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#Gamergate Escalates

By on September 21, 2014 3:36:40 PM from JoeUser Forums JoeUser Forums


Join Date 03/2001

Lately, when thinking about #Gamergate I am reminded of the intro to Total Annihilation:



Warning: this is long… 

Part 1: The participants

What started as a relatively minor dispute regarding whether the gaming media was choosing who and what to cover based on pull rather than merit has become a massive, cross industry conflict that shows no sign of decreasing.  Two sides: #GamerGate and its opponents (anti-#GamerGate?).

Each sides has their points (I’ll try to represent each side as best I can, comment if you think I’ve been unfair to either side).

The #GamerGate Points include:

  • They think the gaming media is corrupt. Specifically, they think that gaming journalism is a clique that chooses what to cover and how to spin it based on their shared politics and relationships.
  • They think the big publishers buy positive coverage outright and that the little indies sleep/schmooze their way to positive coverage.
  • They are outraged at having their criticism misrepresented as misogyny
  • They strongly object to having their movement characterized based on the misbehavior of a tiny group of trolls and jerks.
  • They are angry that attempts to discuss the topic get blocked, censored, deleted, etc.
  • They are outraged at what they see as collusion in the gaming media openly attacking gamers as a bunch of “nerds” “gamers are dead” “basement dwellers”, etc.
  • They have evidence demonstrating double standards in how the gaming media treats different issues based on their politics
  • They believe that the gaming media has become infested by “Social Justice Warriors” who are using their platforms to jam their politics down the throats of people who just want to read about video games.

The opponents of #gamergate points include:

  • Any legitimate points the #gamergate movement might have had are far outweighed by the harassment and threats against outspoken women in the industry that is done in the name of #gamergate
  • They (gaming media) are outraged at being called corrupt
  • They (gaming media) are upset at the suggestion that the gaming media has some sort of organized conspiracy
  • They (general) believe gamers are inherently insular and want to shout down any attempts at reforming it.
  • They (general) believe gamers are entitled and thin-skinned, unable to show empathy or accept even mild criticism of their hobby.
  • They (gaming media) are angry that their entire profession is being mischaracterized based on poor choices made by a few
  • They (general) are very skeptical of new #gamergate claims because of the misrepresentations made during early claims
  • They believe that the “sane” people who support #gamergate are being used/tricked by the vile, misogynist core that is at the heart of #gamergate


And of course, you have fringe forces on both sides: The trolls and toxic scum that use #gamergate as a shield to attack people and the misandrists, social justice warriors (SJWs) who have their own hateful agenda.


Part 2: The Escalation


Roping more and more people in

I’m not going to do a moral equivalence here. In my mind, the balance of wrongdoing is heavily weighted on the opponents of #gamergate.  Mainly, because its opponents have had a long head start of character assassination and harassment. I know some of my friends in the media will be appalled by that but that’s mainly because they haven’t seen the shit storm directed at anyone who dares not support the “social justice” narrative for the past few years.

Without the August 28th mass “gamers are dead” article series on multiple sites, none of this would have happened. Let’s remember that.  It was a tempest in a teapot before that. 

Every major escalation I’ve seen in this industry conflict has begun with one side mass misrepresenting others with a very broad brush.

The anti #gamergate people are the ones who brought me in

One thing to make clear here: The pro-#gamergate people didn’t ask me to stand up for them. They made no demands on me.  All I did was, as game developer, was tweet that I like gamers and don’t like seeing gamers misrepresented.  For that, the anti-#gamergate people started smearing me. (SJW logic: Make up allegations, use allegations as evidence, repeat).

In other words, I was not/am not trying to use #gamergate to get a pound of flesh. You want me to quit throwing in the misdeeds of the SJW crowd in SJW faces? Then tell them to quit character assassinating me.  Because, let’s face it, I have a large, heavy, blunt instrument in the form of having been falsely accused of sexual harassment and having won that case so thoroughly that the plaintiff had to publicly apologize. You don’t get more clear cut than that in the legal world.  I’d be delighted to just talk about games, tech, etc. But if you’re going to suggest I’m some sort of misogynist or rapist or sexual harasser then yea, I’m going to use the 800 pound mace that SJWs carelessly crafted for me.

