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Minimum requirements

By Posted May 24, 2008 05:24:17

I´ve got an 1,8 Ghz processor, 1024 MB RAM and an ATI Radeon™ HD 2400 PRO graphic card.

Will I be able to play Demigod?

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May 24, 2008 15:12:44
I don't know the specs myself, but I do know that both Stardock and GPG have a great track record for providing great top end graphics for high performance machines as well as much lesser detail options for low end machines. I wouldn't recommend pre-ordering the game until you know for sure, but chances are even low end machines will be able to play the game.
May 24, 2008 16:53:09
I think i recall it being said that Demigod will have lower specs than SupCom, but then again, thats not a lot of help with SupCom being such a graphically intense game lol. I'm sure they will attempt to make the game as widely played as possible, so lower end machines should be able to at least attempt it
May 25, 2008 09:54:34
OK, thanks guys!

Anyone from Stardocks or GPG who knows this?
May 28, 2008 09:18:43
Gestrinski: Anyone from Stardocks or GPG who knows this?

I'm willing to bet that it is still way too early in the process for them to put a number on this. When we get closer to the Beta starting, I'm sure that we'll hear more.

Renius01: I'm sure they will attempt to make the game as widely played as possible, so lower end machines should be able to at least attempt i

That seems to be the way that SD operates, so now that they're on board, I'm sure that they will make the effort.
May 29, 2008 01:46:28
Lower specs than Supreme Commander.
May 30, 2008 09:20:09
Lower specs than Supreme Commander.

I should be OK then...

Thanks for the replies!
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