).  And not only that, these 1% and 3% chance things equate to uselessness.  Like 1% chance for 300 health shield is basically only reducing damage by THREE per hit.
  • Fix resetting camera on death :/
  • Armor reduction debuffs should not effect buildings (IE QoT ground spikes current gives like a 250% damage bonus because it puts buildings into negative)

Unclean Beast

  • Make spit not able to target buildings like bite.  (For reference.. lvl4 spit is 164dps(if you use it as often as it recharges, on two buildings.)  Uproot is 133 dps.  Even if you only maintain 1 target with spit it's still 115dps which is nearly as much as the building-only Uproot.  Granted, not counting compost, but this is 4 skill points invested vs. 4 skill points invested.


  • Snipe should do 1/4th damage to buildings.  Really, it shouldn't even be able to target them, but it doesn't make as much sense as spit and bite not being able to.. so maybe damage reduction is better.


  • Increase base armor from 240 to 340.
  • I'd prefer boulder roll to stun longer against moving targets, or ones casting.  There should be an invisible "Is Casting, Is Attacking, Is Moving" buff added for "If isMoving" type triggering abilities.. would be nice to use for modding later, along with improving skills in the game itself or new skills that are added.

Queen of Thorns

  • Change Uproot to 3 levels. 500/1000/1500 damage.  Add "When a building effected by Uproot is destroyed, 1/2/4 Shamblers are created.  You can have a maximum of 2/2/4 Shamblers"(from 500/1000/1500/2000 dmg)  Increase cast time to 1.0 second from 0.5.
  • Increase compost damage bonus to Uproot to make up for the 500 damage drop on Uproot.
  • Change recharge time on Brambles to 12/10/7/7 seconds.(from 7)
  • Increase damage in open form maybe?
  • Add a wider damage line to shamblers.  I seem to always see those spikes pass through something but they not take damage..
  • Reduce cast time on spike wave to 0.3 from 0.4


  • Change recharge time on Heal to 12/10/7/7 seconds.(from 7)
    • Also, I think sedna's dispell might be removing the debuff that priests give after they heal that makes them unhealable by priests temporarily.  Not exactly sure though, but if it does, that's bad.
  • Change silence duration to 2/3.5/5(from 3/4/5)


  • Change debuff time on Bite to 2/2/2/3 seconds(from3).  Change to 300/500/700/800 life steal.  Really, you should be able to do it by moving and continue to attack otherwise.  Right now there is sort of a delay thing after it.. I don't know really.
    • I think a lot think bite needs to be nerfed more, but it's not like erebus was that great with the 650dmg bite.  People are thinking it's overpowered now mostly because AI and new players don't understand armor, while the beta testers did.  They don't understand they're getting F'd up largely from armor going into negative values so there is a huge damge increase.  The formula for armor goes crazy in negative values..  Simple counter is having more tan 800 armor.
  • Change Mass Charm to 1/1.5/2/2.5 stun from 1/1.5/2/3 with it's AoE range at 10/10/15/15.
  • Change damage on mistform to 50/85/120/155 from 50/75/100/125.  (Patchnotes said damage was increased by 25, but it wasn't.  Just manacost got fixed.. and it's really weak now.)
    • Or maybe it should be 50/100/150 damage instead.  Cut out one of the middle levels.
  • Reduce health per level back down to 135 from 145.(well, was 137, but 135 is rounder)
  • Increase mana cost on bats
  • Make Vampiric Aura its own skill with level 8 and 15 requirement for 5%/10% life steal aura.
  • Have Poison Blood give health regen even while using Mist Form.  Could sort of open up a minion build with Erebus then with this change and the added damage on Mistform, without improving the assassin playstyle build.
  • Redo Army of Night.  It's pretty bad and won't be good just by buffing it's stats. :/  You don't need life leach on them when they're created so easily.  It's certainly not worth 7 skill points now, which is how it needs to be looked at.
    • It'd be better if this was changed to a corpse explosion type thing.  "When a Nightwalker is created, 150 damage is done in 6 AoE around the exploited corpse".  So it'd sort of be like disease.  This could make interesting combinations..