And for those truly concerned in the gaming media: If you want to do “the right thing” (even if it’s two years late): Feel free to have the articles and threads that smear me set to just not be indexed by search engines. Is that really asking for a lot? No censorship. No retractions. No apologies.  Just make it so that new harassers aren’t born every time someone looks at the first page of Google results on us. I’ve been doing stuff 20 years, I’ve helped invent a number of the technologies you guys use on your PCs every day. But it’s all crowded out because the media chose to use me as a cartoon villain to push forward an agenda. Thanks for that. I just love having to discuss the Kotaku article every few weeks with some investment banker or enterprise customer. I really enjoy having to answer awkward questions by extended family. And the occasional random “You fucking shit lord, I hope you die in a fire!” emails I get are just..well they’re just so heart warming. Thank you for that.

The double standards

When I see a Ben Kuchera arguing for the deletion of threads because they might encourage harassment of game developers, I ask, where was he when I was taking a beating on nearly every gaming forum for something I didn’t even do? Oh that’s right, he was helping spread it!  Yea, thanks for using an image that shows a claim that I asked my female employees if they enjoyed tasting semen. And you know what? I didn’t hold any of this against anyone. I didn’t send PR people to demand threads removed. No DMCA messages. But it’s pretty infuriating to see calls to censor discussion based on “harassment” when they had no problem when I was the target. 

Except, of course, in my case, I hadn’t actually done any of the things I was alleged to have done. No, I’ve gotten to fry for the past couple years in countless threads across the net.  I also want to point out that even though we won, and we got a public apology, some don’t consider that enough because apparently we were supposed to demand the plaintiff admit in writing to committing perjury. So even mercy is frowned upon by these people.



Part 3: Both sides are recklessly escalating it

Like I said, I’m not going to go with the moral equivalence. One side has definitely, in my estimation, been worse overall. But the #gamergate side is creating its own impassioned, long-term detractors as well through its excessively broad brushing:

The PRO #gamergate are roping people in too

Just as the anti-Gamergate people have managed to bring a lot of people against them, it’s escalating the other way around too.

Let me make a few points clear about the gaming media:

  1. There is no general gaming media “conspiracy”. There are thousands of journalists in the gaming media and they wouldn’t be able to agree what shade of blue the sky is. When you attack gaming journalists with a broad brush, you are alienating these guys just like when the anti-gamer articles roped in so many thousands of gamers.
  2. The average gaming journalist has immense integrity. They would quit before taking a bribe or writing something intentionally biased.
  3. Many of the major game sites really do have strongly enforced policies to ensure fairness in games.
  4. Most gaming journalists are extremely tolerant of other points of view. I will happily disclose that I am pretty good friends with many journalists who have the opposite views on many topics and yet we’re still friends and it has never negatively affected coverage.
  5. Despite being friends with journalists, it has never affected coverage of our games. I remember when Elemental bombed. I felt bad because it must have sucked for the reviewers to pan our game but they did because they have integrity. We’re professionals. It’s my job to make games. It’s their job to write about them. It really isn’t that hard to separate friendships when doing your job.
  6. It is important to understand the rather unique structure of game “journalism”. You can’t lump it all together like you could, say, business journalism or political journalism because of the origins of the gaming press as we know it today sprung from the Internet itself.  It would take a whole article to explain this. The TL;DR version is this: It is hard to tell where game blogs stop and game journalists start.  There is no clear line.


Part 4: It’s going to get worse

Next up: All hell is going to break loose

There’s no way around it, the people who crapped on gamers and #gamergate are in for a rough couple weeks.

Let me preface this: NO ONE can survive detailed scrutiny. This is doubly true if the person doing the scrutiny is not giving you the benefit of the doubt.

Historically, the activist columnists in other industries have gotten away with trashing their opponents. It’s easy to lampoon the Tea Party people, for instance because their core base aren’t very technical and have no real means to strike back.  Same was true of the Occupy movement which got overrun by SJWs and was easily dismissed soon after. 

But gamers are technical. They do have the means to fight back.  I’m sure it never occurred to the columnists who wrote “gamers are dead” that their targets would be able to effectively return the favor. Those who have had great success cherry picking and editing quotes/emails/tweets to create a false narrative of their opponents never dreamed that doing so would come back to haunt them.

Part 5: GamerGate: What is it you want? Define it soon or it will get defined for you

I won’t claim to be straddling the fence. But as someone who does feel that the gaming media is being unfairly tarnished with the broad strokes, I have to say: Don’t let your movement end up like the French Revolution where everyone is eating each other.

