- Adds a panel just above your ability bar which shows portraits of your teammates.
- Each portrait shows the Name, Level, HP, and MANA of that player
- Clicking on a portrait will center the camera on that player
- Moving mouse over portrait will display rollover information for that ally
- If the player is dead, their portrait will be greyed out.
- Reduced cpu overhead of mod (should cause less lag for those that noticed any).
- Made health/mana/name text bigger and more readable
- Health text turns red when low
- Fixed incompatibility with Rollover Ally Info mod
- Improved visibility of mana/health bars
- Improved readability of mana/health numbers
- Moving mouse over team members now activates rollover display
- Fixed interaction with viewing Replays
- Made compatible with Demigod v1.2 mod system
This is a User-Interface mod, so it doesn't require anyone else to have it installed.
How to Install:
Easiest way is to download the installer and just run it. It will take care of everything for you. If you prefer, you can download the ZIP archive and extract the folder into the Mods directory for Demigod.
eg. C:\Program Files (x86)\Stardock Games\Demigod\bindata\mods
How to Enable:
Inside Demigod, and under the Mod Manager, simply enable the mod!
If you have problems, make sure that your directory setup is akin to:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Stardock Games\Demigod\bindata\mods\Bman Godlike Team Panel\mod_info.lua
Files modified (for mod conflict checking only):
lua\ui\game\InGameUI.lua (merge-friendly so compatible with other mods that modify this file as long as they are either merge-friendly or designed to load before this mod)
- v1.2.3 Installer (Recommended Download)
- v1.2.3 ZIP Archive (For those of you that do not like to download .exe files)
- Be able to click on a portrait when targetting a spell, like Heal. Currently engine does not expose a method to assign a target from the lua UI code.