Hello as I can see there have been many posts about the PAX gameplay experience.
If you don't know Penny Arcade Expo(PAX) is a gaming expo similiar to the former E3. It is geared toward consumers where gamers can go and preview and play the latest games before they come out. I got to play Demigod there and it was a great experience I would like to share with Demigod and DotA fans alike.
For DotA fans you may read this first.
A few things to Keep in Mind
There is still at least half a year of development time left in demigods. Most of this will be spent on content.
The previous year and a half has most likely been spent on mostly under the hood things.
The build I played apparently wasn't supposed to be "fun" just a tech demo but I felt it was very entertaining.
The build I played was a display build. I started at level 15 with a ton of gold. The game lasted about 20 minutes from that point with AI opponents only(and the AI was not finished so they sucked and didn't use skills).
Well now that I am back home and have internet I'd like to share my experience from my own point of view. I am a competitive DotA player and was very interested in Demigod for two reasons. 1. I love Gas Powered Games 2. I love DotA. It seemed like a potentially potent combination and this game has been at the top of "my list" for quite a while now. So without further ado I'd like to talk about my experience (mostly to dota players but certaintly everyone can get something out of it) with the game.
First Impressions
I was skeptical at first because the word "inspired" was always used to describe the connection between the two games. DotA is a well designed/balanced game and fun to play, if Demigods didn't stray too far from it then obviously it could absorb its fun factor and even expand on it. I am happy to say that from first impressions the two games are well aligned. The game(or at least the map I played) follows the tried and true 3 lanes of non-player-controlled monsters(from here out called creeps). A difference is that creeps can change lanes. It appears that sometimes they will ignore the side lanes altogether and simply head for the middle about halfway across the stage. To see what I mean refer to this screenshot from the demigod website. Creeps tend to congregate to the middle of the map and then push down the center lane. However, during one of my games at PAX some creeps followed me and assisted me in killing the towers. The win condition of both games is the same in that you must destroy the opposing team's central building.
The graphical quality of Demigods is simply amazing(especially for those used to DotA). It runs on the Supreme Commander engine and Demigods is made to run on even low end systems. Although having a high-end system will definitely help you get points in the graphics department. Also running on the SUPCOM engine means you will get to use tactical zoom!
Tactical Zoom
If you have not played supreme commander you will not understand how big a deal it is. Tactical zoom is in my opinion the single best innovation in RTS games since resources. I was skeptical and downright hostile to it at first but now WC3 is sometimes a pain to control. Tactical zoom means you do not scroll you view the battle field. You simply use your mouse to zoom out and point to a new area and zoom in to see it. This is very effective for getting a large view of the battle field. Zooming in all the way lets you see all the intricate graphical details and effects of your spells and I love to just sit there and watch the game play out.
Towers and Pushing Lanes
One dissimilarity of the two games is that in Demigods any spell can be cast on the towers and or buildings. Usually the affect on buildings is reduced/increased so that balance is preserved. For instance you may have a freeze spell that stuns enemies. The duration is different for each; creeps, other demigods and buidlings. It was hard to grasp if towers in demigods had the same significance at DotA. From first glance it seems so but during the beta you were starting at level 15 which seems to be a fairly high level because after about a 20 minute game the max level I achieved was in the low 20s. At level 15 I was able to solo the towers with a little effort and skillful use of my abilities. I am imagine that if I had been playing human players they could have easily come and dismantled me quickly because the towers were already taking out huge chunks of my life(but I could still kill them by myself at level 15). The devs told me that Demigods and DotA game lengths should be fairly similiar so I imagine you can think of level 15 as level 15 in DotA as well. Anyways, once you push a side lane there is a flag. If you stand on the flag for about 1 minute with 1 hero you will capture that flag and its corresponding portal and gold mine. Controlling gold mines in the game increases your gold income. Capturing a flag in their base also affectively stops creeps from spawning in that lane which seems to be a very significant advantage.
There are several different maps to play in Demigods. There will be 8 on release. These map vary from 1v1 duels to 5v5 DotA like team games. The 1v1 map I played at PAX was basically a 1 lane DotA game. It was very firey and set inside a volcano or something. The map I played most was a 3v3. It also happens the be the beautiful waterfall level shown in the screenshot section of the game's website. As you can tell there will be a myriad of maps, each one beautiful and each one leading to unique strategies due to both the layout and number of players.
This is a sticky point for me. I am to say it lightly disgruntled about it. At PAX all the devs were saying that Demigods "is commited to have 8 demigods at release". You can draw all the inferences you like out of that but I'd like to think it means at least 8 and maybe we will be saying as many as a dozen or so. It certaintly seems paltry in the face of DotA's impressive repertoire of 91 heroes. However I will say in its defence that the Demigod's are much deeper characters than their DotA counterparts. The demigods each seem to have about 8 unique skills. None of the skills were duplicates in name or ability. This means a demigod is equivalent to almost 3 DotA heroes(they get points for their awesome models and depth as well) meaning there are more like 24 than 8. Anyways lets stop with the numbers game there. Like in DotA you can spend one skill point per level. You can use it to learn a new skill, enhance an already obtained skill or use it to boost your stats(the stats icon is even practically the same as in DotA). Also as you level your Demigod simply gets stronger passively. You get gold and kill streaks similiar as in DotA. Each kill you accumulate you get a more and more impressive title until you reach godly(that was the highest I could reach at PAX). Its also fair to note that when you kill a demigod his death with spawn a health potion or mana potion on his corpse for immediate consumption. It doesn't seem like you will be going back to the "fountain" much to heal in Demigods.
