Welcome pre-order customers and testers! Soon you'll be playing the first beta for Gas Powered Games & Stardock's upcoming action-RPG-strategy game, Demigod. 
Here's what you can expect in Beta 1:
- Play as the Rook, Regulus or the Torchbearer.
- Fight against AI opponents on the Waterfall map.
- Play against fellow testers over a LAN (Hamachi may work, but is not supported).
Once you've installed Demigod via Impulse, you'll be prompted to create a Profile. Do this and click Apply to save your data.
There is no single-player mode in Beta 1. In order to play, click on Multiplayer and then Host a LAN game on your PC. If you have other PCs on your network with the beta, they'll be able to join your game. The Waterfall map supports up to 6 players.
Beta 1 may or may not be fun (though we won't complain if you guys have a blast
). Honestly, we're looking to hear about technical issues you may have, bugs you may find, or other non-gameplay related things. When posting about an issue, please keep it to 1 issue per thread. This will make it much easier for us to deal with the feedback.
If you do have issues, first thing to do is to update your video and audio drivers to their latest versions. Just because game X runs fine on your system doesn't mean Demigod will! Update your drivers to see if that fixes an issue before posting.
If you do have an issue that updated drivers doesn't help for, please include a DirectX diag report (Start -> Run -> Type "dxdiag" (without the quotes) and hit enter). Also post a detailed report of what was going on leading up to your issue and what it was.
Thanks and we hope you enjoy the game.