I recommend that the #gamergate movement come up with say a 5 point consensus on what their goals are.  I don’t know what those 5 points should be but if they don’t craft a message soon, this escalation will soon carry far beyond what even its most reasonable supporters would be comfortable with. 


The TL;DR version:

The gaming community is experiencing a schism that has manifested itself around the #gamergate twitter tag. Each side has escalated it by demonizing the other escalating it to uglier and uglier extremes.  The #gamergate side of things should create a consensus on a ~5 point list of specific things they are looking to achieve before it escalates completely out of control.


P.s. You’re welcome to discuss this issue on our forum. Hopefully it won’t get DDOS’d…

Update #1: I've come to the conclusion that the 5 objectives should not be constructed in the form of a demand. Rather, consider up to 5 constructive, tangible things you want out of this. In case someone asks what the difference is, a demand can be a Specific type of objective but objectives don't necessarily involve another party's cooperation to be achieved.

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September 23, 2014 12:55:23 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

Quoting MarvinKosh,

It is always easier to tear down fences rather than try to mend them, but mending gets you a lot more sympathy from your neighbour.  Or as the Dalai Lama tweeted earlier today:

"The idea of one side suffering defeat while the other side triumphs is out of date. Instead we have to develop dialogue." 

I'm no Dalai Lama, but seems to me this is feel good crap.  At best, it's an aspirational plea that ignores the reality of just how screwed up humanity can actually be.  

It is impossible to develop dialog unless both sides want to develop dialog.  In any fierce conflict, whether emotional, philosophical or actual war, rarely do both sides want to develop dialog.  Almost always one side does and the other doesn't.  Common desire for dialog only emerges when the aggressors are broken and made to realize that dialog is the only solution open to them. There are exceptions surely, but they're just that: exceptions.  

And make no mistake, for SJW's as an industry everything is a fierce conflict.  By and large they're winning.  Their methods, while reprehensible, have produced results for what they believe to be "the good guys".  Claiming victimhood, whether you are using racism, sexism or any other "prejudice", gets results.  It can ruin careers even before the facts of a situation are known, let alone assessed.  

You don't sue for peace and negotiations when you're driving towards your enemy's capital, so to speak.  

They have no desire for dialog. 


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September 23, 2014 1:15:50 PM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums




Is there a point at which those seeking justice [term used loosely] and/or productive discourse from the so-called 'SJW's' become labeled as such themselves?   Seems to me there is likely not to be a 'winner' in this type of scenario.


Just a thought....

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September 23, 2014 8:54:05 PM from Galactic Civilizations III Forums Galactic Civilizations III Forums

Well, if you think about it as a wheel and look back to communism and/or fascism... NM, I don't like to think about it, but soon I may not have a choice. The only circle I believe in is too far right or left, you get authoritarian dictatorship/censorship. It really doesn't matter if you are left or right at some point.

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September 23, 2014 10:16:27 PM from Galactic Civilizations III Forums Galactic Civilizations III Forums

Damn, just talked to a bud who had some new friends online. Talk about perspective. They left Iraq and fled to Turkey. They just want to go home. I feel shamed, and should.


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September 24, 2014 4:14:31 PM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

I believe that whenever anyone (any walk of life) observes another being critical (and in their opinion overly so) it has the potential to bloom from mere annoyance at the incident into anger and real hatred towards the offender.

At the end of the day some will criticize others, others will take offence on the behalf of (whomever/whatever), and others still will take it further (how far obviously depends on any deterrent they might encounter).  All each of us can do individually is to try (on a case by case basis) to be mindful of any/all consequences our interactions with others breed even if they might seem extreme and highly unlikely.

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September 25, 2014 10:19:00 PM from JoeUser Forums JoeUser Forums

What is wrong with these SJW people?


McKean, who introduced herself as “the female founder of a Silicon Valley VC-backed startup that has nothing to do with fashion,” talked about being told she was “too nice,” experimenting with “bitch-face” but deciding that it just wasn’t her. “I reached back into my ancestral knowledge and realized: you can weaponize nice” — meaning, you can have the ability to “tell someone to go to hell and they’ll enjoy the trip.”

