I realize that this isn't really in the spirit of the topic, but I do have to ask you; What do you work with, and what is this new business going to work with?
The short answer is that I'm a special contract servant for the corporate machine. 
The long answer is that I do training and mentoring for executives and professionals as well as business consulting and teaching intercultural communication. Most of my work is related to preparing Japanese corporate managers, engineers and professionals for grad school in the USA however. If you knew how many PhD proposals, resumes, references, essays and statements of purposes I have written over the past nine years you would cry. On a positive note, "I" have been admitted to the top 10 public and private universities in the USA several times already in various programs but mainly B & L schools.

The second business I'm starting is a new concept entertainment venue. It is a cross between a gourmet café and artsy style jazz lounge bar for midlevel class patrons from the "Silicon Valley" of Japan. I will also be starting a private label gourmet coffee brand as part of the business which I also need a logo designed for as well.

The business I'm starting is a practical exercise in refined frugal entrepreneurship. I'm going to prove to a couple clients that a half million dollar business can be successfully started on $100k and branch into a second one in the current business environment in an economically depressed area with a very high business failure rate. Additionally to make it more intriguing, I will be doing so employing people of limited educational background with no specialized knowledge of the industries in question or generally accepted business practices as primary management and staff.