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Diving into the Mind of Cowbuttzex

By on August 13, 2010 4:56:50 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums


Join Date 08/2008
  • A complete anthology of all of my builds with no explanations because I am lazy. Work in Progress.



The original that I have used sence the begining of time:

  • 1.Towers
  • 2.Archers
  • 4.Tower 2
  • 5.Boulder 1/ Tower of Light
  • 6.Slam
  • 7.Slam
  • 8.Slam
  • 9.Save
  • 10.Slam 4/Boulder 2
  • 11.Treb hat
  • 12.Towers 3
  • 13.Towers 4
  • 14. Save
  • 15. Poison Arrows/dizzying force
  • 16. boulder 3
  • 17-19. God Strength
  • 20. Stat


  • Favor: Crimson/blood
  • 1. banded 7. Narmoths ring
  • 2. Skaled Helm 6. Plenor
  • 3. unbreakables
  • 4. Vlemish
  • 5. Nimoth
  • 8. Orb of defiance


  • 1.Towers 1
  • 2. Archers
  • 3. Slam1
  • 4. Slam2
  • 5. Tower of Light
  • 6. Boulder
  • 7. Slam 3
  • 8. Treb hat
  • 9. Save
  • 10. Boulder 2/ Slam 4
  • 11-12. God Strength
  • 13-14. Save
  • 15. Dizzying Force/Poison Arrows/Boulder 3
  • 16.God Strength
  • 17-20. Stats


  • Favor: Anklet
  • 1. Boots of Speed 7. J-boots
  • 2. Banded Armor
  • 3. Skaled Helm 6. Plenor
  • 4. Vlemish
  • 5. Unbreakables

Try to carry a gadget for extra LULZ

Structural Transfer MAGNUS's build rip off:

  • 1. Towers 1
  • 2. Archers
  • 3. Structural Transfer
  • 4. Towers 2
  • 5. Boulder
  • 6. Tower of Light
  • 7. Towrers 3
  • 8. treb hat
  • 9. Structural Transfer
  • 10. towers 4
  • 11. Boulder 2
  • 12. Transfer
  • 13. Transfer
  • 14. Save
  • 15. Poison Arrows/ Boulder 3
  • 16. Energizer (just because this is structural transfer dammit)
  • 17-20. Slam


  • Favor: Staff of Renewal
  • 1. Banded 7. Narmoths Ring
  • 2. Skaled 6. Plenor
  • 3. Unbreakables
  • 4. Vlemish
  • 5. Nimoth Chest
  • 8. Orb

Normal Tower Whoring Rook that everyone plays and is incredibly unoriginal:

  • 1. Towers
  • 2. Archers
  • 3. Save
  • 4. Towers
  • 5. boulder/ Tower of Light
  • 6. slam
  • 7. towers
  • 8. Treb
  • 9. Save
  • 10. Towers boulder 2
  • 11-13.  Slam 2-4
  • 14. Save
  • 15. Poison arrows/ dizzying Force
  • 16. Boulder 3
  • 17-19. God Strength
  • 20. Whatever


  • Favor: Crimson
  • 1. Banded 7. Narmoth's ring
  • 2. Skaled Helm 6. Plenor
  • 3. unbreakables
  • 4. Vlemish
  • 5. Nimoth Chest 8. j-boots
  • ???

No Shoulders:

  • 1. Towers 1
  • 2. Slam 1
  • 3. Save
  • 4. Towers 2/ Slam 2
  • 5. Boulder 1
  • 6. Save
  • 7. Towers 3/ Slam 3
  • 8. Save
  • 9. Save
  • 10. Towers 4/ Slam 4/ Boulder 4
  • 11. Archers
  • 12. Tower of Light
  • 13. Treb hat
  • 14. Save
  • 15. Poison Arrows/ Dizzying Force
  • 16. Boulder 3
  • 17-19. God Strength
  • 20. Whatever.


