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A slippery slope?

By on January 22, 2009 12:35:05 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I am not sure if I am understanding the system entirely in the correct way as I have only really played one game in Demigod so far, which I enjoyed, but to me at least this appears that it is possible to gain favour points for permanent use in further games, am I correct? Does this work in skirmishes or just Tournaments, please clarify.


This is very much a slippery slope in my opinion as it means that the more 'skilled' players or at least those who have played more games to start with an advantage over the newer less experienced players. I know it's a common trend in games these days (Team Fortress 2; Call of Duty 5; the Battlefield series) and is designed to drive players more to a goal and hence play more, but what you have to ask yourself is.. is this more or more likely to get players who have just started the game to keep playing?


If I may use an analogy, I will take the example of playing chess against somebody who has only just been shown how to play. Playing Chess for the first time is bad enough, as there is plenty of tactics etc. you are not aware of (which Demigod is like, I am sure otherwise there would be little point in continuing to play, if experience did not get you anywhere), so you are likely to be beaten quite badly - 3/4 move checkmate is often a way a player will lose their first game, it then takes at least some determination to be able to continue playing, into the next game and the next until you become experienced enough to have a real chance. Imaging then, if you were in the same situation, but your any player who has won maybe 50 games, was given a queen in place of one of their pawns.. not only wouldn't you stand a chance, you sure as hell would not see this as fair, it should be the experienced players who are handicapped against new players who then must show superiority in skill to overcome this.. not the other way round.


A new player, is just as important to a community as a more experienced player. New players will stick around if they feel like they are getting a 'fair' deal, even if they know it's going to take them some learning, having to play games, where you know you will fail because of a lack of achievements or the like is just insult to injury.


Yes, I am aware that these achievment sort things are seen as an incentive to keep people playing, but I for one would prefer to be able to make it harder for myself, to show how skilled I am, not easier as I get better at a game (otherwise where is the challenge?). Being able to beat people, sheerly due to having played more games, without even having to learn in the meantime is not fun. It's a poor way to try and get people to stay, truly classic games - which from what I have seen of Demigod already, I believe it could well become, keep players coming back for more for the thrill of the game, not to get some item which means that an 'elite' are pushed artificially ahead of the rest. What about something like being able to get gold gilded armour with favour points or something of the like, which is asthetic or even perhaps handicaps you, but shows what a hardcore player you are? "I'm kicking your ass and i'm even wearing decorational armour, yet I'm still kicking your asses!"

0 Karma | 2 Replies
January 22, 2009 2:00:00 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

There have been multiple threads with confusion on this topic.  Just to clarify things, Achievement points are different than favor points.  Achievement points are for persistant acheivement items while favor points are for progress in the persistent metagame.  Also to further decrease your apprehension, the most expensive acheivement items are 450 points currrently and that be achieved in around 10 matches.

January 22, 2009 6:48:39 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

you can disable the use of favour items in the game options, but given that it only takes a few games (at least currently) to get the favour items you need it isn't even really needed to disable them for competitive game. Right now they are similar to the 10 melee games you needed to win before you can play ladder in starcraft more or less.

Their Tournament system will also very likely match up even players so it is not much of an issue at all I think. I trust them in not messing it up by making it sort of a grind mechanic

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