  • Surge of Faith seems messed up.  Seems like you get WAY more than +10% movespeed and attack speed.  Or am I wrong?.. That weapon just swings like mad, and you can't escape his crazy movespeed.  Maybe changes to how +atk speed will fix it though.  This is the main thing making him beastly good now IMO.
  • Reduce cooldown to 30 seconds from 35 on level 2 shield.(Right now it's sort of something you just put a single point in.)

Torch Bearer

  • Increase cast time on Frost Nova to 1.0 sec from 0.9sec.


These items with just some balance issues:

  • Bulwark imo should be rebalanced as an 8000 cost item.  If I had 16000, I just would not buy this when I need killing power.  Stats as an 8000 cost item I'd say would be +750 health, +15 health per second, +750 armor, damage reduced by 20%.
  • Warlords Punisher - Just not good enough.  Should be 15 second cooldown and maybe 1.0 second cast.
  • Forest Band - Should heal you some small amount for every minion healed this way.
  • Bracelet of Rage - the +300 ontop of +50 seems like a bit much.  Maybe it should be +200 for with a 30 second cooldown instead of 45 sec cooldown.
  • Cloak of Elfenkind - Should have a 0.5 sec cast time
  • Cloak of flames - Weak pre-buff lvl 1 ring of fire with a 4x longer cooldown is awful.
April 22, 2009 3:11:07 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Erebus and Oak need some reworking they barely fullfill the role as generals they are more like assassin's with friends. Early game the Vampire is more powerful than most of the assassin charachters and with slight support becomes the most imbalanced charachter in the game, until late game comes where oak really shines.

April 22, 2009 9:21:16 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Erebus has "invincible" mode which is mist form.  He can bat swarm you, then bite you, then mist you (without taking ANY damage), until bat swarm and bite are ready again.  What makes him overly powerful is while in mist form you can't kill him.  I think one of two things should happen.  His recharge time on mist should be much longer, as in 10-12 seconds till he can use it again, or the cost mana per second should be doubled.


And don't get me wrong, he's awesome, just overly awesome.  Can't lose with him.

April 22, 2009 9:34:10 AM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

And don't get me wrong, he's awesome, just overly awesome. Can't lose with him.

Funny, that is what everyone says about every character. "Regulus is unbeatable", "Torch Bearer deals insane damage, can't beat him" etc, etc.

I don't think that is the case form most Demigods. Every DG has it's achilles heel, you as a player just have to find it and exploit it. As far as i have seen, it's only one DG that falls behind, and that is Sedna. But that might be because she is harder to play well. So what it comes down to is the player playing said DG. Some players are really unbeatable with some DG's, while others at oteher DG's. It's all about playstyle.

EDIT: Take a look at the following link, really shows the real stats of how each DG stands in matches. UB is the best atm.

April 22, 2009 9:53:39 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

In line with what innociv is saying - there should be a cap on armor debuffs.  Either alone is bad enough, but Erebus + QoT can put your armor well into the negative and then when a soft breeze blows you evaporate.  The yield curve appears to be inverse to positive armor chart, so they only have to get you slightly into the red to escalate the damage you take by an astonishing amount.  Please fix.



April 22, 2009 2:25:12 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums


a.       Scroll of rebound. $250. Upon use any spells cast on that player or area around player within the following 2 seconds are rebounded upon the caster.




b.      Ring of rebound. Instant cast time. Upon use, any spell cast on that player or area around player within the subsequent 2 second are rebound upon the caster.






imo to powerful , make the ring expensive and i would give it a go , the scroll will kill most heroes in the beginning during chase and make the game a lot slower in terms of dg vs dg .

maybe if you had an animation around the character it could work.


heart of life 4250 ... either make it cost 7000 or force the character to stand still for the effect .

to make an example , bottle in dota has been nerfed time and time again , its still one of the most used items due to burst mana/hp regen is very powerful , being able as erebus as activate on the run to 5 secs later reengage with batswarm/bite is too good .

only time i dont get this item is on regulus or if were on the offensive in exile , and i think most players agree as it is now its a must to have it.