Skills and Items
The skills seem to be pretty standard DotA fair. You have active skills like disables and AoE damage spells. You also have passive skills like increased range and a skill that slows your enemy if you shoot him. I don't want to go into detail, if you'd like to see all the skills mOoeEyThecOw wrote as good as I could of a summary of them in a post on the demigod forums here. As far as items go they seem to be fairly standard as well. According to mooCow there are a reported 150 items designed/developed but they hope to narrow it to 50 for the game. At pax there were no recipes or item combinations but thats not to say they won't be in the final game. Items give things like Hp regen, attack speed, damage. There seemed to be about 6 slots for permanent equipment type items. There are also consumables which did not seem take up these slots.
Other General Things
The flow of the games seems very different. Most of the action in Demigods seems to be focused around one concentrated point which, in my opinion, will be insanely crowded with 6 hero controlled Demigods. Of course, one must keep in mind that this was a very very early beta and I am sure it will be changed (especially on larger maps mine was 3v3 size). Also I couldn't tell whether last hitting mattered or not so thats one question you don't need to ask(I know I should have tested it and I'm sorry but there were other cool games and things to do at PAX too!).
Obviously there was no ranking at PAX. Anything under this category is pure speculation / rumor but some has been talked about from devs so nothing here is concrete(I will start with the most concrete and work to least). I think its fair to say its almost 100% that there will be built in ranking and a ladder of some kind. It has been discussed that you might get status symbols for your achievements. These will have no affect on gameplay but they may "pimp out" your demigod during matches to let others know that you are one tough cookie. Another talked about seperate method was to actually allow your Demigod to become stronger as you play better. Apparently an experienced player may be put in a match against 4 newbies and be able to fight on an even player with them in this method. The apparent goal of the ranking system is to prevent smurfing, where experienced players will create new low-ranked accounts to dominate new players. There will be enough of a reward system in place that keeps experienced players playing opponents of similiar skill level.
Single Player
Almost nothing is known about this. The developers say they can't tell us but its going to be awesome. I'd like to believe this but from my experience of developing games myself this means they don't have anything awesome yet(maybe they have an idea of what they'd like it to be!).
The Breakdown of Brent's Pros and Cons
Ranking system means no/less leavers in pub games.
8 maps means the game is designed to have anywhere from 1v1 to 5v5 matches.
Demigods are more intricate than DotA heroes.
It is a retail game meaning it is supported by a large company known for putting out timely extensive patches.
Still early in development so you, yes you! can be a part of its development by becoming a beta-tester.
The community is new and maybe you didn't get in on the ground floor of DotA. With Demigods you can and get in when its all good.
It will have a reportedly awesome single player.
Community is still fairly small and new compared to the DotA legacy.
There are only 8 demigods confirmed for launch.
Unknown whether it will be balanced but probably since SUPCOM was well balanced.
Still early in development and hard to tell what kind of game it will become.
It costs at least USD 45.00 to pre-order and get into the beta(starting sometime this week, probably tommorrow Sept 4 at noon).
91 heroes.
A dedicated community.
Already established as a competitive game.
Well balanced after many many patches.
A nice slew of items.
Nice depth of strategy and skill.
It is a WC3 custom map and is therefore limited by WC3's engine and graphics.
It is made by one guy(although he is freaking amazing) and that inherently means DotA may cease to be supported anyday.
DotA is plagued by poor players especially at the public level.
The DotA pub community is fairly bad with trash-talkers and leavers.
DotA has no integrated ladder system. It is all based on player kept ladders and competitions.
Single player dota sucks.
And the winner is...
Its early. Yes thats a pansy weasel answer but its also true. If I were forced to pick I would say Demigod is the logical successor to DotA but that doesn't mean I'll stop playing DotA. I still love DotA and probably always will. Anyways thats simply my opinion obviously you will or already have formed your own.
Beta Information
To play the beta you must pre-order the game before the beta starts. It may start as early as Noon Sept 4th(tommorrow) so get on it ASAP. If you don't you can always pre-order it later and you will be able to play the beta when a new phase begins which seems to be every month or so(people who pre-order can play in any/all phases which begin after the date they pre-ordered). This costs you USD 45.00 or more but it also means you can download the game the day it comes out. I personally pre-ordered the game because I loved my experience with it and I would recommend it to anyone(I suggested it to my two friends. Feel free to read these other posts about the pre-order and make your own decision.
Some guy talking about IRC Chat with Dev - Sept 3
****Dev Post on Beta Details - Sept
*** Read this *****
Dev Post on Beta - Aug 9
A post about getting into the Beta Sept 1