  • Favor: Blade of the Serpant
  • 1. Banded/ Pot/ TP
  • 2.Unbreakables
  • 3.Nimoth chest
  • 4.Vlemish
  • 5.Narmoth's Ring

Note: if you are running oom before cooldowns with blade get vlem, if you are not then more hp the better.

Slam Rook

  • 1. Towers 1
  • 2. Shoulders
  • 3. Slam 1
  • 4. Slam 2
  • 5. Shoulders
  • 6. Boulder 1
  • 7. Slam 3
  • 8. Treb Hat
  • 9. Save
  • 10. Slam 4, Boulder 2
  • 11. God Strength 1
  • 12. God Strength 2
  • 13. Save
  • 14. Save
  • 15. Boulder 3, Slam 5, Poison Arrows
  • 16. God Strength
  • 17-20 Stats


  • Favor: Blood
  • 1. Scalemail 7. Nimoth Chest
  • 2. Skaled helm 4. Vlemish/ plenor
  • 3. Banded 8. J-boots/narmoths ring
  • 5. Unbreakables
  • 6. Vlemish/plenor

Note: Most desirable when laned with Sedna on HP lane. Very good versus tower rooks.



Cow's world famous OOOOOOOOOOOOZEEEEEEEEE Beast (or as playground and dice previously called it OMGWTFBBQ BEAST):

  • 1. Ooze
  • 2. Inner Beast
  • 3. Diseased Claws
  • 4. Ooze 2
  • 5. grasp
  • 6. Inner Beast 2
  • 7. Ooze 3
  • 8. Inner Beast 3
  • 9. Stats
  • 10. Ooze 4
  • 11. Stats
  • 12. Stats
  • 13. Stats
  • 14. Stats
  • 15. Acclimation
  • 16. Stats
  • 17-20. Bestile Wrath

Note: with this build you can reach 10,000 hp by level 12 without artifacts and no sigil.

Version 2: Wrath Build:

  • 1. Ooze
  • 2. inner Beast
  • 3. Diseased Claws
  • 4. Ooze
  • 5. grasp
  • 6. Inner Beast 2
  • 7. Ooze 3
  • 8. Inner Beast 3
  • 9. Bestile Wrath
  • 10. Ooze 4
  • 11. Wrath
  • 12. Wrath
  • 13. Wrath
  • 14. Save
  • 15. Unrelenting Wrath/ Acclimation
  • 16-20. Stats


  • Favor: Blood
  • 1. Banded
  • 2. Scalemail 6. Narmoth's Ring
  • 3. unbreakables
  • 4. Nimoth Chest
  • 5. Heuberk of Life

Other items: Orb, Gadget, Artifact shop Pots purple+green for chain potting, sigil.


Ability spam/speed build:

  • 1. warp strike 1
  • 2. spine 1
  • 3. save
  • 4. warp strike 2/ spine 2
  • 5. swap
  • 6. save
  • 7. warp strike 3/ spine 3
  • 8. Demon Speed
  • 9. Save
  • 10. warp strike 4/ spine 4
  • 11. Demon Speed
  • 12. Demon Speed
  • 13. Elusiveness
  • 14. Elusiveness
  • 15. Deadly Warp
  • 16. Elusiveness
  • 17. Assassin Speed
  • 18-20. never played a game that went this long with DA


  •  Favor: Blood
  • 1.Banded / pot and tp 7. J-boots
  • 2. Skaled helm 6. vlemish facegaurd
  • 3. Nature Rekoning
  • 4. Unbreakables
  • 5. Nimoth chest / vlemish facegaurd (depends on your level you might be running oom so replace skaled with vlem)

Note: Try to carry a gadget for extra LULZ

Auto Attack:

  • 1. Precision 1
  • 2. Spine attack
  • 3. Demon Speed
  • 4. Precision 2
  • 5. Swap
  • 6. Spine attack 2
  • 7. Precision 3
  • 8. Demon Speed 2
  • 9. Demon Speed 3
  • 10. Precision 4
  • 11. Spine attack 3
  • 12. Elusiveness 1
  • 13. Elusiveness 2
  • 14. Elusiveness 3
  • 15. Assassin Speed
  • 16. Spine attack 4
  • 17. Swap 2
  • 18. Swap 3
  • 19. Stats
  • 20. Stats


  • Favor: Blood/ Mards Hammer/ Bots
  • 1. Banded 7. J-boots
  • 2. Gaunlets of Brutality 5. Slayers Wraps
  • 3. Natures Rekoning
  • 4. Unbreakables
  • 6. Nimoth Chest

Note: Gadgets ftw.



  • 1. Rain of Ice 1
  • 2. Fireball 1
  • 3. Save
  • 4. Rain of Ice 2/ Fireball 2
  • 5. Ice Nova 1
  • 6. Save
  • 7. Rain of Ice 3/ Fireball 3
  • 8. Deep Freeze 1
  • 9. Save
  • 10. Rain of Ice 4/ Fireball 4
  • 11. Deep Freeze 2
  • 12. Deep Freeze 3
  • 13. Deep Freeze 4
  • 14. Save
  • 15. Biting Chill/ Fire and Ice
  • 16. Permafrost 1
  • 17. Permafrost 2
  • 18. Permafrost 3
  • 19. Ice nova 2
  • 20. Ice nova 3

Note: There is an incredible amount of ways to deviate from my build. The most obvious would be to tech Fire Nova and Fire Aura over the ice skills after level 15.


  • Favor: Blade of the Serpant (duh)
  • 1.Banded/ pot/ tp
  • 2.unbreakables
  • 3.nimoth chest
  • of speed
  • 5.heuberk


  • 1. Fire circle 1
  • 2. Fireball 1
  • 3. Fire Aura 1
  • 4. Fireball 2
  • 5. Fire Nova 1
  • 6. Fire aura 2
  • 7. Fireball 3
  • 8. Fire Aura 3
  • 9. save
  • 10. Fire ball 4 / Fire nova 2
  • 11. Fire circle 2
  • 12. Fire circle 3
  • 13. Fire circle 4
  • 14. save
  • 15. Inspirational Flame/ Fire Nova 3
  • 16-20. Stats


  • Favor: Blood
  • 1. Banded/ pot/ tp
  • 2. Unbreakables
  • 3. Vlemish Facegaurd
  • 4. Nimoth Chest
  • 5. Heuberk of Life

Note: Pretty well known build nothing special.

Dagger Ice:

  • 1. Rain of Ice 1
  • 2. Permafrost 1
  • 3. Deep Freeze 1
  • 4. Rain of Ice 2
  • 5. Permafrost 2
  • 6. Ice Nova 1
  • 7. Rain of Ice 3
  • 8. Permafrost 3
  • 9. Deep Freeze 2
  • 10. Rain of Ice 4
  • 11. Deep Freeze 3
  • 12. Deep Freeze 4
  • 13. Stats
  • 14. Stats
  • 15. Biting Chill
  • 16. Stats
  • 17. Stats
  • 18. Stats
  • 19. Ice nova 2
  • 20. Stats


  • Favor: Poison Dagger
  • 1. Banded/ pot/ tp
  • 2. Skaled helm 4. Vlemish Facegaurd
  • 3. Unbreakables
  • 5. Boots of Speed 7. Journeyman's Treads
  • 6. Nimoth Chest

Note: Constant form dancing is a must for the damage and + mana regen.