April 22, 2009 2:27:34 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting LittleOz,
Erebus has "invincible" mode which is mist form.  He can bat swarm you, then bite you, then mist you (without taking ANY damage), until bat swarm and bite are ready again.  What makes him overly powerful is while in mist form you can't kill him.  I think one of two things should happen.  His recharge time on mist should be much longer, as in 10-12 seconds till he can use it again, or the cost mana per second should be doubled.


And don't get me wrong, he's awesome, just overly awesome.  Can't lose with him.


agree on him being overly powerful but mist is not the reason , imo mist isnt even worth 1 point , hes an early game powerhouse with bite rank 2 , bite rank 1 is enough to chase down most opponents and when mid games comes hes a pushing monster.

nerf bite imo , no movement speed debuff or less damage

April 22, 2009 5:03:42 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Modify kill and assist assignments such that the source doing the most damage gets the kill credit, instead of the source that inflicted the killing blow. If the target ever recovers their hp fully, the list should be reset.

Make it so that The Wand of Speed does not reset your movement, and The Heart of Life to require either standing still or at least resets all actions when activated.

April 22, 2009 6:38:09 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting innociv,

Quoting RavineLP, reply 6 

Hi there. I bought Demigod 3 or 4 days ago, and i'm really enjoying it : the overall feeling is great, and the demigods are really fun to play. However, i've noticed some lacks, or "that'd be great if..." stuff. I guess it's the right place to talk about that so, let's go.

Disclaimer : i'm not the kind of "Do it like i said because it sucks right now" guy, and english is not my native language, so i apologize if it sounds direct or imperative. Those are just suggestions, and i wont insult you if you think it's not interesting. And since i didnt read the manual, i may lack some basic commands or stuff ^^ (but i think that not reading the user manual is good to pinpoint strengths and weaknesses)

UI Improvements for Generals :

Minion Display : I played a little with generals. Since you can upgrade the creep spawns to reach "army size" groups (grunts, shooters, priest, flying, catapult, giants), and since the generals are "minion based", it would be cool if we can see in one look how our gourp is. I mean, in a melee, i run with sedna, the yetis, some melee and priest minion, suffering some AoE, lots of effect on screen, and i lost track of my units. That'd be cool to have some icons on screen to display our minions status. (see modified screenshot)

UI Improvements for everyone :

Allies Display : It's sometime hard to figure where are our allies, and how they feel. It'd be great to have a part of the UI with allies status, portrait and health. The portrait would allow to rapidly center the screen on the ally (with a click), to look around if there are some buildings to teleport to, for a gank or a help.
Character Sheet : It's quite hard to figure what are our HP and MP regen. Those infos on the sheet (the big one, or maybe the little too) would be great, to figure our own strength and weakness.
Map Click : please, give us a map click . Zoom in and out are great features, but map click is so easier, and that an habit for "all" strat games so far.

That's all for now. I dont want to bother you more than that with my requests. Here comes a tweaked screenshot, with examples and illustrations of what i've suggested above. And since i havent played in multi so far, but only a dozen of tournaments in solo, i have some thoughts and remarks about the AI. Is there any opened thread devoted to that task ?

Would be better to have all portraits of allies and minions around the same spot.

Anyways i suggested something like this at: long ago.  Though I forgot to include minoins.

Well, it isn't so much i forgot, but back in beta1 there where no generals.

Anyways here are my suggestions for what I think should be priority for the next patch not dealing with connectivity and all.  Just sort of, doable stuff.

Bug fixes

On click skills, you often get frozen afterwards and have to give a move order to fix it. This is an old bug that needs fixed..
When trying to move away, it seems it tries to attack-move and has your demigod turn around 180degrees to attack, which can get you killed since you were trying to flee.

