So I got 3 games in at PAX, they had 3 demis for play (Torchbearer, Regulus, Rook.) and 6 machines, 3 network 'co-op' machines, 2 machines where you get one demigod on a team with the other two, and one where you could play on the lava map. The opponents were Queen of Thorns, Vampire Lord, and Unclean beast .(The generals units were oddly missing, they said they were mainily showing off the assassins.)
Now I have a critical eye, I spent quite a bit of time at the stardock booth (but I checked out a lot of other cool games), now I don't have video as I don't own a camera, but I read quickly and have a pretty much near photographic memory so I'll do my best. Games lasted like 10 mins, as it was pretty tipped in our favor (we start at level 15 with tons of money, and the AI was a little daft, people died more by the defences then the enemy demis)
Levels: (They said shipping with 8)
Objects: Tower of light(like prisms in RA), Arrow tower (Weak), Portals (Captureable with flags or destorying it?), Gold mines(Captureable with flags or destroying it?), Forts (fatter arrow towers, will eventually upgrade with catapults according to a dev who's name I didn't catch), Item shop, and of course the strong hold(goal), and a strange little crystal in the back of the base.
Flags were doted around levels, as you stand near them you capture them and things linked to them(?, because I only observed this partially I don't know, but I do know some how a player captured a portal and gold mine on a side lane (changed art styles)) . Also there were War Banners (like flags) that increased the spawns you get.
When I say defenses, I mean 2 Towers of light and 2 Arrow towers. (Towers of light are also dotted through the map)
Waterfall level:
Each side lane has a portal with a gold mine and some defences and a flag, the middle has a war banner that the creeps don't go to, and the middle lane goes, defences, fort, defences, item shop, stranghold (with ToLs(Tower of Light) dotting around the stranghold). Creeps travel from their port to the middle, run by the strong hold, take a left and then a right (meaning two lanes, and a middle with out creep support), and then follow the path of the enemy creeps (meaning they hit the strong hold before the portals)
Lava level:
A 1v1 or 2v2 map according to said dev (^) the level was partially finished (gameplay wise), there was one creep wave, that takes the 'middle' path, the top path has a war banner, and the bottom 'lane' between the two bases has a flag with a gold mine. defences were 2 forts, 2(or 4?) ToLs, and 2 (or 4?) archer towers.
Also mentioned Tyo/Frogboy were a level with a giant wheel, and in an air bubble underwater.
Creeps: Creep waves get bigger over time, the pecking order (*I think*), minataur, archer(seraphimy thingys), priest (i.e. fat guy on floating chair), catapulsars, angels, giants.
Heros:(Shipping with 8, and more soon after)
All demis have a skill 'tree' with level requirements rangeing from 1-10 and 15, also each demigod has an 'attribute boost' which give health, damage, energy, energy regen, health regen, ect. ranged about 10 levels I think.
Each demi has 4 abilities, one achivement item (the progressive mode thing, kinda like tf2 acheviment items I think, not game breaking but more flexibility), and 3 consumebals, I'll get to items in a sec.
Rook Abilities: (ability names are most definetly wrong most of the time, active first then passives)
Hammerslam: Slams the hammer dealing extra damage (like a third of QoT health) and aoe damage.
Building Sucking: Heals health by hurting a building, long cd.
Rock Roll: Rolls a rock which causes weaker units to go flying, and stuns stronger ones.
Summon tower of light: Rasies a defencive tower of light, long cd. (Can create chains) (ultimate like, high levels)
Gods weapons: Damage bonus 50% a level 4 levels. (passives now)
Sholder Towers: I think these were seperated, because we had 10 pre bought abilities, I don't really know much about these abilites.
Torch Bearer Abilities:
Rain of ice: Aoe rain ice, non channleing (*i think*)
Permafrost: Stun on unit or tower
Frost nova: Aoe frost
Relive the Immolation: Enters fire mode for 50 seconds
Rain of fire: Above with more damage
Fireball: Damge nuke
Fire Nova: Aoe fire
An ability I never got as I won too quick.
Regulus Abilities:
Snipe: Nuke
Wings: Fly up and aoe burst damage (dodges QoT's thorns )
Mine: Damage dealing proxy mine
Stun mine: 'Ultimite' (need high levels) like above but stuns
Maim: he aims for the knees and does something (damage I think) (passives now)
Range Increase: .. duh?
More I think
There were only a couple of items, according to Tyo he has 150 items to choose from 50 about of which will be in game (hopefully we get to choose some of those), we have tabs according to frogboy in the full build.
Consumeables were mana, health, scroll, and some sort of orb that does more damage.
There were also 5 slots on the demi for permanent items, like gloves with attack speed, an 'all fathers' ring which gave hp and regen.
Other things:
When you died you dropped a one use consumeable, unclear on wheather its from your inventory or not. But health potions and mana scrolls.
Vampire Lord: Because we have no pics of him yet: he's vampire likeish, with armour that has something like tubes on the shoulder pads, in very red armour. Ok i'm a horrible describer, i'll stop now.
It allready looks to be an interseting game, and lots of people were like "OMG that game's awsome looking" or "it's gunna be awsome!" and they were selling pre-orders, so hopefully and influx of more people.
I also heard one staff say that beta starts thursday.
I asked and they said they planned only 8 demi's for release.
Controls: QWER are abilities I didn't check the items. Arrows are camera, and spacebar, holding it, rotates the camera.
When you hover over a unit it shows the health and portrait at the top of the screen. Your health and mana, as well as xp, were at that bottom of the screen, meaning you can allways see it, also there is 'heart beat' when you get low health.
Also the maps don't use 'tiles' they are sculpted like a model.
Chris Taylor (maybe frogboy) said it cost $100,000 dollars for a demigod's art assets. (and if you think about it, all that software and the hours)
So how's that for a hands on?
p.s. Frog boy seemed suprised that I knew all 8 demi's