Snipe Harrass:

  • 1. Snipe
  • 2. Mines
  • 3. Scope
  • 4. Snipe 2
  • 5. Tracking Bug
  • 6. Mines 2
  • 7. Snipe 3
  • 8. Mark 1
  • 9. Save
  • 10. Snipe 4 Mark 2
  • 11. Mines 3
  • 12. Shrapnel mines
  • 13. Angelic Fury
  • 14. Angelic Fury
  • 15. Mark 3
  • 16. Angelic Fury
  • 17. Angelic Fury
  • 18. Scope
  • 19. Scope
  • 20. Maim


  • Favor: Staff of Renewal/ Divine Wrath/ swift anklet/ Magical Coin Pouch (THE JEW REG)
  • 1. Banded
  • 2. Skaled Helm 5. Plenor
  • 3. Unbreakables
  • 4. Vlemish
  • 6. Boots of speed 7. J-Boots

Prioritze Mines/ Anti Rook towers:

  • 1. Snipe 1
  • 2. Mines 1
  • 3. Maim
  • 4. Mines 2
  • 5. Tracking Bug
  • 6. Snipe 2
  • 7. Mines 3
  • 8. Mark 1
  • 9. Save
  • 10. Mark 2/ Shrapnel mines
  • 11. Snipe 3
  • 12. Snipe 4
  • 13. Angelic Fury
  • 14. Angelic Fury
  • 15. Mark 3
  • 16. Angelic Fury
  • 17. Angelic Fury
  • 18. Maim
  • 19. Maim
  • 20. Impedance Blow


  • Favor: Staff of Renewal/ Divine Wrath/ Swift Anklet/ Magical Coin Pouch (THE JEW REG)
  • 1. Banded
  • 2. Skaled Helm 5. Plenor
  • 3. Unbreakables
  • 4. Vlemish
  • 6. Nimoth chest

Dual Build:

  • 1. Snipe
  • 2. Mines
  • 3. Save
  • 4. Snipe 2/ Mines 2
  • 5. Tracking Bug
  • 6. Save
  • 7. Snipe 3/ Mines 3
  • 8. Mark
  • 9. save
  • 10. Mark 2/ Shrapnel mines
  • 11. Snipe 4
  • 12. Angelic Fury
  • 13. Angelic Fury
  • 14. Angelic Fury
  • 15. Mark 3
  • 16. Angelic Fury
  • 17. Maim
  • 18. Maim
  • 19. Maim
  • 20. Impedance Blow


  • Favor: Staff of Renewal/ Divine Wrath/ Swift Anklet/ Magical Coin Pouch (THE JEW REG)
  • 1. Banded
  • 2. Skaled Helm 5. Plenor
  • 3. Vlemish
  • 4. Unbreakables
  • 6. Nimoth chest

Auto Attack:

  • 1. Snipe
  • 2. Angelic Fury 1
  • 3. Mines 1
  • 4. Mines 2
  • 5. Tracking Bug
  • 6. Angelic Fury 2
  • 7. Mines 3
  • 8. Mark
  • 9. Save
  • 10. Mark 2/ Shrapnel Mines
  • 11. Angelic Fury 3
  • 12. Angelic Fury 4
  • 13. Maim
  • 14. Maim
  • 15. Mark 3
  • 16. Maim
  • 17. Impedence Blow
  • 18. Scope
  • 19. Scope
  • 20. Scope


  • Favor: Blade of the Serpant/ Swift Anklet/ Blood/ Magical Coin Pouch (THE JEW REG)

Note: Items for this build vary greatly depending on favor choice.




  • 1. Shield 1
  • 2. Pent 1
  • 3. Divine Justice
  • 4. Pent 2
  • 5. Surge of Faith
  • 6. Shield 2
  • 7. Pent 3
  • 8. Shield 3
  • 9. Save
  • 10. Pent 4 / Surge 2
  • 11. shield 4
  • 12. Divine Justice 2
  • 13. Divine Justice 3
  • 14. Save
  • 15. Surge 3 / Rally
  • 16. Raise Dead Ward 1
  • 17. Raise 2
  • 18. Raise 3
  • 19. Raise Dead Ward 4
  • 20.  Soul Power 1


  • Favor: Blood
  • 1. Monks
  • 2. Banded 8. J-boots
  • 3. Skaled Helm 7. Plenor
  • 4. Vlemish
  • 5. Unbreakables
  • 6. Nimoth Chest