There is a related bug to this where your demigod will hit targets besides what you're chasing when doing attack move.  Very annoying resulting in losing kills a lot, just like the other one makes you die a lot when you shouldn't have.

Deep freeze and mass charm do not work like they are supposed to, and would work poorly if they did.  More detail at this link
When you cap both valor flags(+30% health/dmg for minions), and then lose one, you lose the bonus for both and can never get a single bonus again.
Fix nightwalkers not being able to hit moving targets.  Pretty much all but spirits seem to have this problem, but spirits somewhat too, it just seems particularly bad with nightwalkers..
Favor.. obviously.

These aren't all nessisarily overpowered things, or underpowered, but in some cases skills aren't really worth additional points for lvling and such, or just things to add more variance.

In General

Rework +atk-speed% and +move-speed% multipliers.  +20% +15% +15% should be a 42.2% increase, not 50%
Chat should make a sound when there is a new message from someone.
Text needs a black outline or transculent black background so it can be read on light colored backdrops.
Skills should list AoE size in tooltip.
Should respawn in the mode you died in for TB/QoT.

Arranged teams on pantheon with seperate rankings(if you have a team of 3 people, it should not save your stats in the same place stats for people that go alone are in.)
Don't count games to stats which last less than 3 minutes or something..  Or if you leave in the first minute.  On one hand you have cases where you have someone lagging the pantheon game so bad that it's unplayable, on the other hand you may have people know who they're up against is good and just quit.

Heal on priests and DPS on other idols is slightly too good with the reduced cost.  Cost is good being cheap, they're just too good for the cost now.
Stop it with the 3% and 1% chance stuff.  This is pure randomness.  Nothing should be under 15% chance(except evasion).  And not only that, these 1% and 3% chance things equate to uselessness.  Like 1% chance for 300 health shield is basically only reducing damage by THREE per hit.
Fix resetting camera on death :/
Armor reduction debuffs should not effect buildings (IE QoT ground spikes current gives like a 250% damage bonus because it puts buildings into negative)

Unclean Beast

Make spit not able to target buildings like bite.  (For reference.. lvl4 spit is 164dps(if you use it as often as it recharges, on two buildings.)  Uproot is 133 dps.  Even if you only maintain 1 target with spit it's still 115dps which is nearly as much as the building-only Uproot.  Granted, not counting compost, but this is 4 skill points invested vs. 4 skill points invested.


Snipe should do 1/4th damage to buildings.  Really, it shouldn't even be able to target them, but it doesn't make as much sense as spit and bite not being able to.. so maybe damage reduction is better.


Increase base armor from 240 to 340.
I'd prefer boulder roll to stun longer against moving targets, or ones casting.  There should be an invisible "Is Casting, Is Attacking, Is Moving" buff added for "If isMoving" type triggering abilities.. would be nice to use for modding later, along with improving skills in the game itself or new skills that are added.

Queen of Thorns

Change Uproot to 3 levels. 500/1000/1500 damage.  Add "When a building effected by Uproot is destroyed, 1/2/4 Shamblers are created.  You can have a maximum of 2/2/4 Shamblers"(from 500/1000/1500/2000 dmg)  Increase cast time to 1.0 second from 0.5.
Increase compost damage bonus to Uproot to make up for the 500 damage drop on Uproot.
Change recharge time on Brambles to 12/10/7/7 seconds.(from 7)
Increase damage in open form maybe?
Add a wider damage line to shamblers.  I seem to always see those spikes pass through something but they not take damage..
Reduce cast time on spike wave to 0.3 from 0.4


Change recharge time on Heal to 12/10/7/7 seconds.(from 7)

Also, I think sedna's dispell might be removing the debuff that priests give after they heal that makes them unhealable by priests temporarily.  Not exactly sure though, but if it does, that's bad.

Change silence duration to 2/3.5/5(from 3/4/5)


Change debuff time on Bite to 2/2/2/3 seconds(from3).  Change to 300/500/700/800 life steal.  Really, you should be able to do it by moving and continue to attack otherwise.  Right now there is sort of a delay thing after it.. I don't know really.