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September 25, 2014 10:25:06 PM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

Oh look another one.  I mean wow, it's like SJWs in Atheism+ all over again.  History is repeating itself.


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September 26, 2014 12:46:59 AM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

Group is 6 days old.

3 days and about 10,000 views



Yeah, can you tell I am pissed? 


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September 26, 2014 9:57:34 AM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

This is an article from TechCrunch that some of the SJW media are having a fit about.  Good enough reason to read through it.


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September 26, 2014 10:37:14 AM from Galactic Civilizations III Forums Galactic Civilizations III Forums

Quoting Island Dog,

This is an article from TechCrunch that some of the SJW media are having a fit about.   

Gee, I wonder why.  

He pretty much destroys the legitimacy of their arguments.  The side-by-side comparison between SJW, Inc and TFYC is particularly damning.  

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October 12, 2014 4:31:18 PM from Little Tiny Frogs Forums Little Tiny Frogs Forums

I found these quite interesting

  • They (gaming media) are outraged at being called corrupt
  • They (gaming media) are upset at the suggestion that the gaming media has some sort of organized conspiracy
  • They (general) believe gamers are inherently insular and want to shout down any attempts at reforming it.
  • They (general) believe gamers are entitled and thin-skinned, unable to show empathy or accept even mild criticism of their hobby.

I would like to think you are dishonestly presenting the anti-GG side, because if these are true, they are utterly damning.

1: The IndieCade and IGF imbroglios are prima facia cases of corruption.  You don't get to judge products you have a financial interest in.  You don't get to judge products represented by someone you have a romantic or sexual relationship with.  This can not actually be a surprise to anyone.  Any "game journalist" who hasn't trashed the people involved is an accomplice to the corruption, and has no grounds to complain about being tarred with that brush.

2: I think the release of the GameJournosPros emails conclusively lays this one to rest.

Then there's the other two.  The knock on the Puritans was "they were deathly afraid that someone, somewhere, was having fun."  For these modern Puritans, the complaint is the same: "how dare you want to have fun playing games that we don't like?"  "How dare you have a hobby that we don't approve of?

You want to know what an indignant, whiny, entitled person looks like?  Check out the people who think they have the right to tell other people what hobbies those other people are allowed to have.  Check out the people who think that gaming companies should ignore their paying customers, and instead pay attention to whining SJWs and game "journalists" prancing about on their hobby horses.

What's driving GamerGate?  Well, the fact that their opponents are utterly without a shred of legitmacy.

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October 12, 2014 5:53:23 PM from Galactic Civilizations III Forums Galactic Civilizations III Forums

Quoting Island Dog,

This is an article from TechCrunch that some of the SJW media are having a fit about.  Good enough reason to read through it.



The anti-GG are trying hard to prevent any sort of equivalency, probably because none of them are used to being fired back on with their own tactics.  SJW's are very skilled at trying to deflect equivalency claims, they call it "tone policing" and "false equivalency".  Sometimes they're right, sometimes they're not.


That said, I do think there is a nasty undercurrent in some GG folks, and that does need to be addressed, because some of them truly don't want any dissenting voices, just like the anti-GG folks.  One shouldn't excuse the crap just because the other side has the same crap.  Some GG folks act like anti-SJW's.  (Social Justice Anti-Paladins?)


At a minimum, people need to condemn the trolls- and the folks who are legitimately harassing/threatening should be dealt with by the authorities.  I don't accept  the current status quo as acceptable, but I don't accept a new status quo that isn't better.


The endgame for this is going to be tragic though, we're going to see something else in American society that ends up being two fictions obscuring one reality.  It's already at Faux News/MSNBC-level propaganda as is.   A lot of folks are going to lose a lot of friends over this.



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October 16, 2014 11:57:26 PM from JoeUser Forums JoeUser Forums

No-BS take on it.

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January 21, 2015 9:29:38 AM from Little Tiny Frogs Forums Little Tiny Frogs Forums

Spreading disinformation about people. Esp 'angry stuff'. Possible false flag operations. Never posting any retraction. (Or way to late). Taking stuff way out of context. (twitter is super for this). Etc. Seems to me A lot of people are using the shit described in 'trust me im lying, confessions of a media manipulator'. Sad. Don't really trust either side tbh.

(And yes, this is my first post here and it is about GG, the whole connection to the media manipulator book is just to strong in my mind, and I had to share).

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