  • 1. Bite 1
  • 2. Coven 1
  • 3. Mist 1
  • 4. Bite 2
  • 5. Bat Swarm 1
  • 6. Mass Charm 1
  • 7. Bite 3
  • 8. Mass Charm 2
  • 9. Mass Charm 3
  • 10. Bite 4
  • 11. Mass Charm 4
  • 12. Bat Swarm 2
  • 13. Poison Blood 1
  • 14. Poison Blood 2
  • 15. Muddle
  • 16. Vampiric Aura
  • 17- 20 Whatever


  • Favor: Blood
  • 1. Monks 9. Bishops
  • 2. Skaled Helm 7. Plenor
  • 3. Banded
  • 4. Vlemish
  • 5. Demolishers
  • 6. Unbreakables
  • 8. Nimoth Chest

Note: I encourage getting Dems early because it adds a significant DPS to erebus. Assassin Erebus can be played many ways and my build can be deviated from with great success. The biggest suggestion I would say is getting Bat Swarm 2 at 10 because if offers up better ganking opprotunities and escape methods.

Mist Minion:

  • 1. Bite 1
  • 2. Coven 1
  • 3. Mist 1
  • 4. Bite 2
  • 5. Charm 1
  • 6. Coven 2
  • 7. Bite 3
  • 8. Improved Conversion Aura
  • 9. Coven 3
  • 10. Bite 4
  • 11. Batswarm 1
  • 12. Batswarm 2
  • 13. Mist 2
  • 14. Mist 3
  • 15. Mist 4
  • 16. Charm 2
  • 17. Charm 3
  • 18. Cham 4
  • 18. Muddle
  • 19. Improved Conversion Aura 2
  • 20. Improved Conversion Aura 3


  • Favor: Blood
  • 1. Monks 9. bishops
  • 2. Skaled Helm 7. Plenor
  • 3. Demolishers
  • 4. Vlemish
  • 5. Unbreakables
  • 6. Banded
  • 8. Minotaur Kings
  • 10. Nimoth Chest

Note: This build is a bizarre one to play right. the general idea to approach a 1v1 fight is to bite, go into mist, attack the opposing DG with minions hopefully replenishing the dying ones with creeps killed by mist, come out of mist, bite, and AA to make them retreat. In this process you will most likely yellow or lose the flag the general idea is to yellow it and make them retreat from the combined DPS of Mist and the minions. VERY HARD TO DO THIS BUILD EFFECTIVELY, I have not played this build extensively but it has potential and diviating from the Build Order is recommended to try new things.


Cows Aggro Style (IMO one of the only ways to play qot):

  • 1. Shield 1
  • 2. Ground Spikes 1
  • 3. Summon Shambler 1
  • 4. Ground Spikes 2
  • 5. Mulch 1
  • 6. Spike Wave 1
  • 7. Ground Spikes 3
  • 8. Save
  • 9. Save
  • 10. Mulch 2, Ground Spikes 4, Spike Wave 2
  • 11. Shield 2
  • 12. Shield 3
  • 13. Shield 4
  • 14. Save
  • 15. Mulch 3, Goddess of Thorns
  • 16. Summon Shambler 2
  • 17. Summon Shambler 3
  • 18. Summon Shambler 4
  • 19. Entourage 1
  • 20. Entourage 2


  • Favor: Blood
  • 1. Monks 8. Bishops
  • 2. Skaled Helm 4. Vlemish
  • 3. Banded
  • 5. Unbreakable Boots
  • 6. Plenor Battle Crown
  • 7. Nimoth Chest

Notes: Shield is used to take the brunt of burst damage, you see TB casting Fireball shield it. The idea with this build is to stay in open form as much as possible to deal the most damage you can before retreating into closed and going into survival mode where you spam shield and mulch. Mulch can also be used to clear creep waves when your not in a position to use Ground Spikes ( when your attacking portal towers ). Try to get mulch to do its damage as much as possible, people don't account for mulch damage especially the 800 it can cause at level 15.