I think a lot think bite needs to be nerfed more, but it's not like erebus was that great with the 650dmg bite.  People are thinking it's overpowered now mostly because AI and new players don't understand armor, while the beta testers did.  They don't understand they're getting F'd up largely from armor going into negative values so there is a huge damge increase.  The formula for armor goes crazy in negative values..  Simple counter is having more tan 800 armor.

Change Mass Charm to 1/1.5/2/2.5 stun from 1/1.5/2/3 with it's AoE range at 10/10/15/15.
Change damage on mistform to 50/85/120/155 from 50/75/100/125.  (Patchnotes said damage was increased by 25, but it wasn't.  Just manacost got fixed.. and it's really weak now.)

Or maybe it should be 50/100/150 damage instead.  Cut out one of the middle levels.

Reduce health per level back down to 135 from 145.(well, was 137, but 135 is rounder)
Increase mana cost on bats

Make Vampiric Aura its own skill with level 8 and 15 requirement for 5%/10% life steal aura.
Have Poison Blood give health regen even while using Mist Form.  Could sort of open up a minion build with Erebus then with this change and the added damage on Mistform, without improving the assassin playstyle build.
Redo Army of Night.  It's pretty bad and won't be good just by buffing it's stats. :/  You don't need life leach on them when they're created so easily.  It's certainly not worth 7 skill points now, which is how it needs to be looked at.

It'd be better if this was changed to a corpse explosion type thing.  "When a Nightwalker is created, 150 damage is done in 6 AoE around the exploited corpse".  So it'd sort of be like disease.  This could make interesting combinations..


Surge of Faith seems messed up.  Seems like you get WAY more than +10% movespeed and attack speed.  Or am I wrong?.. That weapon just swings like mad, and you can't escape his crazy movespeed.  Maybe changes to how +atk speed will fix it though.  This is the main thing making him beastly good now IMO.

Reduce cooldown to 30 seconds from 35 on level 2 shield.(Right now it's sort of something you just put a single point in.)

Torch Bearer

Increase cast time on Frost Nova to 1.0 sec from 0.9sec.


These items with just some balance issues:

Bulwark imo should be rebalanced as an 8000 cost item.  If I had 16000, I just would not buy this when I need killing power.  Stats as an 8000 cost item I'd say would be +750 health, +15 health per second, +750 armor, damage reduced by 20%.
Warlords Punisher - Just not good enough.  Should be 15 second cooldown and maybe 1.0 second cast.
Forest Band - Should heal you some small amount for every minion healed this way.
Bracelet of Rage - the +300 ontop of +50 seems like a bit much.  Maybe it should be +200 for with a 30 second cooldown instead of 45 sec cooldown.
Cloak of Elfenkind - Should have a 0.5 sec cast time
Cloak of flames - Weak pre-buff lvl 1 ring of fire with a 4x longer cooldown is awful.



agree on a lot of things , although cloak .. should not have casting time imo ... its a shitload of gold for ms and blink and armor ,  as it has a short range nevertheless for 12k gold i dont think it needs a change .

and bulwark would be to powerful as you propose it there , i actually think it a really good item as it is now but yeah i guess 12k would be better with maybe a 20% reduce and the stats it has now ( maybe a slight reduce on hp)

April 22, 2009 9:10:18 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

plz take AI out of pantheon completely, im tired of seeing my AI spring directly to the towers or other player DG and die 10 times, or in conquest they all group up in one lane and dont capture flags.

if your going to leave the AI in the game make it balanced so theres an even numer of human player on each team 3 humans and 1 AI doe not equal 1 human and 3 Ai's

note: this should be a BALANCE issue not a GENERAL issue

April 22, 2009 10:05:38 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

My personal patch wish list:

- Multiplayer updates (same as you've already heard)
- Faster searches
- Faster response time on refreshing
- Sorting/filtering options for searches
- Replay system
- Fix the negative favor bug

