I believe there is one of two things that can be done:
The logic behind this move is to approach DG like League of Legends. The game is free but content can be offered for a fee to people that want a more robust experience. For this approach to work I would suggest a patch be realesed at the same time that DG is made free, it can be part of the advertising campaign to get players interested. The patch would include:
- Fixes for all problems related with achievements not being tracked
- Fixed host exploit, if a host leaves the game without waiting for his team to concede he recieves a loss 100% all of the time
- New ladder system (one that accurately reflects skill, not cheating)
- Stat reset
- Connectivity between players is a huge issue, this game cannot be competitive in a laggy environment. A long lasting community equals a competitive community. I want to play with renz and orcun without having to worry about lag.
- All uberfix mod changes need to be in this game, it is the way the code is supposed to look.
- Improved pathing around corners, many a fine kill opprotunity has been lost to the damn corners!
- Buff to Regulus and DA ( I wont get into this because this will just start a giant arguement that will get no where)
This patch would be enourmous but it is necessary to make us old folks happy and to get newcommers interested in the game. A patch like this would get rid of many of the issues that deter people from playing the game.
After a new happy player base is built add content to the game at first make it simple. For example take some of the items that have been put together in Favor Mod and release it in a small update. These items would need to be tested extensively before release to make sure balance is not upset. If these updates are well recieved think about releasing purchasable content, A new tab in the favor items completely full of new stuff, make it cost a couple bucks. If this is purchased like mad you will have some money to play with. Perhaps it time to start making DG's. Release them in pairs at a cost of 10-15 bucks a pair. Host tourney's that offer credit for future use on purchasable content.
If there is a significant enough player base to merit an expansion I believe it should be done here.
Learn from the mistakes made in DG. A better launch, more support, improved ladder rankings, achievement tracking, clan support, more 3v3 and 2v2 maps, better connectivity between players in other countries, I feel DG needs a beastly internet to not lag (lower this requirement), etc....................
After you have clearly thought over all of the bad things that happened in DG look at the good things and save them for DG 2. Once you have compiled a list of the good stuff look for ways to enhance it. More item selection, more consumable selection, better single player, more favor items, more purchasable minions, different flag types, explore dodge caps, speed caps, aa caps, maybe something that increases spell damage that could be purchasable. There are many way to make DG fresh.
I believe Demigod should be some where in the title of the next game but try to avoid simply calling it Demigod 2. Demigod: THE ASCENSION would be pretty bad ass. The deal is you kind of want to avoid 100% affiliation with demigod because of its issues. I don't know how many people would want to give it a chance after being disappointed the first time.
On a personal note If DG recieves a sequal I would love to see the original cast return with some new friends. I don't know what DG would be like without Rook and Torchbearer running around. Oh and hire exxcentric he has phenominal ideas for dg.