Extra Note: There is another item set that requires 3 helms, I have been forced to go to 3 helms on several occasions in high level matches because you require so much more mana. Drop Banded armor for another helm, Usually skaled helm until u can afford Hungerlings but if you must have more mana get vinling helm.

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August 18, 2010 1:54:43 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting Maxsteel32,
why do you get Warp Strike before Spine?


And yeah i agree with Teseer Swap II is the Bee's Knee's

the debate over spine at 1 or warp at 1 is kind of silly because you get the one you didn't get at 2.

But generally I get warp becasue its a more versitile skill. In trouble? warp to a creep. Want to get two yellow flags at the begining of a game? grab mid than warp to a creep at the other yellow. That one is pretty situation because usually the yellow flags are gone before the creep waves are there. Generally speaking if your opponent on the mana flag is a reg you can warp to the reg before he gets the cap in the begining if you went to mid immediately. So that is the lengthy indepth answer for warp at 1.

EDIT: TB and Reg will be here shortly when I am not feeling lazy. Than the genearls will start there parade.

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August 18, 2010 10:48:36 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting OMG_ZEX,

Quoting Maxsteel32, reply 25why do you get Warp Strike before Spine?


And yeah i agree with Teseer Swap II is the Bee's Knee's

the debate over spine at 1 or warp at 1 is kind of silly because you get the one you didn't get at 2.

But generally I get warp becasue its a more versitile skill. In trouble? warp to a creep. Want to get two yellow flags at the begining of a game? grab mid than warp to a creep at the other yellow. That one is pretty situation because usually the yellow flags are gone before the creep waves are there. Generally speaking if your opponent on the mana flag is a reg you can warp to the reg before he gets the cap in the begining if you went to mid immediately. So that is the lengthy indepth answer for warp at 1.

EDIT: TB and Reg will be here shortly when I am not feeling lazy. Than the genearls will start there parade.

My general feeling is that Warp will kill you more often than help you.  I cannot count the number of times I have warp attacked what seemed like a wounded DG only to find a full health UB just out of visual range.  I get one point in Warp and only use it to return after a swap or to otherwise escape.  Warp Area is a much better skill.  It can be used as Warp Strike if needed (although for less damage) and can be used as a poor-man's shield.  It's a great counter for Rook's slam and TB's fireball.  It gives you much better crowd control, something DA is generally awful at.  And best of all, combined with BotS it's a full mana recharge at level 10 (3000 mana gained for 1000 mana spent)

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August 18, 2010 1:36:28 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting SaulTigh,

Quoting OMG_ZEX,
reply 26

Quoting Maxsteel32, reply 25why do you get Warp Strike before Spine?


And yeah i agree with Teseer Swap II is the Bee's Knee's

the debate over spine at 1 or warp at 1 is kind of silly because you get the one you didn't get at 2.

But generally I get warp becasue its a more versitile skill. In trouble? warp to a creep. Want to get two yellow flags at the begining of a game? grab mid than warp to a creep at the other yellow. That one is pretty situation because usually the yellow flags are gone before the creep waves are there. Generally speaking if your opponent on the mana flag is a reg you can warp to the reg before he gets the cap in the begining if you went to mid immediately. So that is the lengthy indepth answer for warp at 1.

EDIT: TB and Reg will be here shortly when I am not feeling lazy. Than the genearls will start there parade.

My general feeling is that Warp will kill you more often than help you.  I cannot count the number of times I have warp attacked what seemed like a wounded DG only to find a full health UB just out of visual range.  I get one point in Warp and only use it to return after a swap or to otherwise escape.  Warp Area is a much better skill.  It can be used as Warp Strike if needed (although for less damage) and can be used as a poor-man's shield.  It's a great counter for Rook's slam and TB's fireball.  It gives you much better crowd control, something DA is generally awful at.  And best of all, combined with BotS it's a full mana recharge at level 10 (3000 mana gained for 1000 mana spent)

not getting warp strike drops DA's killing potential almost to zero imo. Unless your going AA DA

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August 18, 2010 1:40:01 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I'm with Cow on the lvl 1 ability thang. I don't see myself as a damage dealer as DA, just a

I posted my build here.