- Balance changes for non Demi units - Minions and creeps seem way too weak - practically as if they're presence is ineffectual.
- Minion pathing updates - seemed to get stuck pathing into some canyons
- Would be nice to scale the size of the smaller heroes up - they completely blend in with the creeps/minions
- No victory music? It's the same stinger/jingle when you win as it is when you lose
- When you Select Skirmish in Multiplayer and the game is searching for a game - it repeats Unclean Beast's select sound over and over - get's really annoying. Same goes for the Pantheon search.
- Slaughter gametype - friendly AI should be more cautious - they get themselves killed way to easily

- Buffer time to buy items at the beginning of a match.

And the nit picky stuff:
- On the Crucible map - if you zoom all the way out there's a building structure in the way (yea i know, nitpicky).
- When the camera angle spins when you die - it doesn't spin back to the same angle as before you died - small but annoying

- Also fix these crashes I get in a MP lobby or search:
EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at address 0x100b62e8
    attempted to read memory at 0x00370033

Program : C:\Program Files\Games\Stardock Games\Demigod\bin\Demigod.exe
Cmd line arguments :

    TickCounter::QuerySystemTick + 333800 bytes ((Unknown)(0) + 0 bytes)

Last 100 lines of log...

A full record of the log is stored in the Demigodlog.txt file

debug: Loading module '\000/lua/common/targetingmethod.lua\000'
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/keymap/userkeybinding.lua\000'
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/keymap/keymapper.lua\000'
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/keymap/keyactions.lua\000'
info: Background task "Map loader /maps/map10/map10.scmap" finished.
warning: Error opening movie
info: LOBBY: Processing LOBMSG_PublicScriptData message
info: LOBBY: Processing LOBMSG_PublicScriptData message
info: LOBBY: Processing LOBMSG_PublicScriptData message
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 30998[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: CVP::HandlePlayerDataUpdated
info: LOBBY: Processing LOBMSG_PublicScriptData message
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 30998[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: CVP::HandlePlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 30998[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: CVP::HandlePlayerDataUpdated
info: LOBBY: Processing LOBMSG_PublicScriptData message
info: LOBBY: Processing LOBMSG_PublicScriptData message
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 30998[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: CVP::HandlePlayerDataUpdated
info: LOBBY: Processing LOBMSG_PublicScriptData message
info: LOBBY: Processing LOBMSG_PublicScriptData message
info: LOBBY: Processing LOBMSG_PublicScriptData message
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: CVP::HandlePlayerDataUpdated
info: LOBBY: Processing LOBMSG_PublicScriptData message
info: LOBBY: Processing LOBMSG_PublicScriptData message
info: LOBBY: Processing LOBMSG_PublicScriptData message
info: LOBBY: Processing LOBMSG_PublicScriptData message
info: LOBBY: Processing LOBMSG_PublicScriptData message
info: LOBBY: Processing LOBMSG_PublicScriptData message
info: LOBBY: Processing LOBMSG_PublicScriptData message
info: LOBBY: Processing LOBMSG_PublicScriptData message
info: LOBBY: Processing LOBMSG_PublicScriptData message
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: CVP::HandlePlayerDataUpdated
info: LOBBY: Processing LOBMSG_PublicScriptData message
info: LOBBY: Processing LOBMSG_PublicScriptData message
info: LOBBY: Processing LOBMSG_PublicScriptData message
info: LOBBY: Processing LOBMSG_PublicScriptData message
info: LOBBY: Processing LOBMSG_PublicScriptData message
info: LOBBY: Processing LOBMSG_PublicScriptData message
info: LOBBY: Processing LOBMSG_PublicScriptData message
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 29831[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: CVP::HandlePlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: CVP::HandlePlayerDataUpdated
info: LOBBY: Processing LOBMSG_PublicScriptData message
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 30926[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: CVP::HandlePlayerDataUpdated
info: LOBBY: Processing LOBMSG_PublicScriptData message
info: LOBBY: Processing LOBMSG_PublicScriptData message
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: CVP::HandlePlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 29434[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: CVP::HandlePlayerDataUpdated
info: LOBBY: Processing LOBMSG_PublicScriptData message
info: LOBBY: Processing LOBMSG_PublicScriptData message
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 29193[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 29434[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: CVP::HandlePlayerDataUpdated
info: LOBBY: Processing LOBMSG_PublicScriptData message
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: CVP::HandlePlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 29434[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: CVP::HandlePlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 24181[]. We are
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 26397[]. We are
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 29193[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnNATComplete
info: >>>Entering CVPInterface::GetPlayerData()
info: >>>Exiting CVPInterface::GetPlayerData()
info: Impulse wants us to connect to someone(User ID 29193) at and port 49855. They also say our external IP:Port  is
info: NET: using deflate compression for sends to
info: LOBBY: Game port 57557[UDP] opened for client 29193.
info: LOBBY: Adding peer "Melric" [, uid=29193]
info: System: Connecting to Melric...

EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at address 0x100b62e8
    attempted to read memory at 0x00300000

Program : C:\Program Files\Games\Stardock Games\Demigod\bin\Demigod.exe
Cmd line arguments :

    TickCounter::QuerySystemTick + 333800 bytes ((Unknown)(0) + 0 bytes)

Last 100 lines of log...

A full record of the log is stored in the Demigodlog.txt file

info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 25050[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 27975[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 32488[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 29135[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 25050[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 27975[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 32488[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 29135[]. We are not
info: CVP::HandlePlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 25050[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 27975[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 32488[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 29135[]. We are not
info: CVP::HandlePlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 25050[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 27975[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 32488[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 29135[]. We are not
info: CVP::HandlePlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 25050[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 27975[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 32488[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 29135[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 25050[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 27975[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 32488[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 29135[]. We are not
info: CVP::HandlePlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: CVP::HandlePlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 25050[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 27975[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 32488[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 29135[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 25050[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 27975[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 32488[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 29135[]. We are not
info: CVP::HandlePlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 25050[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnNATComplete
info: >>>Entering CVPInterface::GetPlayerData()
info: >>>Exiting CVPInterface::GetPlayerData()
info: Impulse wants us to connect to someone(User ID 25050) at and port 50608. They also say our external IP:Port  is
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 27975[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnNATComplete
info: >>>Entering CVPInterface::GetPlayerData()
info: >>>Exiting CVPInterface::GetPlayerData()
info: Impulse wants us to connect to someone(User ID 27975) at and port 62342. They also say our external IP:Port  is
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 32488[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnNATComplete
info: >>>Entering CVPInterface::GetPlayerData()
info: >>>Exiting CVPInterface::GetPlayerData()
info: Impulse wants us to connect to someone(User ID 32488) at and port 53440. They also say our external IP:Port  is
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 29135[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnNATComplete
info: >>>Entering CVPInterface::GetPlayerData()
info: >>>Exiting CVPInterface::GetPlayerData()
info: Impulse wants us to connect to someone(User ID 29135) at and port 2711. They also say our external IP:Port  is

April 23, 2009 3:28:06 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I think the normal game speed should be faster. not as fast as the fast setting but faster than the normal setting,


It just plays better and is more fun faster, but when you use the fast setting atm its a litlle OTT, you can't time abilities or teleport flags because before you can click its gone. However on normal mode it takes 4 hours to walk across the map (slight exageration) and there is just too much "thinking time" so it plays more lika a game of chess than an action game....

And if you wont make the stard game speed a bit faster please add something between fast and normal

April 23, 2009 3:40:36 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums



April 23, 2009 5:07:50 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

User Interface Request:

When I have to click myself as a target for a spell, e.g. healing spell, I would like to click on the image of my demigod in the middle of the lower screen.

April 23, 2009 8:37:22 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Lobby Request:

Please add a "Join By Ip Address" for LAN games, where you can enter the hosts IP to join.

