*Eerily realistic facial animation/lip syncing
popped on a puppet body that doesn't move a dime.
*Authentic Fallout atmosphere
Consisting of mudcrabs, cheesy mafia clones from the dark brotherhood of Oblivion and cars that explode when shot into its trunk.
*Hacking and Lockpicking minigames
I hate minigames. I really and truly hate minigames. And I even more hate bad mini games like the one Beth does.
*A reassuring amount of F words and general post apocalyptic attitude
Wow, saying fuck is the new black. Hurray for humanity.
*Recieving negative karma for detonating an atomic bomb in the middle of a populated town...apparently for kicks.
Cool, exploding an atomic bomb for kicks, so much for roleplay. And getting bad karma for that even!
*Shooting enemies' arms off with custom made weapons.
Jay for gore. And giving each weapon the kinetic power of 11'' artillery shell.
*Punching enemies' heads clean off with Power Fists
Always gore.
*Shooting enemies' heads off with custom made rail guns that proceed to implale said head on nearest wall
Yeah gore again.
Honestly, that videos sucked.
Fallout 3 looks like it'll be a clone of Soldiers of Fortune with an added Slowmotion/Instahit cheat.
I mean, most of the videos consisted of unnecessary and unrealistic gore (shooting limbs of, backflip a meter when hit by a peashooter, etc.) and horrible bad fps gameplay (do the enemies never take cover? are they armed with water guns or why don't they harm the pc?).
Oh, and the quest line leading to the ignition of the atomic bomb? How bad can you write those quests? Just meet a guy and he gives you the detonator, just so, because he's so eeeevil.
As you can see, I'm not as enthusiastic as you. 
Edit: Argh, can't cope with the new quote system. So Italics have to do...