And if you only want swap 1, thats fine but I'd shoot myself. I cant STAND the range. Which, just to mention, you don't get it so it's easier to get into range (which you say the speed makes up for) but for more of a range you can move someone. 

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August 18, 2010 4:12:05 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting OMG_ZEX,

not getting warp strike drops DA's killing potential almost to zero imo. Unless your going AA DA

At Level 10 - L1 Swap  - L4 Warp - L4 Spine:   Mana (450+ 950 + 1000) = 2400 - Damage = (700 + 1150) = 1850

At Level 10 - L1 Swap  - L1 Warp - L4 Spine - L2 Warp area:  Mana (450 + 500 + 1000 + 1000) = 2950 - Damage = (250 + 500 + 1150) = 1900

More mana, same amount of damage and three picks instead of two. So you can pick up two levels of elusiveness or demon speed before level 10 instead of just one before level 10.  Of course WA has a much longer cool down than WS, so if you're gunning for a WS - Spine - WS combo, you'll be better off with WS.

I'm still learning to utilize WA, but if you stick to creep waves, it's great.  Any ability that you can see coming out (fireball, slam, etc) can be defeated using WA in a creep pile.  And since it is instant and only targets yourself, it's pretty hard to screw up the timing.  Big downside is it only works well if you're around enemy creeps.

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August 18, 2010 4:13:54 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

If it cost like 60% of the mana it costs right now, I'd work it in my build.

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August 18, 2010 5:07:03 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Warp strike's cooldown is like 7 seconds.

Warp strike can attack from the fog at level 3 and 4

Warp strike gains a crit at level 15

Warp strike can be used as an escape

This is why warp strike > warp area.

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August 18, 2010 5:18:58 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

lvl 3 is the same range as level 2.

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August 18, 2010 5:25:44 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting OMG_Teseer,
lvl 3 is the same range as level 2.

Well whatever, you get my point.


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August 18, 2010 5:31:36 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums


And TB needs buffz!!! Snipe range on RoI!

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August 19, 2010 2:10:03 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

High levels of Swap is godlike.  High levels of Warp Strike is godlike.  Warp area is replaced by stacking hp and getting a nature's reckoning.  Warp area isn't consistent enough to be a tool for killing imo.  I like to open with spine first because it does a bit more damage and the range without putting you in danger is sweet.

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August 19, 2010 2:15:00 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Just a note on TB:

I changed my build a little. 3x shatter comes at 16 for me now.

I get Frost Nova II at 11. It's REALLY nice to have the longer stun earlier. Until then, it's really just a 5 second -10% movement speed with a fake interrupt.

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August 20, 2010 3:24:54 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I miss you Cow  

Edit: no Frost Nova II at lvl 11 for hybrid TB??! Tsk-tsk. As Tes said FN is almost a joke at lvl I with its long casting time and animation against DGs. I thought better of you cow ...

Edit 2 : I still miss you Cow

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August 20, 2010 3:50:34 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I'm thinkin I should bump my post with all these guides up lately but I always feel like a douche bumping my own shitz. lol


But if you use Frost Nova just for the slow and not the actual stun, it isn't TERRIBLE. But I think the advantage of a decent stun instead of a long cast, low duration cooldown is worth it more then 3x shatter at 15.

But god damn do I love 3x shatter.

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August 20, 2010 7:57:44 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting OMG_Teseer,
I'm thinkin I should bump my post with all these guides up lately but I always feel like a douche bumping my own shitz. lol


But if you use Frost Nova just for the slow and not the actual stun, it isn't TERRIBLE. But I think the advantage of a decent stun instead of a long cast, low duration cooldown is worth it more then 3x shatter at 15.

