I created a new post that should answer all your questions about getting into the beta and more, please go to my What New Beta Members Need to do to get the Beta thread.
Hey all,
For those of you not clear on this, this is not an official thread, of course. I am just looking to compile what we know into one big thread for people who are wondering on progress.
Originally they hoped to get Beta 2 to us in November. With the release of Beta 1b (or c), beta 2 was pushed to Nov. 26th. With the holiday, it was pushed back to hopefully this week.
Well, patch day is here and we have "official" word from irc:
9:33 AM <Yarlen> beta 2 has been pushed back
9:33 AM <Trigeminal> if so, what is the new expected release date of beta 2?
9:34 AM <Yarlen> I would say at least a week
9:34 AM <Yarlen> though I have high hopes for next week
9:37 AM <Yarlen> So, I'm pretty confident in next week.
So Beta 2, hopefully next week.
About the delay:
9:36 AM <Yarlen> still working on getting new features in
9:37 AM <Yarlen> plus the lead designer is in London and needs to make a balance run
9:37 AM <Yarlen> plus we're starting to run into production deadlines, so there's a lot of internal work going on
9:38 AM <Trigeminal> what does internal work and production deadlines mean?
9:42 AM <Yarlen> As to your earlier question - even though the game is still several months away from release, most stuff actually needs to be locked down well in advance.
9:44 AM <Yarlen> feature complete is the key, yes
About features on Beta 2:
From a recent dev diary, a pic shows all of the demigods preparing for a match. This has lead many to believe all the demigods will be included in beta2's initial release.
9:38 AM <Yarlen> All I feel comfortable in revealing about content is that it'll definitely have internet multiplayer in
9:38 AM <Yarlen> Plus fully updated skill trees and stuff
9:39 AM <Yarlen> I don't know if it'll include all the demigods, but yes, they've all been reworked
9:40 AM <Yarlen> the maps are getting lots of love too
Also, we can expect:
9:40 AM <Trigeminal> can you post a couple of pics of the new maps and skill trees r items up in a diary?
9:40 AM <Yarlen> I cannot
9:41 AM <Yarlen> But there will be some new diaries upcoming on other topics.
9:41 AM <Trigeminal> cool , when can we expect those?
9:41 AM <Yarlen> I have no idea, it's up to marketing. 
Update 12/4/2008-1502 EST:
2:13 PM <sanctuaryy> Yarlen what are the chances of beta being released next week ? 
2:15 PM <Yarlen> ask me tomorrow, but I'd say better than 50%
Update 12/9/2008-1220 EST:
Recieved information that makes it unlikely for this week. Likely in a week or two. Let's hope it is not 2 weeks from now, as a release on Christmas would be extremely cool, but given gpg and stardock employees have families, it makes the release likely delayed further. Fingers crossed.
Update 12/9/2008-1505 EST:
Recieved additional information. When Yarlen heard that it may be two weeks, he was very upset and said that will not happen. Two other "trusted confidential sources" confirm this.
Update 12/10/2008-0125 EST:
In a PM 2 days ago, Mike Marr said:
"As for Beta 2, it is -just- around the corner. I'd say another week or two on the outside."
Sorry to hold off on complete info, wanted to make sure it was ok with Tyo.
Also, in another thread he gave some great info on regulus. When it was asked by Ke5trel, "Any guesses on Reg's 4th ability?". Mike Marr replied:
"I'd guess it has something to do with flying. Just a guess though."
And it the citadel upgrade thread he helps to quell the debate by saying:
"Hey all, Just checking in on this thread. Currently the direction for the Citadel Upgrades is they will use a different currency than gold(working title War Score) that will be earned by holding and capturing flags. Each team member will have their own earned War Score and be able to use it to purchase Citadel Upgrades that benefit their entire team."
Feature update given below in TyoArk's post. Also note the word generals, let's hope that is no typo.
Update 12/10/2008-0125 EST:
<Yarlen> Beta 2 won't be this week.
Quick recap: Beta 2 extremely likely (>99%) Thursday, 12/18.
Beta 2 Features include:
- VASTLY improved AI. Like wow.
- New flag types. Valor, Experience, Debilitating, Celerity ...
- Citadel Upgrades
- Generals that can controllable minions directly like in a traditional RTS
- Minimap
- Key bindings
- Edge-scrolling
- Achievements
- Achievement Items
- Impulse Matchmaking
Hope the info helps. Please feel free to post any thoughts about Beta 2 in here, and particularly rumors. I'll try to update this page.
I created a new post that should answer all your questions about getting into the beta and more, please go to my What New Beta Members Need to do to get the Beta thread.