April 24, 2009 1:03:11 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting RavineLP,

Hi there. I bought Demigod 3 or 4 days ago, and i'm really enjoying it : the overall feeling is great, and the demigods are really fun to play. However, i've noticed some lacks, or "that'd be great if..." stuff. I guess it's the right place to talk about that so, let's go.

Disclaimer : i'm not the kind of "Do it like i said because it sucks right now" guy, and english is not my native language, so i apologize if it sounds direct or imperative. Those are just suggestions, and i wont insult you if you think it's not interesting. And since i didnt read the manual, i may lack some basic commands or stuff ^^ (but i think that not reading the user manual is good to pinpoint strengths and weaknesses)

UI Improvements for Generals :

Minion Display : I played a little with generals. Since you can upgrade the creep spawns to reach "army size" groups (grunts, shooters, priest, flying, catapult, giants), and since the generals are "minion based", it would be cool if we can see in one look how our gourp is. I mean, in a melee, i run with sedna, the yetis, some melee and priest minion, suffering some AoE, lots of effect on screen, and i lost track of my units. That'd be cool to have some icons on screen to display our minions status. (see modified screenshot)

UI Improvements for everyone :

Allies Display : It's sometime hard to figure where are our allies, and how they feel. It'd be great to have a part of the UI with allies status, portrait and health. The portrait would allow to rapidly center the screen on the ally (with a click), to look around if there are some buildings to teleport to, for a gank or a help.
Character Sheet : It's quite hard to figure what are our HP and MP regen. Those infos on the sheet (the big one, or maybe the little too) would be great, to figure our own strength and weakness.
Map Click : please, give us a map click . Zoom in and out are great features, but map click is so easier, and that an habit for "all" strat games so far.

That's all for now. I dont want to bother you more than that with my requests. Here comes a tweaked screenshot, with examples and illustrations of what i've suggested above. And since i havent played in multi so far, but only a dozen of tournaments in solo, i have some thoughts and remarks about the AI. Is there any opened thread devoted to that task ?


Please yes. Need more UI customization for sure!

April 24, 2009 1:09:00 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Yeah, please add a party list for your team, similar to what you get in MMOG's.  So you can select a party member from the list and cast spells on them etc.

April 24, 2009 6:19:51 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Not game related, but in having the password stored as cleartext in Game.prefs is just plain wrong...

April 24, 2009 10:06:06 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Is this thread being updated by Frogboy anymore?  It looks like it hasn't been updated in a month. 

April 24, 2009 10:08:49 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Since it was a pre-release to release thread, probably no one looks at it anymore.

April 24, 2009 10:28:00 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting LittleOz,
Erebus has "invincible" mode which is mist form.  He can bat swarm you, then bite you, then mist you (without taking ANY damage), until bat swarm and bite are ready again.  What makes him overly powerful is while in mist form you can't kill him.  I think one of two things should happen.  His recharge time on mist should be much longer, as in 10-12 seconds till he can use it again, or the cost mana per second should be doubled.


And don't get me wrong, he's awesome, just overly awesome.  Can't lose with him.

Are you going to be another person who says erebus is unbeatable, yet won't try to use him against me and some friends? :[

April 25, 2009 1:53:54 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Erebus isnt unbeatable, just way OP... take it with high mana regen to an enemy citadel and max mist on.... your friends will thank you!

April 25, 2009 9:42:58 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

He is tough in the right hands..... just like any other DG

April 28, 2009 4:28:34 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting Sheezwack,
He is tough in the right hands..... just like any other DG

Agreed. Been whacked many a time by other Demigod types. Unclean Beast seems to be the scariest of them all... but still I think balanced.

April 28, 2009 4:31:07 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Remove Parasite Egg, I am compelled to regurgitate. This item singlehandedly obviates/cancels/nullifies the entire General concept. Its cheap and unfun. And I say such even when I get the urge to use it against Sedna`s powerful cohorts. Oh wait - no I don`t, because its cheap...

Countless other items can provide a level of army-countering ability not quite so lame as this item.

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