But god damn do I love 3x shatter.

I can never get enough watching people just disappear after you cast deep freeze

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August 20, 2010 8:01:33 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums


TB is the only one who can negate a death effect. It's not worth much, but he is the only one who can.

Also, doing so seems to about like 70% of the time removes the pot/scroll drop as well.

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August 21, 2010 2:02:05 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums



Quoting OMG_ZEX,

Warp strike can attack from the fog at level 3 and 4

Warp strike can be used as an escape


those are the same Reasons why i LOVE Swap II and III


Quoting SaulTigh,

At Level 10 - L1 Swap  - L4 Warp - L4 Spine:   Mana (450+ 950 + 1000) = 2400 - Damage = (700 + 1150) = 1850

At Level 10 - L1 Swap  - L1 Warp - L4 Spine - L2 Warp area:  Mana (450 + 500 + 1000 + 1000) = 2950 - Damage = (250 + 500 + 1150) = 1900


the problems with this Saul are as Teseer stated the manna is way more for WA and by not upgrading the WS you really nerf your killing ability cause you don't have the range. 


At lvl 10 i have WS4 Spine4 and Swap2. The big difference is really in the Swap2 its a must imo at lvl 10.


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August 21, 2010 2:37:28 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I just want to point out the EPIC saves you can perform with higher level swaps too. PLUS escapes. 

If you're clever with it you can pull off some crazy BS or save people's ASS. Ask Soccer, I've saved his aggressive ass a bunch with Swap

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August 21, 2010 6:24:27 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

My DA is killer without the high levels of swap. What I make up for in dropping swap 2 is speed. I can run into range of swap before they can get out of range and swap has the same saving potential from level to level imo. Swap 1 just leaves less room for error.

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August 21, 2010 6:32:49 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Hey, it's all how you play. 

But once again, the range, for me, isn't so it's easier to get in range, it's a further distance you can move people.

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August 21, 2010 8:56:15 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting OMG_Teseer,
Hey, it's all how you play. 

But once again, the range, for me, isn't so it's easier to get in range, it's a further distance you can move people.

its definetly a playstyle difference. Swapping people from the mist is pretty rediculous but so is having a base speed of 7.8 at level 12.

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August 21, 2010 9:25:48 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

One level to wait for 5% movement speed is a small price to pay for 5 yards of extra swappage. But that's just me.

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August 22, 2010 2:26:23 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting OMG_Teseer,
One level to wait for 5% movement speed is a small price to pay for 5 yards of extra swappage. But that's just me.

Is there a mana increase on swap? if so I don't carry many mana items in this build so the mana I can save anywhere the better.

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August 22, 2010 11:17:50 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Swap sucks at level 1.  It doesn't leave less room for error it just leaves less chance of doing something useful.   Arguing that you can catch them by the time you get Journeyman Treads doesn't make much sense.  I always get Journeymans with DA too but if you're counting on that item to make swap work you'd be better off getting swap 2.  Taking only swap 1 might be reasonable if you were using anklet, but you're a blood DA not a speed DA.

I think it would be better if you either didn't get Demon Speed at 8, and got spine, warp strike, swap 2 at 10 or pushed warp strike back 1 for swap 2 and spine at 10.

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August 22, 2010 4:34:20 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting GM-McShane87,
Swap sucks at level 1.  It doesn't leave less room for error it just leaves less chance of doing something useful.   Arguing that you can catch them by the time you get Journeyman Treads doesn't make much sense.  I always get Journeymans with DA too but if you're counting on that item to make swap work you'd be better off getting swap 2.  Taking only swap 1 might be reasonable if you were using anklet, but you're a blood DA not a speed DA.

I think it would be better if you either didn't get Demon Speed at 8, and got spine, warp strike, swap 2 at 10 or pushed warp strike back 1 for swap 2 and spine at 10.

alright well ill play da the way i play him and you can play him the way you play him.

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